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Horst said:
In news:[email protected] John Turco typed:

Hi John, why should I?
If You have anything to tell then do so. But only reflect what
You are referring to. And not old stuff I's complaining about.

Hello, Horst:

While it might come as a shock to you, not every American is a
millionaire. <g> Unlike you, with your DSL setup, I'm forced to plod
along at dial-up speeds. If >anybody< should be griping about having
to download excess text, I'm the one; so, stop whining, please!

I've been very patient with you, Horst, in the hope that you'll soon
evolve into a positive, effective poster -- who, in the future, will
choose to concentrate on technical topics, exclusively.

John Turco <[email protected]>
Horst said:
In news:[email protected] John Turco typed:

Hi John, not really true (as I see it).
The US are a "melting pot of nations" with very many different slangs
(derived from the many various nations integrated and the indian folks).
But even then Your're not able to ever pronounce pure English ;-)
This again looks to me as a result of the "melting pot" of nations.
Without this You would have spoken "pure" English or French.

Hello, Horst:

Europe will probably never become a "melting pot," I can assure you.
Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact, considering its long, sad
history of warfare and strife.
In Europe we have English and French as the most speaken languages.

No, significant German-speaking populations exist in more European
nations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, etc.)
than those of any other language; if going by sheer numbers, then
Russian is on top.

Regardless, neither English nor French, is even close.
But even if I remember US history right then there were only a few
percents difference and Your language would have been German ;-)

I don't see your point. Citizens of German descent do, indeed, account
for the largest ethnic group (about 60 million) in the United States,

The vast majority of them have spoken English, for many generations,
Please wait for a while. This is forthcoming.
Spanish and Portuguese are on top.

Portuguese in Brazil, true.
Wrong! We are sitting in a global world and every one needs every
others assistence. The time of US leadership has gone.
Please take care of China, Japan and European evolvements.

Without "US leadership," Europe (and possibly Japan) would've been
gobbled up by the USSR, in 1945. America's vast industrial/technological
resources and its sole possession of the first atomic bombs, were the
primary obstacles to Joseph Stalin's potential military rampages.

The Soviets may be out of power, now, but various threats to world peace
remain. The USA is in the best position to thwart them, in my opinion,
and I'm confident that most informed people would concur with me.

You're free to disagree, of course, Horst. :-P

John Turco <[email protected]>
John Turco said:
Rod Speed wrote
Hey, it just occurred to me.

Stoppit at once.
Isn't the venerable British Commonwealth (which
includes Australia) vaguely similar to the upstart EU?

Only vaguely. They are all ex colonys, not voluntary associations.

And the commonwealth has no form of central govt at all.

The most you risk if you say have a coup etc is that Liz will chuck
a tantrum, refuse to give you a knighthood, wont come and visit
your country and might kick you out of the commonwealth if you
keep baring your arse in her general direction etc.
John Turco said:
Horst Franke wrote
Europe will probably never become a "melting pot," I can assure you.

Dunno. To some extent that bit isnt working too badly now
with complete freedom of movement for EU citizens within
the EU with the except of the new rifraf that have just showed up.
Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact, considering
its long, sad history of warfare and strife.

Dunno, western europe particularly does appear to have mostly
come to their senses now with only a few of the dregs like the
Basques still stupid enough to be into blowing people up etc now.

Remains to be seen how many centurys it will
take with the stupid eastern europeans tho.
No, significant German-speaking populations exist in more European
nations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, etc.)
than those of any other language; if going by sheer numbers, then
Russian is on top.
Regardless, neither English nor French, is even close.
I don't see your point. Citizens of German descent do, indeed, account
for the largest ethnic group (about 60 million) in the United States, today.
The vast majority of them have spoken English, for many generations, though.

And I be most of them cant speak kraut anymore too.
Portuguese in Brazil, true.
Without "US leadership," Europe (and possibly Japan)
would've been gobbled up by the USSR, in 1945.

