Flops' Friday mini blog

soundin' like you have come out of it w/good results; i will keep good thoughts for the "official" word : )
Hi there Sir Floppington, how are you getting on? :wave:

You really wanna know? :D lol

Alright, you asked, the morning after the day after the op I woke up to see a pool of blood and saliva staining my pillow case and sheet, yuk. But not this morning, so that's good. Eating has been problematic but it's already getting easier, just managed a large portion of Shepherd's Pie.

Just remembering, when they wheeled me down to theatre on the trolley - and what a strange feeling that is - they figured my blood pressure was high so the anaethestist went to have words with his colleagues about it and left me in a room outside the theatre looking up at bright lights and cupboards full of medicines and strange looking apparatus. As I only had a gown covering me, I started shivering. I think that moment in my life could rightly be described as a low.

A Japanese lady nurse passed me by and asked me if I was cold then covered me with a blanket. Then the man in the green mask came back and said he was going to give me something to lower my blood pressure. And he did. I said 'Oh, wow, that is just soooooooo nice.....' Then the next thing I remember is I'm waking up, gasping for air with an oxygen mask being placed over my face.

Then sleep on and off for about six hours then proclaiming 'bored - wanna go home'.

Have made a tentative start to servicing/building new Lenco vinyl turntable and spent large part of today organising and clearing out all my collection of electronic spares and components. Should collect slate plinth(s) tomorrow from stonemasons, have all parts I need now except cartridge for turntable, already have Denon DL103 mc cartridge on existing Lenco turntable so may go for different model - Denon DL110 - for new build. Just for a change.

Games: After losing all my savegames for The Witcher One Enhanced Edition a few months ago when HDD crashed I went back to it and am now up to the part where I left off - half way through Chapter Two of Five chapters. I think it's a really good game, better than Dragon Age Origins but not as good as Skyrim - well worth the budget price it costs now.

I bought The Witcher 2 quite a while back too in a Steam sale but haven't started playing it yet cos I want to finish Witcher 1 first. I notice Witcher 2 is now on sale for full price - £30 - with a few bits added on so I'm glad I only paid £12 for it in the sale.

Also bought Saints Row III in a Steam sale at the beginning of March and absolutely loving it, was playing it a lot last night. I reckon it's everything GTA IV should have been, you can play through the missions or go free roaming and cause mayhem, it's up to you. And you can also be absolutely evil with very little payback - completely morally corrupt :D

Plus a, er, friend, gave me copy of the PC game Adventures Of Tin Tin, The Secret Of The Unicorn and that's quite enjoyable in a very mild kid's game kinda way. Helluva long time between autosaves though.

And on the Xbox 360 - X Men Destiny; Blur; Bayonetta; Toy Story III & Gears Of War III.

So, all in all feeling ok, tongue still very sore, paracetamol helping, and until the biopsy result, will wake each day with an underlying sense of dread. Which, I suppose, is kinda natural.
They probably have their reasons, but, it always makes me wonder why everyone has to be transported to theatre lying down? I can understand when the victim - er, I meant to say patient - has a condition which calls for them to be lying flat; but surely a wheelchair would be a bit less disorientating for other peeps..? Glad that nurse provided a blanket for the shivering Bootstomp bod...

Gosh Flopps, I'm impressed that you managed to eat something substancial, that's great. Imho it helps the healing process if one can manage to eat a little despite the painful tongue.

Are you able to talk okay? Sounds as if it might be pretty uncomfortable atm. I keep remembering what it felt like after having tonsils and adenoids removed, way back when I was about 11 yrs old. (Completely different to your experiences, of course, but sheesh, it was extremely painful for a time afterwards. Couldn't eat or talk properly for a while.)

Hope you'll be pleased with your slate plinth when you pick it up today. Looking forward to some pix when you're done. Good luck with the project.

Thanks for the update Flopps, I hope you'll feel like adding a few more. Meanwhile, thinking of you and, as ever, wishing you well. :D
So is it true that Guinness helps with healing ?
everyone has to be transported to theatre lying down?

Well, in one of the local hospitals here everyone walks down to theatre, if they possibly can. I know cos I had to do it a couple of years back. It did seem a bit unusual but no harm done. I was, of course, escorted but having a chat with the nurse and having to negotiate various obstacles along the corridors certainly took my mind off what was about to come.

