I am up late tonight? Why? Trapped wind - no, really. Got back from hospital, ate food, got severe belly ache, so bad suspected appendicitis. Consulted NHS online, narrowed sympton down to massive trapped fart. How embarrassing. So, painfully, walked ten minutes to pharmacist and got a pill. Took pill, pain so bad I just laid out on bed and fell asleep for two hours, woke up, felt ok. That's never happened to me before AFAIK, but two hours kip middle of day means I wide awake now. Well, if not wide awake not quite ready to hit the sack yet.
When I was aged two to seven I lived with my Mum Dad and sister at my grandmother's place. A couple of days a week my sister and I would sleep on the sofa bed (or put-u-up as it was known then) in the downstairs living room. It is only with my adult hindsight that I realise my sister and I were kicked out of the bedroom so Mummy & Daddy could, er, well, you know what I mean
My Mum's brother, my Uncle Lou, went to India when I was about 4 or 5 years old and when he came back (around 1956) he brought back with him a genuine Indian tapestry, a pic of Lions and cubs, for my nan. She hung it on the wall over the back of the sofa bed and me and my sister would look up at it where we slept and woke up (usually on a Saturday morning - comic delivery day - yay!) and stroke this tapestry cos it was made of silk.
In 1979 my (paternal) grandmother died and myself and several relatives cleared out her council house, a sad time. I asked if I could take the tapestry and they all agreed. From then til last week it has stayed stored but I was having a clearout in my lockup last week and came across it. It smelt a bit bit mildew so I washed it and now it smells ok. looks ok too, considering it's age and the time it's been stored.
So after all these years I have now finally hung it above my bed. Nan, Grace, thank you for really making me laugh all those times and buying me all those chocolate bars when you visited every Friday, you were one in a million and I now have a permanent reminder of you on my bedroom wall.