Thats aguable with say Britain and France etc.
America's vast industrial/technological resources and its
sole possession of the first atomic bombs, were the primary
obstacles to Joseph Stalin's potential military rampages.

The bomb didnt show up until well after he
stopped rampaging in europe militarily.

Certainly it was the Marshall Plan and Korea that ensured
that there wouldnt be another world war tho. Tho you can
make a case that nukes ensured that by itself.
The Soviets may be out of power, now,
but various threats to world peace remain.

Not really, more to local peace.
The USA is in the best position to thwart them, in my opinion,

Dunno, Iraq is a tad of a problem. Not much peace there currently.
and I'm confident that most informed people would concur with me.

I doubt it with Iraq.
You're free to disagree, of course, Horst. :-P

Wota wimp.
John Turco said:
Rod Speed wrote
Why, I'll have you know, that I'm at the very head of the "All time
top posters" list, in <g>
Here's the info, copied and pasted from Google Groups:
535 (e-mail address removed)
342 (e-mail address removed)
275 (e-mail address removed)
257 (e-mail address removed)
225 (e-mail address removed)
207 (e-mail address removed)
198 (e-mail address removed)
198 (e-mail address removed)
194 (e-mail address removed)
175 (e-mail address removed)

Wot was that about big fish in small ponds ? Or toads in this case.
Not bad, eh? My lead is even larger than it looks, at first
glance, as the others all had lots of their articles cancelled,
or they'd used the "X-No-Archive" option (or both).

Yeah, that last is a big problem with the stats of some.
Ron Reaugh's case is typical. He's credited with 207
messages, but when I click on his name, only 84 show up.
Incidentally, the CD-ROM group was pretty active, during
my time there (1998 & '99); since then, it's slowed to a crawl.
Do you think that's mostly because Usenet, in general, has declined?

Some groups have, some havent.
Or, is there more to it, such as the ascendancy of DVD?

Yeah, bet thats it with that particular group.
Further, the computer-oriented "forsale" NG's are practically
dead. I'd made some good deals (both buying and selling),
in a few of them, before joining eBay, in July of 2001.

Yeah, ebay really decimated those, for a good reason.

I similarly used them a bit and now stick to ebay.

And most of the foresale NGs just have a link to ebay now too.

The main exception is that some of our retaillers still use the forsale groups.
Then, again, I'd surmise that eBay, itself,
is the main reason for their demise. :-J

Yep. And thats another US invention that the stupid krauts couldnt manage too |-)

Their credit card use is WAY down too.

Wota packa dinosaurs.
John Turco said:
<edited, for brevity>

Hello, Rod:

Why, I'll have you know, that I'm at the very head of the "All time top
posters" list, in <g> Here's the
info, copied and pasted from Google Groups:

535 (e-mail address removed)
342 (e-mail address removed)
275 (e-mail address removed)
257 (e-mail address removed)
225 (e-mail address removed)
207 (e-mail address removed)
198 (e-mail address removed)
198 (e-mail address removed)
194 (e-mail address removed)
175 (e-mail address removed)

Hmm, Mindspring, home of the braindead, 3 times in that list.

Sammy at last position, that can't be right.
Not bad, eh? My lead is even larger than it looks, at first glance, as
the others all had lots of their articles cancelled,

Ah, that must be it for Sammy.
John Turco said:
Hello, Horst:

While it might come as a shock to you, not every American is a
millionaire. <g> Unlike you, with your DSL setup, I'm forced to plod
along at dial-up speeds. If >anybody< should be griping about having
to download excess text, I'm the one; so, stop whining, please!
I've been very patient with you, Horst, in the hope that you'll soon


into a positive, effective poster -- who, in the future, will choose
to concentrate

on technical topics, exclusively.

