Thanks folks

I do of course realise I'm not the only one suffering in this world, there's people way worse off than I.
I've been out this morning and the place has gone nutty, There are people everywhere. And I think half of them are guides or policemen. Main entrance to Greenwich Station had at least 50 coppers outside, several of them armed.
Will grudgingly admit there is a bit of a buzz about the place but for me it's kind of a false buzz cos sport not my thing. There were two young girls with violins playing some lively Irish diddly diddly music by the DLR entrance, enjoyed that, was good, put a coin in their hat
I didn't watch the opening ceremony. Last night there was a disco/rave thing for free in the grounds of the University so I stepped out to go there about 19:30 and it promptly poured down with rain. So I went back home and played computer games then done some ironing whilst listening to vinyl. The rain did stop about 21:00 but by then I couldn't be bothered going out anymore.
All in all, a pleasant evening, albeit a solitary evening.
Games. There are 14 chapters of Max Payne 3 and I'm stuck at the end of Chapter 12. For 3 days now I've been stuck at one point, I may have to concede defeat

I've tried that part about ten times each day and it just ends up with me wanting to break things
Way back awhile I bought DIRT 2 for the Xbox 360 and didn't like it much so took it back for part-ex. I saw it on Steam for £3.74 coupla days so thought I'd try it again. And I think it's great, really enjoying it. If you play on easiest setting it's almost a piece of cake and you can buy better cars and unlock raceways quite quickly then play at medium level, which I'm now doing.
Played a real long stretch of F1 2010 yesterday, that's also a good game, though I'm not very good at it.
Also bought F1 2011 for the Xbox 360 for £15 at a Gamestation store but haven't tried it yet.
Latest vinyl acquisitions, both new, bought The Bends by Radiohead from HMV and The Magic Band live at Oxford UK June 6th 2005, a double album, from a dealer in Germany.
Swapped out 2Tb HDD in Media machine for 3Tb HDD, transferred data, now have 1Tb of free space.
Used redundant 2Tb HDD to replace 1Tb HDD Games storage HDD in main machine, transferred data so now also have 1Tb free space for games.
Which leaves me with another 1Tb HDD for external dock - more backup space.
Can't think of anything more to say so all you folks enjoy what's left of the weekend