Flops' Friday mini blog

;)Woof, Woof. You have been through the wars Old Boy had a similar thing when I was pensioned off from the Fire Brigade I had enought money to put down on my house only couldn't find any body who wanted to employ a ex fireman with a knackered back and my only other work experience was paper making, marching up and down and rifle shooting, and squirting water. I went self employed doing KleenEasy, but my wife at the time did not like that which led to me selling the house to pay the mortgage off and eventually getting a job as a caretaker for KCC which had a house with the job. That lead to lots of personal problems with wife No1 and we parted which led to me having stress related illness. But the good news I met my present wife and got the dogs and we are all happy as Larry, so I feel all problems have a silver lining even if you have to look for them.:nod:

By the way Tony I see you have the Queen coming down to open the Cutty Sark you going down there to have a butchers if so photo's would be appreciated.:D

I am glad you are over your heart problems CL it is a swine when the body does not work as it should, they are still great the NHS at the moment arnt they, just take good care of your self and no running any marathons or playing football:D
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All the best for the "preliminaries" today Flopps. Hope all will go well for you.. Aww go on... let's have a group hug eh? :D
Thanks folks :) All seemed to go ok although my blood pressure was high. Took blood pressure at home though later in the day and it was 119/18 (that's normal) so probably just cos the hospital enviroment gives me the jitters.

Our Queenie and her husband Nosferatu opened the Cutty Sark boat today but it was pouring it down so I didn't go along for a look Beeb slideshow. I did take some pix of the boat yesterday late afternnon, I will get round to editing and posting shortly.

On the night before the op, Sunday, I can't drink any Guinness. That is so unjust :mad:
You'll have to hit the Murphys instead..:lol: Joking I know you don't care for Murpys..

You sure about that blood pressure reading Mr Flopp's 119/18 :p
Shame about the Guinness on Sunday so gulpers on Saturday:cheers:. Shame about the rain spoiling the Cutty Sark opening:(, but look forward to your pictures from the day before though. I will be thinking of you on Monday and have everything crossed.
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I am up late tonight? Why? Trapped wind - no, really. Got back from hospital, ate food, got severe belly ache, so bad suspected appendicitis. Consulted NHS online, narrowed sympton down to massive trapped fart. How embarrassing. So, painfully, walked ten minutes to pharmacist and got a pill. Took pill, pain so bad I just laid out on bed and fell asleep for two hours, woke up, felt ok. That's never happened to me before AFAIK, but two hours kip middle of day means I wide awake now. Well, if not wide awake not quite ready to hit the sack yet.

When I was aged two to seven I lived with my Mum Dad and sister at my grandmother's place. A couple of days a week my sister and I would sleep on the sofa bed (or put-u-up as it was known then) in the downstairs living room. It is only with my adult hindsight that I realise my sister and I were kicked out of the bedroom so Mummy & Daddy could, er, well, you know what I mean :D

My Mum's brother, my Uncle Lou, went to India when I was about 4 or 5 years old and when he came back (around 1956) he brought back with him a genuine Indian tapestry, a pic of Lions and cubs, for my nan. She hung it on the wall over the back of the sofa bed and me and my sister would look up at it where we slept and woke up (usually on a Saturday morning - comic delivery day - yay!) and stroke this tapestry cos it was made of silk.

In 1979 my (paternal) grandmother died and myself and several relatives cleared out her council house, a sad time. I asked if I could take the tapestry and they all agreed. From then til last week it has stayed stored but I was having a clearout in my lockup last week and came across it. It smelt a bit bit mildew so I washed it and now it smells ok. looks ok too, considering it's age and the time it's been stored.

So after all these years I have now finally hung it above my bed. Nan, Grace, thank you for really making me laugh all those times and buying me all those chocolate bars when you visited every Friday, you were one in a million and I now have a permanent reminder of you on my bedroom wall.



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Like the tale about the tapestry. :) Nice that you now have it on your wall.

The ONLY thing that I remember about my maternal grandparent's house was that they had, in their front room, two pictures of Scottish glens with Highland cattle around a small lake. Always liked them but no idea what happened to them - probably ended up in the skip.
Brilliant Mr Flopp's that you have the tapestry hangin above your bed, bet your nan would be very proud, it looks great too!
Bet summit like that now would set you back a tidy penny..:nod:

Yep wind can be a serious thing, remember I used to get trapped wind years ago and had to lay on the floor on my back and lift my legs into the air, was the only way I could relieve it, but did used to give me a miserable time.

Oh and one last thing..iPod dock clock radio on one side and printer scanner copier on the other, you must have a fantastic bedside manner..:D:p
The tapestry is a beauty isn't it! The lions look very lifelike too, unlike some that one sees. Looks really good on your wall. :nod:

I'm very impressed that you managed to wash it so successfully - no, I'm not meaning that in a patronising way - but silk can sometimes be quite tricky, so well done you, it looks great.

Ouch! Your "trapped fart" sounded awfully painful, glad to hear it has - er - passed!

Perhaps not too surprising that it happened though, trips to the hospital tend to have a stressful effect on most folk, don't they.... which, as you said, probably contributed to a slightly raised BP too. Anyway, hope you will now remain blissfully wind-free Sir Flopps!! :D
Just got home from the op, arrived at Hospital 7am, home at 7pm and my tongue is causing me a great deal of pain. It has several stitches and most of it is swollen to about twice it's size. I had to ask to come home, they wanted to keep me in overnight as I hadn’t eaten anything (it’s hard to swallow, pushing food over swollen tongue) but then the Surgeon came round the ward and declared me ‘fit to go’

The surgeon also told me that everything he removed looked as though it was traumatic to him and nothing he found looked like cancer to him – and he’s cut out a lot of cancer from people in his time. So I said ‘So the prognosis is good but I’m not out of the woods yet?’ to which he replied ‘Oh, I think you are, don’t worry’. Biopsy results and hospital appointment in ‘2 to 4 weeks’. Have just managed a bowl of porridge and some tirasimu so got some food in me belly. Have some paracetamol rattling about inside me so probs would be best if I laid off any alcohol this evening.

Let’s just hope this thing heals up quick now, lottsa hot salty mouth washes ahead.
Aww welcome home again Flopps, I expect you're very pleased to be back in your own surroundings. If your attitude is anything like mine, then feeling unwell, or in pain, is something you prefer to do privately, rather than amongst a lot of other folk.

Sorry to hear your tongue is so sore and swollen - must feel jolly uncomfortable:nod: but on the other hand, it's great to know that your surgeon felt "happy" about it. A really good sign (although I daresay you'll rest even easier when you get his "official" results in a few weeks.) Really glad the prognosis is looking good.:thumb:

Try to get some rest if you can, (pain allowing) and take care. All the best. :)
Wow, not been keeping up with this thread lately..... :o

Flops, Great to see your 'on the mend' Sounds a bit **** though, not being able to eat or drink would be no good! At least you can start to get some easy food back in you now.

All the best matey, hope its all good from here on. :cheers:
Brilliant Mr Flopp's

Glad it went smoothly and by the sounds of it the surgeon thinks its nothing but nasty tissue, so lets hope its all good for the results in 4 weeks, bet your glad its over mate..:nod:
Yeah stay off the liquid gold for at least a few days, and lots of mushy foods..Take care now!
:thumb:Great to hear Tony glad to hear you are back home and the prognosis is good, panic over. Phew. You take care now, really glad it is OK and the tissue biopsy:D should confirm it.