Here on my home turf I am suffering the second bout of that thing people call The Olympic games. Now, I agree the games, both for able bodied folk and the Paralympics are a good thing but I do wish they’d bugger off, they are disrupting my turf. There’s a veritable army of folk wearing garish pink over-clothing, dubious hatwear and in some instances big foam rubber pointy fingers, like those favoured by long brown bread DJ, Comedian and gay person Kenny Everett.
Everywhere I walk they keep smiling at me and ask me if I’m ok. I feel like answering I was ok until you lot arrived. I expect most of them are bored so some try and be a little outlandish and talk very loud, sing and try to be funny and entertaining – shut up you fool! You look like a right plonker.
There are more bored people lining the platforms of Greenwich railway station and during the first episode of The Olympics I was taking a short cut through the station and heard a voice behind me say ‘Please walk on the other side of the yellow line sir’. I stopped in my tracks, turned around and spotted the deliverer of this warning, a young attractive blonde girl in her early twenties.
‘You what’ I said. And she repeated her warning. I replied ‘I’ve been walking this platform for 50 years at least and I haven’t managed to kill myself yet so please don’t tell me what to do’. She gave a nervous giggle and said ‘Yes sir, thank you sir’
Since then I have had great fun by deliberately walking close to the railway tracks and seeing how far I can wind these jobsworths up – positively entertaining

I’ve only had one get real stroppy with me so far, he was at Charlton, he must have been super bored. So when he started going into one I just looked him in the eye and said ‘**** off’. And he did.
Ha-ha, I just lurve being the grumpy old git, getting my own back in a weird way with all them old gits who gave me crap when I was young.
Last weekend I visited the local Clocktower Market and came away with this lot for a total of £21.00. That one at top third from left is Creedence Gold, not their best compilation but it does have the long versions of I Heard It Through The Grapevine and Suzi Q on it.
On the health front, my tongue is a whole lot better, speech slightly better though I still sound like a lisping pansy, and one tooth snapped off on my right side. All teeth and gums were weakened by radiotherapy and I ain’t got many teeth left now. This effectively means I can only half-heartedly chew food on my left side – which is where a big chunk of my tongue is missing. So not much fun. I’m going to make dental appointment at Guys and ask if I can maybe have some partial dentures cos I’m sick of porridge and mashed potato.
My tongue is no longer painful but I keep getting sensations and of course I keep thinking another cancer tumour might have started growing. But can feel no lumps and no pain so I dunno – head games. Seeing speech therapist Thursday week and she said she will make appointment with ENT (Ear Nose & Throat) for a checkup on my surgery. I should have had that appointment 2 or 3 weeks ago but they didn’t contact me. Admin at Guys seems to have gone to pot.
Gone to pot – ha ha! If I hadn’t started smoking that bloody Cannarbiss Raisins, then I probably wouldn’t have managed to get cancer (the pot led to smoking, btw, before all you pro-druggies give me a verbal lashing

I have finished my job putting in a new sound system, I just have to go there tomorrow and fit programmed memory card to main amp with re-recorded class change pips mp2 files, the ones I had installed were too loud so I had to reduce volume. Audacity is a good piece of software folks
And then will concentrate on the half dozen or so little audio projects I have going.
I had put my disco system on Ebay for £1500 but no takers, there are too many people selling complete systems so I’m going to split the items and offer them separately.
Anybody wanna buy a coffin?