Vista licence: punishment for frequent upgraders?

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J. Conners said:
The person is already using Ubuntu you stupid as*h*le. No conversion
made or necessary. Wassa matter, pissed because you can't find any
converts to Microstiff WinBloat?

LOL! easy Ron easy,, who comes up with the name for distros anyway?....
Nirobi citizens?
Matt said:
By the way, the cost of Windows will be a far greater fraction of
the system's cost than ever before. I have thoughtfully
constructed a table. The specifics may be a little off (please
correct me if you know better than me about the cost of Vista),
but you get the idea:

date system cost Windows cost (Windows cost)/(system cost)
1996 $2500 $50 (W95) 1/50
2001 1000 50 (XP) 1/20
2007 600 100 (Vista) 1/ 6

If you want MS Office or even just MS Word, the numbers get a lot
That indicates an increasing motivation to use free software,

Motivation to use an alternative isn't enough given the fact
Microsoft has a stranglehold on mainstream/sane personal computer
users. Leadership is required. Unfortunately, breaking Microsoft's
stranglehold hasn't been a high priority among the average American.
When George Bush Jr. entered office, his might-makes-right views
gave Microsoft a free pass. I think Microsoft has a long way to go
before elevating its dictatorship to the point the average Joe is
upset enough to make it a political issue. Then again, it could
happen by accident just like it went the other way with George Bush
The person is already using Ubuntu

True, so it's hardly meaningful.
you stupid

Not true, he just acts stupid.
made or necessary. Wassa matter, pissed because you can't find
any converts to Microstiff WinBloat?

But a Linux Lunatic started this thread.

Few non-Linux zealot's enjoy Microsoft's tightening of the screws,
but mostly we just grin and bear it.
<snipped as horseshit>

One man's horseshit is another man's fertilizer.
Or something like that.
LOL! easy Ron easy,, who comes up with the name for distros anyway?....
Nirobi citizens?

It's Niarobi not "Nirobi" and, in case you didn't notice, the 'bigot' in
you is starting to show.

Hmmmm, must be American. Always did have a lot of that stuff in your

Jack Conners

Good judgement comes with experience.
Unfortunately a lot of that comes from bad judgement.

Xubuntu 6.10
If people like Linux, they like Linux. If they like Windows, they like
Windows. Same for OS-X. Same for Unix. Same for any OS. If you like
it *and* it does the job you want it to do, then who the hell are you to
say otherwise.

Goddam arrogant troll.

Here, here. Most righteously said!

I use linux, but whatever floats your boat.

Windows is good for games. It's a gamer's OS. Linux is ideal for people
who use their computer for non-trivial pursuits. If you don't care
about World Of Warcraft or Half-Life 2, then you don't need Windows at

Heh, hell, if you want to, you can run World of Warcraft in Linux, I do
daily. (well, not daily, i have some sort of a life)

Oh yea? Where is it in Ubuntu then? There is a gui tool to change the
res but not to set up a new monitor.

I'm not sure, but in Fedora Core, at least there is a tool to configure
the display, and it has options to select the monitor. (among other

J. Conners said:
It's Niarobi not "Nirobi" and, in case you didn't notice, the 'bigot' in
you is starting to show.

As I have told JD spell checking in a news group is a piss poor career
choice..... Because I compared two languages I'm a bigot? Seems you were
waiting to pull that racial card, but you got to it a little too quick. I
have a few white friends.

Hmmmm, must be American. Always did have a lot of that stuff in your
kettle black ?

_snipped_ some more bad judgement_
John said:
At least you can hear what everyone is saying. Maybe someday you
will get a clue from that. Not likely.
And what clue is that? It would be nice to hear an actual
recommendation of what should be done about Microsoft's supposed raping
of the computer industry. People like you seem to enjoy bitching but
you have no clue as to what the alternative to the current situation
should be. When I look at MS I don't see gross inefficiencies, lack of
innovation, and the passive sluglike mentality that would make
Microsoft a dead weight in the computer industry. I happen to have
worked for numerous companies, one Microsoft Solution Provider in
particular, that was owned by some ex-MS people with the recognition
and support of Steve Ballmer, that developed software for physicians
that increased their productivity and effeciency tremendously. And you
know what we competed against? A lot of crappy, overpriced UNIX
systems that weren't even year 2000 compliant and were costing the
doctor's tons of money. The low price of MS SQL Server combined with
the powerful development tools for Windows allowed us to make a lot of
doctors better at being doctors and practicing medicine and not dealing
with software issues. This is just one example but there are numerous

So what should be done? Force Microsoft to be broken up? Force them
to abandon their entire business model and dump Windows and all their
other software into the free market as open source? Fine Microsoft
into the ground?
I have MS office XP suite, and it is lots more expensive, but in no other way superior to Open

Another bare faced lie, most obviously when using Excel
spreadsheets that others have produced. Access in spades.
John said:
Motivation to use an alternative isn't enough given the fact
Microsoft has a stranglehold on mainstream/sane personal computer


Crispy Critter said:
Yea, and the biggest bullshit came from Microsoft themselves by claiming
that the Vista EULA is just a clarification of the XP EULA. That's a big
load of BS they dropped on us.

Do you know the abuse since windows 95 that MS has endured? Any other
company that had that much piracy of thier product done to them, would be
out of buisness.
As I have told JD spell checking in a news group is a piss poor
career choice.....

It would be full-time employment. Unfortunately, you wouldn't
survive considering JAD apparently isn't even concerned enough to do
rudimentary spellchecking or even brief proofreading. I think that
says something about his technical incapabilities.
I have a few white friends.

So being non-white means you aren't a bigot? Hmm.
kettle black ?

He probably doesn't even own a kettle, JAD.
Brian said:
FYI, Ubuntu roughly means "humanity towards others" (Zulu and Zhosa)

Oh I thought it meant "To Serve Humans"

See Ron Hubbard I wasn't far off..... thank you Brian... now get a