Yeah right.
Hello, Horst:
Europe will probably never become a "melting pot," I can assure you.
Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact, considering its long, sad
history of warfare and strife.
No, significant German-speaking populations exist in more European
nations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, etc.)
than those of any other language; if going by sheer numbers, then
Russian is on top.
Regardless, neither English nor French, is even close.
I don't see your point. Citizens of German descent do, indeed, account
for the largest ethnic group (about 60 million) in the United States,
The vast majority of them have spoken English, for many generations,
Portuguese in Brazil, true.
Without "US leadership," Europe (and possibly Japan) would've been
gobbled up by the USSR, in 1945. America's vast industrial/technological
resources and its sole possession of the first atomic bombs, were the
primary obstacles to Joseph Stalin's potential military rampages.
Rod said:
Dunno. To some extent that bit isnt working too badly now
with complete freedom of movement for EU citizens within
the EU with the except of the new rifraf that have just showed up.

Dunno, western europe particularly does appear to have mostly
come to their senses now with only a few of the dregs like the
Basques still stupid enough to be into blowing people up etc now.

Remains to be seen how many centurys it will
take with the stupid eastern europeans tho.

Hello, Rod:

Yes, but without the US providing post-WWII "protection," so to speak,
wouldn't Europe have returned to its traditional, warlike ways?

And I be most of them cant speak kraut anymore too.

Undoubtedly correct.

Thats aguable with say Britain and France etc.

France quickly and completely collapsed, against Nazi Germany; so, what
chance would it have stood, against the Communist hordes that engulfed
Eastern Europe?
The bomb didnt show up until well after he
stopped rampaging in europe militarily.

Perhaps not, yet his intelligence services >had< to be aware of the
Manhattan Project and its successes. (The declassified "Venona Papers"
tend to back up this idea, clearly proving Soviet espionage's shocking
penetration of the highest levels of US government.)

Also, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki must've discouraged
any of Stalin's plans, concerning a Russian invasion of Japan. That may
have been one of the main American motives for such drastic actions, in
the first place.
Certainly it was the Marshall Plan and Korea that ensured
that there wouldnt be another world war tho. Tho you can
make a case that nukes ensured that by itself.

Not really, more to local peace.

Dunno, Iraq is a tad of a problem. Not much peace there currently.

I doubt it with Iraq.

Wota wimp.

Well, I wasn't implying that the US could eliminate >war<, itself.
I'd been contemplating the disastrous "world wars," mostly.

John Turco <[email protected]>
Rod said:
Stoppit at once.

Only vaguely. They are all ex colonys, not voluntary associations.

And the commonwealth has no form of central govt at all.

Hello, Rod:

I knew all that said:
The most you risk if you say have a coup etc is that Liz will chuck
a tantrum, refuse to give you a knighthood, wont come and visit
your country and might kick you out of the commonwealth if you
keep baring your arse in her general direction etc.

Hilarious! You should try writing comedy, for a living. ;-)

John Turco <[email protected]>
John Turco said:
Rod Speed wrote
Yes, but without the US providing post-WWII "protection," so to speak,
wouldn't Europe have returned to its traditional, warlike ways?

Thats harder to say. It does seem pretty clear that the only reason
the krauts were actually stupid enough to let that fool Adolf drive the
bus was the rather desperate economic situation they ended up in
after the great depression and reparations etc. Once he was driving
the bus, it wasnt feasible to get rid of him, even when it became
clear that he was about to get involved in another military adventure
and that that was coming unstuck pretty spectacularly eventually.

You can make a case that the krauts got so dramatically mentally
scarred by the result they got that they wouldnt have been stupid
enough to let anyone get that much power again, even without
the Marshall Plan stuff that revived the kraut economy so effectively.

Certainly the east krauts didnt appear to be interested in
getting involved in invading anyone even when they never
did get anything like the Marshall Plan result themselves.

Harder to say what they would have done if say
Honecker had been into invading adjacent countrys
and the russians hadnt stomped on that tho.