Hope you're feeling a lot better, Flops. Must be about a week now since your tongue was assaulted.
So is it true that Guinness helps with healing ?

Of course it does! :cheers:

Dunno if it has any medicinal benefits but it sure tastes good and makes me feel good :lol:

Tongue still hurts. It looks a bit of a mess atm cos of new skin generating. Pain gradually receeded then on 8th day started hurting a lot again. I'm really fearful of an infection and was wondering. Then I thought I'd used Chlorosyl mouthwash instead of salt water for two days previous and maybe that's a little too harsh.

Back to salt water today and right now is not hurting very much at all.

Have been working on Lenco turntables, serviced motor of my newest purchase today, have taken many pix, will compile thread eventually. Wondering whether to go for real minimalist look on newer build, today removed turntable fascia plate from an old spare parts turntable with hot air gun and it actually come off clean and unbuckled. Does leave a helluva lot of old glue residue behind though, could be difficult to clean off. Still haven't made my mind up.

Sold some things on Ebay and so ordered Denon DL110 cartridge but it's currently out of stock for at least four days but no panic.

Game vendors Steam currently have demo of Dirt Showdown for download, I played it yesterday and really liked it. Stock car racing, lots of fun, the demo car handled well and it wasn't as ridiculously hard as some Codemasters racing games. Give it a try is Mr Flops' advice.

And talking of Codemasters racing games have been playing DIRT a lot lately, finally, after five years of owning it, playing the game through in earnest - it's good, though some classes are very hard indeed imo.
Glad you are feeling better, glad you are getting on with the restoration and service of the turntable and looking forward to seeeing the photos.:thumb:
Glad you are feeling better, glad you are getting on with the restoration and service of the turntable and looking forward to seeeing the photos.:thumb:

Photos of the tongue would be quite interesting if perhaps a little gross :lol:
Photos of the tongue would be quite interesting if perhaps a little gross :lol:

Nope. I won't even look at it myself tbh, - too scared. Hurting a little less today but it's giving me real bad breath so I think tomorrow I may go see my GP, just in case it's infected.

And that's the worst part about this thing - the anxiety. Not only am I waiting on a biopsy result to see if there's any cancer present but I also realise that an infection could be bad news for me as the radio and chemotherapies reduced my immune system in my mouth area, which could make an infection very difficult to clear up.

This whole thing - it's a mind, er, you know what I was going to say, lol ;) but basically it's a source of stress.
Keep up with the gentle warm salt washes two or three times a day.
I know what you mean about the stress of the unknown outcome. I have been to see three consultants since December and am going for a tiny op later in the year.
Your biggest worry is if Guiness goes up in price or supplies run out.

Howdy folks, I need your help here.

My audio turntable build is progressing slowly and has suffered something of a setback when the arm I had lined up for the 'new' turntable fell in half. It had been repaired previously with hard araldite but the strain was too much - the break was right at the pivot point - and it just kinda fell apart.

My intention was to use the new deck when I'd finished spraying it and servicing it with the slate plinth I had made but I was impatient and fitted the turntable I'm using now (the 'old' one) into the new plinth. And blow me the native grey colour of the Lenco turntable matches the slate plinth. But the turntable surface is a bit scratched so will spray it eventually.

I had sprayed the 'new' turntable gloss black but it was an awful spray job, orange peel effect, so I decided to do it again. Whilst I was rubbing it down I stumbled across this picture on an audio Forum named 'Art Of Sound' and absolutely loved the look of it, so retro, so sort of fifties and I thought 'I just gotta have that colour'.


But I just can't find a place selling an aerosol gloss paint in that colour which is where the help I'm after comes in - does anybody know where I can find some spray paint in that colour? Has to be gloss. The paint manufacturer Rust-o-leum do a similar colour but only in satin. Nothing like that in stock at B & Q.

I haven't looked in Halfords yet for car colours, not sure whether cellulose paint will take to a standard gloss undercoat, probably wouldn't and to rub down to bare metal would be problematic.

So, if anybody can find me some pastel green spray paint I'd be a happy chappie. B & Q did have some nice Light Blue gloss paint I almost went for but no, me want light green.

