Not good news I'm afraid. Over seven weeks since op and still no biopsy result. Then yesterday I get a letter from consultant, a copy of a letter he sent to my gp where he seems unaware that I've had the op and he says 'I'm sure the sore tongue is traumatic but I will excise it in due course'. Uh-oh. Admin cockup methinks which may explain why I've had no follow up appointment or biopsy result.
The tongue incision had healed nicely but then about three weeks ago another swelling started, next to the incision. It has grown bigger towards the centre of my tongue and is now very painful. Exactly the same symptoms that started previously in March. I saw the doc yesterday and first asked him if he'd had biopsy result to which he replied no. He phoned hospital and left a message on their answerphone.
I then told doc swelling was back, he took a look and his body language was not good. He said it was completely a case for the consultant and was going to write him a letter. On the positive side he said the swelling was soft and cancer is usually hard and cancer would not usually grow as quickly as my swelling, he said it usually took months. However, suppose it was cancer, it was cut out but a small part remained, would it not start growing again?
As my immune system is shot in my mouth area I suppose it could be some of kind of infection or ulcer that started growing again, I wondered whether it might not have been a good idea to have been given a course of antibiotics following the op. But I'm no medical person so what I think is just guesswork.
Then at 16:30 yesterday doc's receptionist phones and says I have an appointment at Guys Hospital at 11:30 Friday 29th June so I'm thinking they must think it's serious to get an appointment that quick. I am very scared, if it is cancer I figure the least that will happen is I'll lose my tongue, the worst that will happen is the cancer will have spread, they can't treat it with radiotherapy as that area of my mouth is weakened through previous radiotherpay and I will eventually die, and probably not in a very pleasant way. That's why I'm scared.
There's always the easy way out I suppose but I have not a clue which medication would do the trick and although I'm six floors up I don't think I'd have the nerve to do that. Still, they say that cancer victim's final days are usually spent in hospital morphined up to the eyeballs in some sort of oblivion and unaware.
Still, I guess I'll have a clearer picture come the 29th, I can only hope that the biopsy result showed no cancer and this ailment is something else. A somewhat forlorn hope but the only one I have. Eight long days to wait.
On top of that I have a heart scan at Canary Wharf on Saturday, life sure is peachy eh?
My two best friends: saw Roy at the pub last night, he has a wasted shoulder and can hardly move one of his arms. An MRI scan shows he has a swollen vertebrae and will probably need surgery where he's been told there will be a risk of permanent paralysis.
Johnny was taken back into hospital 2 days ago after suffering a blockage to his colostomy bag after surgery for colon cancer. I don't know what's going on with him atm.
So that's the three of us then, the three wise monkeys indeed, what a sorry trio, lol
Tonight all 3 daughters are visting at 19:00 to take me out for a drink for Fathers Day, I assume they must all have had reasons to visit London, apart from Faye of course who lives just a few miles away. This is almost like an omen or something - last supper?
Also, my ex mother-in-law, who I like a great deal, has almost completely lost the plot from Alzheimers. Her children have sold her house and bought a four bedroomed house nearer one of the sisters and moved her in there. One nephew lives with her there permanently now and each family of her children take turns to stay there for a week with her to look after her. Apart from her brain she's healthy so may yet live for some considerable time whereas death may possibly be a blessing. Apparently she can be quite verbally abusive and I'm told she just isn't herself anymore.
My mum is going much the same way though she is still managing to cope ok living on her own but my sister, who visits her regularly, tells me it's only a matter of time before she may have to move into a home.
Getting older is so much fun eh?
I was going to buy an Apple 3 phone on Ebay cos I don't like my HTC Wildfire but I thought if I won't be able to talk soon I best wait and see what happens otherwise it will be a waste of money. Got to think practical
So, that's my life atm, all around me outside is the hustle and bustle of the forthcoming Equestrian Olympic events and the council has found money to do a million repairs and improvements around the town centre. No more cracked pavements and all the post boxes have had a new coat of bright red paint. S'funny how they find the money when they need to eh? Be well folks