Certainly the Japs got so mentally crippled by the
outcome that they got that they werent stupid
enough to let their military rule the roost again.

And then there's the other massive change to the
psychology that the bomb produced. Tends to change
things pretty dramatically when the consequence of
attempting to rule the world is that your country ends
up fried from end to end in an hour or two etc.

Its never been very clear what produces big changes in
mentality, why the Vikings rampaged all over the place for a
long time and then got sick of that and dont bother anymore etc.

No evidence that the worst of the eastern europeans will come
to their senses any century soon, but with the clamoring of so
many of them to get into the EU now, maybe things are changing
there too. Gunna be interesting to see if Greece and Turkey will
actually be stupid enough to try ripping each others throats out again
and if they dont, it wont have been anything to do with the yanks.
France quickly and completely collapsed, against Nazi
Germany; so, what chance would it have stood, against
the Communist hordes that engulfed Eastern Europe?

There isnt much evidence that russia even wanted to do that.

They certainly wanted to ensure that they wouldnt ever be
invaded again, but there isnt any real evidence that they
ever wanted to invade France at the end of WW2 and would
have done that if the yanks had decided to do nothing about it.
Perhaps not, yet his intelligence services >had< to be aware of the
Manhattan Project and its successes. (The declassified "Venona Papers"
tend to back up this idea, clearly proving Soviet espionage's shocking
penetration of the highest levels of US government.)

There wasnt much of that info available at the end of WW2 in europe.
Also, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki must've discouraged any of Stalin's
plans, concerning a Russian invasion of Japan.

Dunno, he took some encouraging to get involved
with Japan directly after WW2 had ended in europe.
That may have been one of the main American
motives for such drastic actions, in the first place.

Unlikely given that they encourage him to get involved
against Japan before it became clear that the bomb
would bring the Japs to their senses.

It wasnt even completely clear that the bomb would do that,
they could have been rabid enough to carry on regardless.

The damage to Tokyo that was done with convential bombing
was actually much worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The main advantage to the US was that the bomb involved
no real risk of any losses on the US side and was much
more operationally simpler once the bomb was available.
Well, I wasn't implying that the US could eliminate >war<, itself.
I'd been contemplating the disastrous "world wars," mostly.

Yeah, its clear that they are gone for good now. If
Vietnam and Korea didnt produce one, nothing will now.
Rod said:
Yeah, its clear that they are gone for good now. If
Vietnam and Korea didnt produce one, nothing will now.

Hello, Rod:

You've made a number of cogent comments, but, it's time to give this
labyrinth of a thread a rest. Besides, nobody can ever truly >know<
what Stalin and his international contemporaries were scheming, in
those devious, little minds of theirs, eh? :-J

In any event, you're likely correct, that "world wars" are confined
to the dismal past. The current "terrorist nations" aren't nearly
as formidable as Germany, Japan and Russia were, in their respective,
militaristic heydays.

Those "camel jockeys" are so pathetically low-tech, after all. <g>

John Turco <[email protected]>
John Turco said:
Rod Speed wrote
Hello, Rod:
You've made a number of cogent comments, but,
it's time to give this labyrinth of a thread a rest.

Wota wimp.
Besides, nobody can ever truly >know< what Stalin
and his international contemporaries were scheming,
in those devious, little minds of theirs, eh? :-J

Pretty obvious really when they didnt even try heading
off to the coast once the krauts had put their hands up.
In any event, you're likely correct, that "world wars"
are confined to the dismal past. The current "terrorist
nations" aren't nearly as formidable as Germany, Japan
and Russia were, in their respective, militaristic heydays.

And even the likes of Iran and Iraq were more interested
in ripping each others throats out than anything else.

China couldnt even manage to do over Vietnam.
Those "camel jockeys" are so pathetically low-tech, after all. <g>

Yeah, bet plenty of the russians loaded their pants when the first gulf war happened too.