I would choose Nvidia 6800 over Ati X800

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ryan Atici
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You believe we are 'making everyone hate us', when in actuality, we are
So in your lemming world no one was really our allies ?
Do you really believe that a true allies should blindly follow us even
if they don't agree (and for good reasons I might add) ?

You are a dumb bastard aren't you ?

But what the hell we're killing rag heads right ?

He simply doesn't have any commons sense, intelligence, and rationalization.
He's simply brainwashed.
I rest my case. LOL
That was the point. DUH!

I am glad to be a positive influence. ;-)
I rest my case.
Later racist
1. You have no answer for how we are making this country great by
making everyone hates us. (other than the grammar rebuttal)

He is an idiot as well as a racist.
2. You have no argument as to why we are in Iraq instead of where the
terrorists are at..

Because he doesn't have any intelligence...
3. You have plainly shown yourself to be a racist that simply wants to
kill "Towel Heads" (which leads me to the question: How does that make
you better than them?)

Not better, but worse....
I can understand why you feel the way you do, but I can never agree. It
seems so simple to you, so clear-headed, so sober, and so unbiased to race.
You look at people who feel the way I do as racists on a rampage. But you
can NEVER have the same perspective as me...

Because you're a racist who enjoys the bloodshed of innocent Moslems...
not until you've lost loved ones dearest and closest to you, to a fireball
of concrete, mortar, >and ash... and for what? To what end? To ****ing serve

Now, I understand why they call us "infidels"... You made it all very
If you'd been through what I've been through, and experienced the losses
that I have, things wouldn't be so cut-and-dry... I guarantee it.

How about the atrocities caused by our troops upon the innocent Iraqi
civilians? Your personal pain doesn't legitimize the massacre of the
innocent Iraqi civilians.
So now you are alluding to being a victim of 9/11?
If you are I feel for you and all that lost loved one that day..
I also firmly believe that those responsible should pay the price for
their murdering way.

He's jumping on the 9-11 bandwagon to justify the killing of those innocent
people who are not responsible for the 9-11.
I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan. I also think the 130,00
troops in Iraq could have been put to better use catching those
responsible for 9/11 by going into Pakistan instead of making another

However your admission that you have ties to 9/11 just supports my
argument that you are not thinking clearly and merely want revenge. No
matter who it is. That my friend does not make it right and makes you
no better than them, nor will it bring anyone back.

You do realize that Arabs are also humans that have the same feeling
about their loved ones and will feel the same as you when they are
killed for no good reason ? (Do you see a pattern here?)

Yeah that's right the towel heads love their kids, husband, mothers
etc just like you and I love ours.

So in my opinion it is cut a dry...we all live on this little rock
floating in space and some day maybe we will learn that we can not
impose our will on others just and they can't impose their will on us.

We all need to live and let live...

Well said...
In conclusion: Punish those reasonable not innocent people just
because they're easier to bomb.

If and when you don't agree with someone, do you always react by trying
Dude you started it with Ryan and also called me a few names. So get
off you high horse tell me again how special you are.

I have written one last post to you I hope you read it and can someday
understand that killing just for killing sakes is not right.

That dumb **** is simply lacking rationality and intelligence to understand
your point. Dumb people like him and like George W. Bush make this country
vulnerable and isolate us from our allies...
I seem to have lost my temper in this post. Understand that I wish I
said them in the first place.

Now you sound a bit like a human being... With more work, and talking more
sense into you, I am sure you can be redeemed again.
I seem to have lost my temper in this post. Understand that I wish I
No problem
I hope you get over your pain.

I don't think he can... I hate to remind you again but he is in
psychological pain. ;-)
bp.. please. Your English is just as broken as that sped Ryan's. Are you
guys just off the boat or something?

No challenge there! My English is a lot better than yours. That's a fact.
If so... do you think you might be able to find your way back out of here?

I am sure the American Indians said the same thing at the time before they
were massacred by us. ;-)
considering how much you despise the way our military and government

That's your misinterpretation. Just because we don't approve the way our
military and government operate, that doesn't mean we despise them. There is
more to being a democratic country than simply acting like an imperialist
Not that I support Bush but your list was neither factual or funny.
Even so I suspect it wasn't really your list either.

You can laugh all you want at facts, but that doesn’t change the fact.
If you could only think up 25 similarities between the two, how many
differences do you think I could come up with and what conclusion would
be drawn from such a comparison?

Hey idiot we were trolling you like you trolling the ATI group.

Nope! You're the one trolling. I am the one stating the facts, idiot. ;-)
DUH ! Most have hit a nerve though, you seem very mad. Poor Ryan.

No, I am just amused. ;-)
Yes it's always fun watching feckless nvidiots come here and get pummeled
by the facts about their god nvidia.

ATI has a lot to prove...
Ati is still in the lead as they have been for quite some time now, both
in quality and performance.

ATI is in lead when it comes to instability and incompatibility.
These nvidiot trolls can be a lot of fun sometimes.

Is it me or are you trying to be positive? ;-)
Perhaps someone should go to teh nvidia group and ask how many of them
*must* upgrade their power supplies just to get average [compared to ati]

Can you promise that won't happen with the next ATI card? LOL ;-) As long as
my video card is as compatible and stable as the Nvidia cards, I don't have
problem investing a few bucks. ;-)

I rest my case...
Because you were showing us just what a sub literate bufoon you are, you
bash ati.

