I would choose Nvidia 6800 over Ati X800

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ryan Atici
  • Start date Start date
hey Ryan I found this from you

http://groups.google.com/[email protected]&rnum=61

Looks like you have Nvidia driver problems. LOL

It's no wonder you have driver problems you can't even do enter level
tech support.

I have a question for you.
If GW Bush bought a Nvidia card would that make you a Nazi ? LOL

Later troll boy.

Don't bother replying your post are now in the trash bin.
hey Ryan I found this from you

http://groups.google.com/[email protected]&rnum=61

Looks like you have Nvidia driver problems. LOL

It's no wonder you have driver problems you can't even do enter level
tech support.

I have a question for you.
If GW Bush bought a Nvidia card would that make you a Nazi ? LOL

Later troll boy.

Don't bother replying your post are now in the trash bin.

LMAO, good find!!! you may want to point him to the power button as
I have a question for you.
George W. Bush is not smart enough to buy the right video card. So he would
pick up an ATI card. ;-)
bp said:
He knows it for a fact !
D. Rumsfeld told him so.

Hey lets turn this fan boy thread into a GB sucks thread. Apparently
our little Nvidia fan boy has some strong opinions on the President as

Indeed.... he sounds very upset and violent about GWB doesn't he? ;-)
Pretty sure GWB thinks so too hehe
He knows it for a fact !
D. Rumsfeld told him so.

Hey lets turn this fan boy thread into a GB sucks thread. Apparently
our little Nvidia fan boy has some strong opinions on the President as
Indeed.... he sounds very upset and violent about GWB doesn't he? ;-)

The sad thing is that even though he goes about it like a moron I
agree (some what) with him.

Kind of scary.
Makes me think that when I finally "Grow up" I may be just like him.
..............NOT ! ;-)
bp said:
The sad thing is that even though he goes about it like a moron I
agree (some what) with him.

Well given that my country's "cross to bear" is Tony Bliar (sic), I'm with
him on Dubya, but that's all.
Kind of scary.
Makes me think that when I finally "Grow up" I may be just like him.
.............NOT ! ;-)

Scary indeed.
Pretty sure GWB thinks so too hehe
He knows it for a fact !
D. Rumsfeld told him so.

Hey lets turn this fan boy thread into a GB sucks thread.

Be my guest!
Apparently our little Nvidia fan boy has some strong opinions on the President as

Our president is the biggest idiot. He lacks common sense and sense of
decency. When he gives a speech, more than a president, he sounds like a car
dealer. God forbid, if he gets re-elected again, I feel sorry for this

"25 Similarities between Adolf Hitler and George W. Bush"

1- Charismatic leaders, popular with the majority.
2- Poor students, failed businessmen, but with ties to big business.
3- Not elected by a majority, but obtained office by a power grab.
4- Curtailed civil liberties in response to questionable terrorist attacks,
arrested and incarcerated large groups of people based solely on race.
5- Glorified patriotism, controlled the media, and used propaganda to stir
up public support.
6- Fervent Christians, treated nation's destiny as religious cause
sanctioned by God.
7- Legislated "information awareness" program and secret police operations
to eavesdrop on their people.
8- Pursued recklessly belligerent nationalist foreign policies. Quickly made
and broke diplomatic ties, alliances and promises.
9- Improved popularity and justified unprecedented military buildup by
badmouthing foreign enemies.
10- Promoted militarism while in the midst of economic recessions.
11- Used war preparations to help subsidize defense industries.
12- Propagandized the ruthlessness of enemies in order to justify their own.
13- Messianic ambition for hegemonic world dominance, based on good vs.
14- Ignored authority of the League of Nations / United Nations, and
scrapped international treaties.
15- Routinely lied to further their political, economic and military
16- Depended on an axis of collaborative allies, to give the impression of
having a broad popular alliance.
17- Possessed armed forces much bigger and more effective than those of
other nations.
18- Pursued war without cutting back on peacetime economy. Launched
unilateral, preemptive invasions as a "potential" threat to national
19- Occupied other nations despite united worldwide opposition.
20- Used military strategy of "shock and awe" or "blitzkrieg"
indiscriminately inflicting high levels of bloodshed.
21- Began warfare on a single front, then expanded to others.
22- Created illegal detention centers to hold "enemy combatants."
23- Imposed "regime change" by installing puppet governments, reinforced by
full-scale military occupation under a military governor.
24- Justified war with excuses based on lies, inaccuracies, falsifications.
25- Profited from the forced work of concentration camp prisoners.

Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?

Questions and Answers about Foreign Policy (and the U.S. Invasion of Iraq)
Q: Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?
A: Because they had weapons of mass destruction.

