Well here we are at 1.45am Boxing Day and another ordeal is over, Christmas has gone away for a whole twelve months – hooray!
All those toys that were bought by parents on a budget, probably about 80% will break in the first two hours of play and the gift’s child recipient will gain another lesson in life – that just because it came from Mum & Dad wrapped up real nice don’t mean to say it’s gonna be any good.
Mum & Dad (assuming, of course, this a family with straight parents who are still together) are probably not well off so bought cheap toys. Cheap toys break. Hey! Buy one quality toy rather than six pieces of crap, ok?
There’s nothing sadder than seeing discarded broken toys at the council dump site, so many broken dreams and promises, children should really be shielded from that for a while.
I spent Christmas Day largely by myself but Faye came home at 7pm having finished her work shift and we spoke a while. I favour Christmas by myself – luxury. I can do just whatever the hell I like and eat and drink whatever I fancy.
My dinner today. Tescos were selling these gammon joints, a large red label proclaimed ‘Half Price! £4.99’ and it was stuck on this huge monster joint of smoked meat. ‘I’ll have some of that’ thought I ‘Bargain’
Arriving home I looked at Tescos till receipt and found gammon joint had in fact cost £10.38. It was half price alright but looking at small print on label the price of £4.99 referred to ‘per kilo’. You bastids, sure fooled me.
So I cooked it, slow cook, 4 hours, sage and onion fresh stuffing, roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts, gravy, stuffed myself rotten, fabulous, all washed down with a glass of Italian white.
But I now have this humungous joint of cooked gammon that I reckon I could get about 15 meals out of. I’m not eating the same thing every day for two weeks so I guess I’ll chuck about half of it away. Will I ever learn?
Went for a half hour stroll today round Greenwich but mostly stayed at home, had a Badedas bath and then showered, played video games including Skyrim, Dishwasher: Vampire Smile (great) and Hard Reset (£3.24 on Steam, mindless fps, love it).
Opened me pressies and Sophie had bought me Red Hot Chili Peppers ‘By The Way’ on double disk vinyl remastered 180 gram and it sounds terrific – love it!
Played some more vinyl late at night, a few months ago local record shop was selling vinyl copy of ‘South Pacific’ soundtrack for a quid so I bought it. Why? Cos my Ma and Pa took me to see it when I was about 7 up London’s West End and it probably made an impression. Of course when I got older I derided it as crap but it’s difficult to shake off childhood memories.
I still think it’s kinda rubbish, not my thing at all but I did enjoy playing it, sheer nostalgia. ‘Bali Hai’ still moves me a little. And of course Captain Sensible covered ‘Happy Talk’ so it must be quite ok.
One thing I did notice listening to South Pacific was that the word ‘Gay’ was used a lot in the song lyrics and this being the late fifties the word did not imply same sex nookie but rather oneself being jolly happy.
Must confess I mourn the loss of the word ‘Gay’ as I think it was a good word.
Let me point out that I think everybody born into this world should be allowed to **** whoever they want to **** and no Government or bigot should take steps to stop them, we’re all subject to how we’re programmed at birth and the word here is tolerance, acceptance and wishing every couple happiness, whatever their gender preference.
However, the same sex community bloody well hijacked one of my favourite words. Ho hum. And what makes it sadder is that ignorant little pillocks now use the word ‘Gay’ as an insult as in ‘Oh, that’s so gay’. Bit sad, that. Oh well, that’s life I guess.
South Pacific has finished and I’m now playing some cheapo vinyl reggae album on the ‘Music For Pleasure’ label. Total tosh but I love it.
The GAME store are doing this offer, trade in an Xbox 360 120Gb Elite and get a 250Gb Xbox 360S plus one top game for £100. So I did. As newer Xbox has built in wifi I also traded in my wifi adaptor and ended up paying £75 for new matte black Xbox 250Gb and NFS: The Run Game. This means my 12 month warranty starts all over again as well. Good deal, me reckons.
I recently done a disco at a wedding, my niece Clare ‘married’ her partner Rachel, proper kind of ceremony and all, and all of their families attended except Rachel’s dad, who couldn’t handle it, he’s disowned his own daughter cos she’s a carpet muncher. Sad sad man.
My next Disco is New Year’s Eve, I am seriously getting too old for this, lol, but I do kinda enjoy it (sometimes).
Well, that’s me for now. Thank you, Crazylegs, for the Christmas card, you bastid, I never sent you one and now I feel bad but your card made me feel good so I hope that makes you feel good
I don’t know where the future lies but I am still here and I guess that’s a bonus. Happy New year folks