Folkert said:
Ok, so I'll take it then that you are *not* a fan of John. Just checking.
Hello, Folkert:
I doubt that John Clarke has >any< "fans," outside of those cooling his
computer hardware. <g>
Seriously, Rod Speed's writing style is as distinctive as yours. Thus,
why couldn't John immediately spot "dew" as Rod, back in the "Window is
stealing my HD" thread?
The answer, I'd guess, is that John would never miss a chance to do what
he seems to enjoy the most -- namely, pontificating. He loves entering
sparring matches with those he deems lesser mortals, if only to show the
unfortunate individuals the alleged "errors" of their ways.
I, myself, once fell victim to his relentless crusade against Usenet's
ignorant masses. On September 2, 2004, in this very newsgroup
("Re: x235 RedHat 9 problem" thread), he directed these scathing words
toward me:
"Pot, kettle, black, <plonk>
Simple fact is you know about a tenth what you think you know and you
don't think you know much."
With that, I was evidently dumped into the black pit of John Clarke's
killfile. Though horribly scarred for eternity, I've managed to survive
and continue posting, regardless.
John Turco <
[email protected]>
PS: Just a disclaimer, but this message is riddled with sarcasm.