I can understand why you feel the way you do, but I can never agree. It
seems so simple to you, so clear-headed, so sober, and so unbiased to race.
You look at people who feel the way I do as racists on a rampage. But you
can NEVER have the same perspective as me... not until you've lost loved
ones dearest and closest to you, to a fireball of concrete, mortar, and
ash... and for what? To what end? To ****ing serve Allah?
If you'd been through what I've been through, and experienced the losses
that I have, things wouldn't be so cut-and-dry... I guarantee it.
So now you are alluding to being a victim of 9/11?
If you are I feel for you and all that lost loved one that day..
I also firmly believe that those responsible should pay the price for
their murdering way.
I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan. I also think the 130,00
troops in Iraq could have been put to better use catching those
responsible for 9/11 by going into Pakistan instead of making another
However your admission that you have ties to 9/11 just supports my
argument that you are not thinking clearly and merely want revenge. No
matter who it is. That my friend does not make it right and makes you
no better than them, nor will it bring anyone back.
You do realize that Arabs are also humans that have the same feeling
about their loved ones and will feel the same as you when they are
killed for no good reason ? (Do you see a pattern here?)
Yeah that's right the towel heads love their kids, husband, mothers
etc just like you and I love ours.
So in my opinion it is cut a dry...we all live on this little rock
floating in space and some day maybe we will learn that we can not
impose our will on others just and they can't impose their will on us.
We all need to live and let live...
Will it every happen ? I doubt in my life time.
Maybe someday an alien race will attack us and we will all come
together for a common good.
In conclusion: Punish those reasonable not innocent people just
because they're easier to bomb.