Q: But the inspectors didn't find any weapons of mass destruction.
A: That's because the Iraqis were hiding them.

Q: And that's why we invaded Iraq?
A: Yep. Invasions always work better than inspections.

Q: But after we invaded them, we STILL didn't find any weapons of mass
destruction, did we?
A: That's because the weapons are so well hidden. Don't worry, we'll find
something, probably right before the 2004 election.

Q: Why did Iraq want all those weapons of mass destruction?
A: To use them in a war, silly.

Q: I'm confused. If they had all those weapons that they planned to use in
a war, then why didn't they use any of those weapons when we went to war
with them?
A: Well, obviously they didn't want anyone to know they had those weapons,
so they chose to die by the thousands rather than defend themselves.

Q: That doesn't make sense. Why would they choose to die if they had all
those big weapons with which they could have fought back?
A: It's a different culture. It's not supposed to make sense.

Q: I don't know about you, but I don't think they had any of those weapons
our government said they did.
A: Well, you know, it doesn't matter whether or not they had those weapons.
We had another good reason to invade them anyway.

Q: And what was that?
A: Even if Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein was
a cruel dictator, which is another good reason to invade another country.

Q: Why? What does a cruel dictator do that makes it OK to invade his
A: Well, for one thing, he tortured his own people.

Q: Kind of like what they do in China?
A: Don't go comparing China to Iraq. China is a good economic competitor,
where millions of people work for slave wages in sweatshops to make U.S.
corporations richer.

Q: So if a country lets its people be exploited for American corporate
gain, it's a good country, even if that country tortures people?
A: Right.

Q: Why were people in Iraq being tortured?
A: For political crimes, mostly, like criticizing the government. People
who criticized the government in Iraq were sent to prison and tortured.

Q: Isn't that exactly what happens in China?
A: I told you, China is different.

Q: What's the difference between China and Iraq?
A: Well, for one thing, Iraq was ruled by the Ba'ath party, while China is

Q: Didn't you once tell me Communists were bad?
A: No, just Cuban Communists are bad.

Q: How are the Cuban Communists bad?
A: Well, for one thing, people who criticize the government in Cuba are
sent to prison and tortured.

Q: Like in Iraq?
A: Exactly.

Q: And like in China, too?
A: I told you, China's a good economic competitor. Cuba, on the other hand,
is not.

Q: How come Cuba isn't a good economic competitor?
A: Well, you see, back in the early 1960s, our government passed some laws
that made it illegal for Americans to trade or do any business with Cuba
until they stopped being Communists and started being capitalists like us.

Q: But if we got rid of those laws, opened up trade with Cuba, and started
doing business with them, wouldn't that help the Cubans become capitalists?
A: Don't be a smart-ass.

Q: I didn't think I was being one.
A: Well, anyway, they also don't have freedom of religion in Cuba.

Q: Kind of like China and the Falun Gong movement?
A: I told you, stop saying bad things about China. Anyway, Saddam Hussein
came to power through a military coup, so he's not really a legitimate
leader anyway.

Q: What's a military coup?
A: That's when a military general takes over the government of a country by
force, instead of holding free elections like we do in the United States.

Q: Didn't the ruler of Pakistan come to power by a military coup?
A: You mean General Pervez Musharraf? Uh, yeah, he did, but Pakistan is our

Q: Why is Pakistan our friend if their leader is illegitimate?
A: I never said Pervez Musharraf was illegitimate.

Q: Didn't you just say a military general who comes to power by forcibly
overthrowing the legitimate government of a nation is an illegitimate
A: Only Saddam Hussein. Pervez Musharraf is our friend, because he helped
us invade Afghanistan.

Q: Why did we invade Afghanistan?
A: Because of what they did to us on September 11th.

Q: What did Afghanistan do to us on September 11th?
A: Well, on September 11th, nineteen men - fifteen of them Saudi Arabians -
hijacked four airplanes and flew three of them into buildings in New York
and Washington, killing 3,000 innocent people.

Q: So how did Afghanistan figure into all that?
A: Afghanistan was where those bad men trained, under the oppressive rule
of the Taliban.

Q: Aren't the Taliban those bad radical Islamics who chopped off people's
heads and hands?
A: Yes, that's exactly who they were. Not only did they chop off people's
heads and hands, but they oppressed women, too.

Q: Didn't the Bush administration give the Taliban 43 million dollars back
in May of 2001?
A: Yes, but that money was a reward because they did such a good job
fighting drugs.

Q: Fighting drugs?
A: Yes, the Taliban were very helpful in stopping people from growing opium

Q: How did they do such a good job?
A: Simple. If people were caught growing opium poppies, the Taliban would
have their hands and heads cut off.

