Well this is a bunch of clap trap.Pacifists such as your self will always sling shit at a person who might
ultimately put you in a position where you're forced to fight for your
country. The motive (self defense, retribution, proactive defense, or
countless other justifiable others) is irrelevant to your kind. Instead,
you'd rather masquerade your lacks of balls, strength, and fortitude with
the excuse of powerful opposition to the principle.... this, all in an
attempt to hide your cowardice.
Just because someone (even an idiot like Ryan) doesn't agree with the
President waging war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11
does make them/him a coward.
The liberties you enjoy today were not won by whining, spineless, ectomorphs
such as yourself. I can only pray that your kind never out numbers those who
are willing to fight to keep this country great.
Well maybe you can explain to me how we've kept this country great by
making ever other country in the world hate us. (and it's getting
worse everyday it seems)