On the health front, still no biopsy result on tongue tissue removed, they said three to four weeks and it's now been 23 days since op. I saw Doc 9 days ago and he said tongue was not infected. Phew. The pain stopped after 16 days, abruptly, overnight but before that it had been extremely painful.

Whilst at Docs he took blood pressure and it was sky high and he asked me if I was taking my meds and I replied 'no'. 'Why not?' asked Doc and I said 'Dunno'. He actually gave me a bit of a rollicking and said 'What's the point surviving cancer if a stroke kills you because you're too lazy to take your meds?'. Hmm.

So he sent me for an ECG heart scan thingie, I went yesterday and on the way back opened the envelope and looked at the results, which I'm not supposed to do, really. Doesn't look good, I looked up all the analysis on the net and the first two anomalies don't seem like anything to worry about but the third, something about 'left ventricular abnormailty' doesn't look very good at all, phrases like 'Increases mortality risk by 50% abounded on a Google search. Kinell :eek: Apparently that symptom could be the sign of underlying heart disease. Equally, it could be caused by high stress. So I better see quack tomorrow and cop the verdict.

I have been taking my meds again and monitored my blood pressure and over three days it returned to normal and has stayed normal so I guess I better be a good boy and take my medication. Which is 2 mild beta blockers; 2 diuretics and an aspirin, which I've been prescribed since 2002. Heart trouble at that time probably triggered by a great deal of stress at the time.

Whilst I was at the hospital getting little electro pads stuck all over me body I visited my mate Johnny who was in for an op. I mentioned Johnny before, he had colon cancer. They got rid of the cancer with radio and chemotherapy but then decided to cut out the formerly diseased part of the colon and join the two ends together to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately it was worse than they thought it would be and he's now been fitted with a colostomy bag which may become a permanent fixture depending on how his surgery heals. Not good news, cracked me up seeing him lying there, said he didn't like to eat much now cos it filled his bag up and emptying it isn't much fun. Plus he has to inject himself with something every day now.

Getting old is so much fun eh folks? Johnny never smoked in his life either, but he is a bit overweight. Still, Johnny - and me - are still alive I suppose, try and look on the bright side eh?

So, I'm still sweating on biopsy result, Johnny's not how he used to be and I need some spray paint. Ho-hum, life goes on, as they say.


  • green lenco 2.webp
    green lenco 2.webp
    52.6 KB · Views: 167
Hi Flopp's,
Glad you're doing okay.
You could try a place which makes aerosol colours to order....we have them over in dublin and i used them ages ago for car repairs, but you don't have to fixing cars lol. You may get lucky.
Here's a linky....i can never remember how to hide a link in a single word.
colour looks a bit like the series 1 land rovers?
and take the pills they are good for you!
Thanks Zed but that's an American site and it doesn't look as if they ship outside of The States. Bit of a shame cos under the 'Oliver White' category there's a colour called 'Clover White' which looks perfect. Gloss, too.

I was going to start a thread and name it 'A tale of two Lencos' but as it's taking a long time for me to complete build think I may just bung a few pix up in this thread.

Colour Standard (Spraymatch)
400ML - Colour Mixed to order
Aerosol colour spray

High quality paint suitable for a huge range of applications.
Standards available: RAL standard colours, RAL Design, British Standard, Pantone, and NCS.

Please specify the colour standard type and number when ordering. Please also specify type of finish required eg. gloss, matt, or semi matt finish.
att, or semi matt finish.
Price: €15.28 (Excl. VAT)

You have an iPod Mr Flopp's

Got to app store and search Crown colour match and the app will do what you want and point you to a stockist! :D
You have an iPod Mr Flopp's

Got to app store and search Crown colour match and the app will do what you want and point you to a stockist! :D

I may have an i-Pod but I don't use i-Tunes, Media Monkey is my chosen media player manager.

But Crown Colour Match - may be something to pursue.

Abarb first post: Not sure whether the fridge paint is gloss and the seller doesn't show actual colour, in fact the can he's displaying is pink. Have sent seller a message requesting that info.

haven't checked 2nd link yet, just been playing a whole lotta CoD4 online, bang bang!