Q: So, when the Taliban cut off people's heads and hands for growing
flowers, that was OK, but not if they cut people's heads and hands off for
other reasons?
A: Yes. It's OK with us if radical Islamic fundamentalists cut off people's
hands for growing flowers, but it's cruel if they cut off people's hands for
stealing bread.

Q: Don't they also cut off people's hands and heads in Saudi Arabia?
A: That's different. Afghanistan was ruled by a tyrannical patriarchy that
oppressed women and forced them to wear burqas whenever they were in public,
with death by stoning as the penalty for women who did not comply.

Q: Don't Saudi women have to wear burqas in public, too?
A: No, Saudi women merely wear a traditional Islamic body covering.

Q: What's the difference?
A: The traditional Islamic covering worn by Saudi women is a modest yet
fashionable garment that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes
and fingers. The burqa, on the other hand, is an evil tool of patriarchal
oppression that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes and

Q: It sounds like the same thing with a different name.
A: Now, don't go comparing Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are our

Q: But I thought you said 15 of the 19 hijackers on September 11th were
from Saudi Arabia.
A: Yes, but they trained in Afghanistan.

Q: Who trained them?
A: A very bad man named Osama bin Laden.

Q: Was he from Afghanistan?
A: Uh, no, he was from Saudi Arabia too. But he was a bad man, a very bad

Q: I seem to recall he was our friend once.
A: Only when we helped him and the mujahadeen repel the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan back in the 1980s.

Q: Who are the Soviets? Was that the Evil Communist Empire Ronald Reagan
talked about?
A: There are no more Soviets. The Soviet Union broke up in 1990 or
thereabouts, and now they have elections and capitalism like us. We call
them Russians now.

Q: So the Soviets - I mean, the Russians - are now our friends?
A: Well, not really. You see, they were our friends for many years after
they stopped being Soviets, but then they decided not to support our
invasion of Iraq, so we're mad at them now. We're also mad at the French and
the Germans because they didn't help us invade Iraq either.

Q: So the French and Germans are evil, too?
A: Not exactly evil, but just bad enough that we had to rename French fries
and French toast to Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast.

Q: Do we always rename foods whenever another country doesn't do what we
want them to do?
A: No, we just do that to our friends. Our enemies, we invade.

Q: But wasn't Iraq one of our friends back in the 1980s?
A: Well, yeah. For a while.

Q: Was Saddam Hussein ruler of Iraq back then?
A: Yes, but at the time he was fighting against Iran, which made him our
friend, temporarily.

Q: Why did that make him our friend?
A: Because at that time, Iran was our enemy.

Q: Isn't that when he gassed the Kurds?
A: Yeah, but since he was fighting against Iran at the time, we looked the
other way, to show him we were his friend.

Q: So anyone who fights against one of our enemies automatically becomes
our friend?
A: Most of the time, yes.

Q: And anyone who fights against one of our friends is automatically an
A: Sometimes that's true, too. However, if American corporations can profit
by selling weapons to both sides at the same time, all the better.

Q: Why?
A: Because war is good for the economy, which means war is good for
America. Also, since God is on America's side, anyone who opposes war is a
godless unAmerican Communist. Do you understand now why we attacked Iraq?

Q: I think so. We attacked them because God wanted us to, right?
A: Yes.

Q: But how did we know God wanted us to attack Iraq?
A: Well, you see, God personally speaks to George W. Bush and tells him
what to do.

Q: So basically, what you're saying is that we attacked Iraq because George
W. Bush hears voices in his head?
A: Yes! You finally understand how the world works. Now close your eyes,
make yourself comfortable, and go to sleep. Good night.

Q: Good night, Daddy.
Indeed.... he sounds very upset and violent about GWB doesn't he? ;-)
Because he is the biggest idiot as well as a warlord. It is sad that such
idiot represents the American people. He doesn't care about the lives of the
American soldiers getting killed every single day in Iraq. All he cares
about this own agenda. This idiot promised a creation of 3 million extra
jobs, but during his presidency we lost 3 million jobs. In defiance of the
United Nations, he waged war against Iraq thinking he was all mighty and
could handle the war without the approval of other nations, when the death
toll of the American troops started rising, he started seeking support of
the United Nations. George W. Bush gotta go for the well-being of our

Vote him out!
The sad thing is that even though he goes about it like a moron I
agree (some what) with him.

At least, you can be honest from time to time. ;-)
Kind of scary.
Makes me think that when I finally "Grow up" I may be just like him.
.............NOT ! ;-)

You're growing into your senses. You're in the right direction. ;-)
"25 Similarities between Adolf Hitler and George W. Bush"
You just lost :-)

As long as you have some common sense and rationality to see what's going on
around you, the similarities speak for themselves...
You rest your case ?

