I think a shockwave flashplayer would make a big difference for web
Actually, there is a shockwave flash player available for linux.
I think a shockwave flashplayer would make a big difference for web
J. Conners said:On Thu, 02 Nov 2006 17:48:53 +0000, John Doe wrote:
<John *D'OHs* bullshit removed>
Oh piss off with the "Server Operating System" horseshit. You're like a
friggin' pitbull with a limited vocabulary. You just keep repeating the
same stupid drivel over and over. You and the JADass idiot.
J. Conners said:Xubuntu is even better.
Rod said:Sure, but it will STILL be a tiny subset. Essentially
because the absolute vast bulk of personal desktops
out there just run what came with the hardware.
I'll keep XP for games. If the day comes when games demand Vista,
I might get one copy for my gaming PC.
Freaking salesman......and you had to repeat it
Freaking salesman......and you had to repeat it
ToolPackinMama said:Well, virtually every Linux distro comes with thousands of
applications of every description. With Windows, you have to buy
most of them separately.
Windows is good for games. It's a gamer's OS. Linux is ideal for
people who use their computer for non-trivial pursuits. If you
don't care about World Of Warcraft or Half-Life 2, then you don't
need Windows at all.
\That's funny. How can you sell something that is free? Oh wait, I forgot
about ebay.-Dave
"J. Conners" <j.conners tux.nil> wrote in message
I noticed You have seen the light.......... Please post the
redundantcies on my part. Or is it you make things up as you go?
Tomcat (Tom) said:And the worst thing that will happen is people will live with their
current XP machine longer than they had planned. I don't think the
Vista Upgrade will be a very big seller.
new system when they plan to upgrade to Vista.
J. Conners said:Xubuntu is even better.
John Doe said:Maybe you can teach them about your imaginary kill file friend.
J. Conners said:In your previous post you asked where you keep repeating the same drivel?
Well that's twice you've accused me of being a salesman for something that
is *free* *free* *free*.
By the way, it'd *redundancies* . It's not *redundantcies* .
Heheh, I guess that's why you don't use Linux. Reading, spelling and
comprehension seems to pose a problem for you.
Any 2 year old could leave that for dead, child.
http://news.zdnet.com/Microsoft+bac...t=netscape-zdnet&tag=mynetscape&subj=technewsCrispy Critter said:Well, lookee here. Thanks to people like me bitching about the Vista EULA
Microsoft have decided to change the clause that says we can only move
Vista to one new PC.**** you, you are just another useless tool that did
nothing but sit back and call others fools when it was we who made a
differene. **** you nutjob.
Most distros that are aimed to be user friendly include some gui tool to
do this for you.
That's actually a good thing. Most people prefer their applications to
start and run fast, without crashing often. -Dave
Well, virtually every Linux distro comes with thousands of applications
of every description. With Windows, you have to buy most of them
Windows is good for games. It's a gamer's OS. Linux is ideal for people
who use their computer for non-trivial pursuits. If you don't care
about World Of Warcraft or Half-Life 2, then you don't need Windows at all.