On the gaming front:
Have been playing Dragon Age 2 on the PC a lot, and loving it. The game is in three parts and I’ve just started the second one. I actually completed every single part, all side quests and stuff, of part one. At first I was a bit peeved at all the cut scenes but they diminish as you progress and the ones that do pop up are integral to the story and characters, which I like a lot. This game can be had very cheap now and if you like RPG’s it’s recommended.
Started playing Call Of Duty Modern warfare 3 online and quite liking it. I don’t like how it picks a server for you but that’s a minor niggle. As Steam were offering both add-on packs for half price (they still are, until the 10th) I bought both for £11.48 mostly to get the extra multiplayer maps. Annoys me having to pay for extra maps but there you go, I wanted the full experience.
So far, in CoDMW3 I am useless, frequently coming last but I suppose the more I play and the more familiar I become with the maps the better I’ll get. I still play CoD4 a lot and frequently come 3rd or 4th but I do know the maps very well with that one.
I saw Darksiders 2 has been released, I’m not paying full price for it, I shall wait, but it did look good so I thought I’d investigate Darksiders 1 and it had good reviews and cost £5.85 on Amazon so I bought it. DVD(s) came through the post and I loaded the game and it went into my Steam folder. It’s £20 on Steam, so I done well for £5.85. So far, pretty good but it does seem very very much like a console game.
Still dabbling occasionally in Saints Row The Third, Batman Arkham City, Sonic & Sega All Star Racing (this is great!), Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, Risen 1 and recently played Half Life 2 Episode 2 through again, took me 5 hours this time, I think it probably took me twice that long at least originally.
I’m stuck about two thirds through FEAR 3, have given up on it. Prior to getting stuck I didn’t think the game was as bad as the crtics have labelled it, wasn’t bad at all, once I got into it a fair way.
And I may have mentioned it before but finished NFS DIRT Showdown quite quickly.
On the Xbox 360, haven’t been playing it much but picked up a strange one called El Shaddai Ascension Of The Metatron for a fiver which is pretty good.
Finally, a little vid of some rainfall for you – exciting huh? I looked out of my bedroom window earlier this evening and noticed a huge raincloud chucking it down to the right and sunshine to the left, quite odd so I went to get my camera and take some pix but when I returned the rain reached me so I took some vid footage and here it is:
Within Windows right click on link and choose 'Save Target As' file is 150Mb. Just noticed I need to clean the camera lens