It is not Nvidia driver problem, idiot. Read it again! It is a problem
related to operating system assigning a letter for the slave hard drive. I
just wanted to change the automatically assigned letter to another letter of
my choice.

How humiliating!

It is not more humiliating than ATI performance after paying $500. ;-)

Did you learn everything in your mother's uterus before you were born,
idiot? I bet you didn't know anything about XP right off the bat when you
started using that operating system. It is not a shame to ask and seek

It is shame to be persistently in denial in spite of known flaws of the ATI
cards. If you don't mind, I have no choice but rest my case again 'cause I
just scored a bull's eye again. ;-)
Pacifists such as your self will always sling shit at a person who might
ultimately put you in a position where you're forced to fight for your
country. The motive (self defense, retribution, proactive defense, or
countless other justifiable others) is irrelevant to your kind. Instead,
you'd rather masquerade your lacks of balls, strength, and fortitude with
the excuse of powerful opposition to the principle.... this, all in an
attempt to hide your cowardice.

The liberties you enjoy today were not won by whining, spineless, ectomorphs
such as yourself. I can only pray that your kind never out numbers those who
are willing to fight to keep this country great.
I am telling the truth. The major problems due to ATI drivers are widely
known facts. Grow up and at least admit the truth! I don't care about the
brand-name whether it is ATI or Nvidia. As long as one of those two puts out
a good video card with excellent performance without causing occasional
crash of the operating system, I will get the one that performs in most
satisfactory way. Considering the system crashes due to ATI drivers, ATI
cards are far from being reliable. That's the bottom line. You learn to be
objective. I've used both Nvidia and ATI cards.

Strange, I bought a 9800xt the day it was available, first machine I used
it in was an athlon xp system, I have since upgraded the machine and now
it resides in a P4 system until the x800 platinum hits the shelves.
Before that I had a 9500 pro, way before that I had an original radeon 32.

Still have both of the older cards, they were running perfectly when I
took them out before the upgrades, even way back then with the original
radeon I never had any issues whatsoever, not with drivers, not with
Ati will always get my money because they provide me with reliable
products that perform quite good and are usually faster than the
competition in most tests.

That's what I experienced with the ATI card.

After the problems I had in the past, I would not dare to touch any ATI card
with a 10-foot pole especially considering the fact that the latest card
costs around $500.

And I would never touch a motherboard with a via chipset, but I don't go
around trolling via groups.
I would never touch a mac yet I don't go trolling in mac groups to try and
make people angry, who cares if I don't like macs? I'm not going to change
the opinions of those who like them, I think they are fools for spending
all that extra money for mediocre performance but I don't tell them that,
my opinion means nothing to them so why should I bother?

I believe it when a system crashes because ATI is not capable enough to
prove a better driver for their own video cards.

You can only wish that with ATI. I've used ATI and seen it myself. I am
never going back to ATI crap, ever!

I know what it mean. Just trying to show you how it is done.

It is clear who the "fanboy" is here, you are in an ati group trolling
about nvidia, I think the facts are quite clear about you, fanboy.
It is not Nvidia driver problem, idiot. Read it again! It is a problem
related to operating system assigning a letter for the slave hard drive.
I just wanted to change the automatically assigned letter to another
letter of my choice.

Are you *sure* it's not a nvidia problem, feckless idiot?

Oh and btw, howbout those buggy IDE drivers nvidia is well known for on
their nforce2 chipsets?
Disappearing slave drives.
Disappearing CD/DVD burners.

It took nvidia over 6 months to get it right with their IDE drivers.



How humiliating!

It is not more humiliating than ATI performance after paying $500. ;-)

The Ati card I have right now would run circles around *any* nvidia card
you have in your possession, feckless idiot.
Even with your cheating drivers on a 5950 I would completely own you in
3dmark 2k3, in fact the results would be so bad for you that you would
have no other choice than to hang your head in pure shame.

Care to give it a try feckless idiot? I will post a futuremark link to my
results to compare with yours, any time you are ready just let me know.

Did you learn everything in your mother's uterus before you were born,
idiot? I bet you didn't know anything about XP right off the bat when
you started using that operating system. It is not a shame to ask and
seek information.

Of course I did since I used w2k for 2 years before going to XP, now I use
linux and XP in dual boot without the slightest bit of trouble, feckless

It is shame to be persistently in denial in spite of known flaws of the
ATI cards. If you don't mind, I have no choice but rest my case again
'cause I just scored a bull's eye again. ;-)

That's not all you should "rest", feckless idiot.

So noted.