Howdy folks, I need your help here.
My audio turntable build is progressing slowly and has suffered something of a setback when the arm I had lined up for the 'new' turntable fell in half. It had been repaired previously with hard araldite but the strain was too much - the break was right at the pivot point - and it just kinda fell apart.
My intention was to use the new deck when I'd finished spraying it and servicing it with the slate plinth I had made but I was impatient and fitted the turntable I'm using now (the 'old' one) into the new plinth. And blow me the native grey colour of the Lenco turntable matches the slate plinth. But the turntable surface is a bit scratched so will spray it eventually.
I had sprayed the 'new' turntable gloss black but it was an awful spray job, orange peel effect, so I decided to do it again. Whilst I was rubbing it down I stumbled across this picture on an audio Forum named 'Art Of Sound' and absolutely loved the look of it, so retro, so sort of fifties and I thought 'I just gotta have that colour'.
But I just can't find a place selling an aerosol gloss paint in that colour which is where the help I'm after comes in - does anybody know where I can find some spray paint in that colour? Has to be gloss. The paint manufacturer Rust-o-leum do a similar colour but only in satin. Nothing like that in stock at B & Q.
I haven't looked in Halfords yet for car colours, not sure whether cellulose paint will take to a standard gloss undercoat, probably wouldn't and to rub down to bare metal would be problematic.
So, if anybody can find me some pastel green spray paint I'd be a happy chappie. B & Q did have some nice Light Blue gloss paint I almost went for but no, me want light green.
On the health front, still no biopsy result on tongue tissue removed, they said three to four weeks and it's now been 23 days since op. I saw Doc 9 days ago and he said tongue was not infected. Phew. The pain stopped after 16 days, abruptly, overnight but before that it had been extremely painful.
Whilst at Docs he took blood pressure and it was sky high and he asked me if I was taking my meds and I replied 'no'. 'Why not?' asked Doc and I said 'Dunno'. He actually gave me a bit of a rollicking and said 'What's the point surviving cancer if a stroke kills you because you're too lazy to take your meds?'. Hmm.
So he sent me for an ECG heart scan thingie, I went yesterday and on the way back opened the envelope and looked at the results, which I'm not supposed to do, really. Doesn't look good, I looked up all the analysis on the net and the first two anomalies don't seem like anything to worry about but the third, something about 'left ventricular abnormailty' doesn't look very good at all, phrases like 'Increases mortality risk by 50% abounded on a Google search. Kinell

Apparently that symptom could be the sign of underlying heart disease. Equally, it could be caused by high stress. So I better see quack tomorrow and cop the verdict.
I have been taking my meds again and monitored my blood pressure and over three days it returned to normal and has stayed normal so I guess I better be a good boy and take my medication. Which is 2 mild beta blockers; 2 diuretics and an aspirin, which I've been prescribed since 2002. Heart trouble at that time probably triggered by a great deal of stress at the time.
Whilst I was at the hospital getting little electro pads stuck all over me body I visited my mate Johnny who was in for an op. I mentioned Johnny before, he had colon cancer. They got rid of the cancer with radio and chemotherapy but then decided to cut out the formerly diseased part of the colon and join the two ends together to be on the safe side.
Unfortunately it was worse than they thought it would be and he's now been fitted with a colostomy bag which may become a permanent fixture depending on how his surgery heals. Not good news, cracked me up seeing him lying there, said he didn't like to eat much now cos it filled his bag up and emptying it isn't much fun. Plus he has to inject himself with something every day now.
Getting old is so much fun eh folks? Johnny never smoked in his life either, but he is a bit overweight. Still, Johnny - and me - are still alive I suppose, try and look on the bright side eh?
So, I'm still sweating on biopsy result, Johnny's not how he used to be and I need some spray paint. Ho-hum, life goes on, as they say.