It is not "bashing", but stating the facts.
and yet you don't even have the slightest clue about computers or
operating systems

It was a problem related to the operating system. It is unfortunate that you
can't recognize a problem when you meet one. That's how clueless of any
operating system you are...
My gawd...

Even your "gawd" can't help you with your idiocy. ;-) LOL

I think I just scored another bull's eye. Can I get a standing ovation
please? ;-)

I rest my case...
Jesus... here we go... I feel like I'm dealing with children here.

You mean yourself and your ass cheeks. ;-) LOL
Talk to the hand <--- Is this easier for you?

You're not a hand, but a brick. LOL ;-)

Oh man, I just scored again another bull's eye. ;-)
No you open your eyes first, so there!

Unlike yours, my eyes are already open. So there!
<--- Are we on the same level now?

Nope! I can't stoop down to your level of unintelligence. So there! ;-)
You do realize the more you speak the more any comment you make in regards
to someone else's intelligence holds as much clout as Mike Tyson calling
Albert Einstein a retard?

Nope, it holds as much clout as Albert Einstein calling Mike Tyson a retard.
You're a retard. ;-)
Excuse me? You're joking right? Go to www.dictionary.com and look up

It has your name, there. ;-)
There is a difference between having a "position", (which coincidentally has
always been mine) and hopping on a "bandwagon". Once again,
www.dictionary.com is your friend. How the hell did you get a green card?

I am sure you know more about green card than I do. ;-)
Idiot this, poo poo head that. You're repetitive and childish expletives are
boring me.

It sounds like we have a loser giving up just like I thought you would...
Not bitter at all. Sorry to disappoint you.

Then why do you sound very upset all the time? You're simply bitter. ;-)

I rest my case...
It is not "bashing", but stating the facts.

Since you have been utterly unable to substantiate your claims with any
verifiable evidence your alleged "facts" are nothing more than nvidiot

It was a problem related to the operating system. It is unfortunate that you
can't recognize a problem when you meet one. That's how clueless of any
operating system you are...

No, feckless idiot, you were simply too stupid to figure it out on your
own, which would normally be just fine, that is until you start claiming
to be 'all knowing' about ati, then of course we are required to remind
you of your bumbling moments of stupidity from the past.


Oh and btw, will you ever have the guts to take on the 3dmark 2k3
challenge I gave to you?

You can't
You wont
You're terrified.
Ryan Atici left a note on my windscreen which said:
You can laugh all you want at facts, but that doesn’t change the fact.

I think you misunderstood. Your list was neither factual or funny.

You don't think there are any differences? I hope you aren't being
It seems that your buddies in Iraq are up to no good again. Wow if that's
not the understatement of the century. I guess we "deserved" this one
though... right Ryan?


While the injustices and cruelties committed by U.S. commanders at the Abu
Ghraib prison were in direct contradiction to the values that we Americans
have built our society on, the people responsible have been court-martialed
and will be punished accordingly. Also, the events of the Abu Ghraib prison
were never televised in an attempt to terrorize people or condoned by U.S.
military and or government.

Conversely, your precious and victimized Islamic militants killed and
brutally mutilated our West Chester, PA-born Nick Berger, in an act that
only serves to demonstrate just how sub-human and barbaric these Muslim
extremists really are, and televised it for all the world to see.

Earlier you had mentioned that our foreign war policies were alienating
other countries (supposed allies). However, it is only after powerful events
like this one, when these countries fail to publicly condemn these savage
terrorist attacks, that we see their true colors.
James said:
Obviously I just did, and unlike you I can back up my words with
verifiable facts.
Nvidia had lousy IDE drivers for their nforce2 chipsets for quite a long
time, that is the stark truth and can be verified easily:


"There's no doubt that the nForce 2 has been a massive success for NVIDIA.
Even allowing for the early IDE problems and one or two little hiccups
along the way"


"As such, it seems the problem lies with the nForce2 IDE controller"


"I'd like to give a warning to owners of nForce2 motherboards running
Windows2000 - do not install the nVidia IDE drivers that come with the
latest driver pack"

"i think its widely spread and known that nforce ide drivers suck. luckily
i got a 865PE chipset :D"


"Just noticed, this seems to be a rather common problem. For those using
Nforce 2 based motherboards, the new 2.41 drivers fix all the IDE issues
the old 2.03 drivers had. You can now burn CD's using Nero no problems,
and your HDD devices show up as normal IDE drives, not SCSI."

Don't use them. Use the MS drivers. Problem over... quite how the problem
could be part of the nForce controller when the MS drivers work fine is
beyond me...

Do YOU own an nFroce2 chipset?

I do and have not had a single problem with it. Well, none that were not
directly caused by my playing around when I shouldn't.

No, feckless idiot, you were simply too stupid to figure it out on your
own, which would normally be just fine,

I am sure you don't figure out ATI driver related problems on your own. It
sounds like you're stupider. ;-)
that is until you start claiming to be 'all knowing' about ati,

ATI performance tells me all there is to know about ATI cards. ;-)
then of course we are required to remind you of your bumbling
moments of stupidity from the past.

Your stupidity is greater.
Oh and btw, will you ever have the guts to take on the 3dmark 2k3
challenge I gave to you?

Nvidia is unchallenged... Simple as that... ;-)

Do you know what the real challenge is for ATI cards? Stability, and
compatibility... ;-)