Flops' Friday mini blog

I am like you Sir Flops all this metric stuff I cannot see it in my minds eye, if you know what I mean. When I was in the fire service we used to use PSI (pounds to the square inch) so usual pressure for a inch branch was 45 psi that the pump was running at. Then they went metric and went to a Bar (what ever that was!!!bar of chocolate???) luckily the gauges on the pump were still marked in PSI and experience you knew what the branch man wanted. If pounds, ounces, feet, inches & yards was good enough for Newton then it is good enough for me. Never mind I suppose we will soon be going over to kilometers instead of miles and that will confuse me completely.:confused:
Not to mention them wiping out our (UK) Billion to replace it with the American Billion... and... despite my best efforts I keep hearing my kids call lollies 'candy' and Bikkies 'cookies'. My childhood is disappearing... :cry:
Us poor Britishers have had all we learnt as pint sizers turned on it's head by all them garlic munchers across the channel. Tis a crying shame I tell you sir.

Could be worse, did you know a dong is a unit of length in Vietnam?

The VietNamese Dong is their currency. £1 = 30,000 dong so 1 dong doesn't get you much. :D

I must say that I still think in the old Imperial System but I can just about work out most metric measurements if I have to. My kids have no idea what ounces, inches and pints are (other than a pint of beer) so as time goes by and all us oldies die off then the Metric System will have finally conquered the UK. :D
Don't know about you... but for me, dental impressions always seem like the worst bit. I needed to have that done when I was being fitted for a splint some years ago. (Dental splint that is, to help my TMJ jaw problem.) The tray stuffed with that gunky impression material feels like such a mouthful, doesn't it?

It's no wonder you've lost some weight this year Flopps, between the worry and dietary restrictions (when your tongue was so painful) that you've gone through. And yes, I agree with Feckit, stress contributes greatly to indigestion - and quite a lot of other physiological symptoms, which might seem unrelated.

Have you considered trying a really good relaxation regime. No really. You might be surprised (pleasantly) at how much it can help......... and no, you don't need to wrap your left leg around your right earhole, or do anything daft. Gaviscon is ok, but sometimes it's possible to tackle/reduce the underlying problem (stress) so that you don't have to keep taking glugs of it.... might then help the appetite to return too.

Sockets! Why on earth was it ever thought normal to position them about 6 inches above the skirting board? Exactly the right height for little ones to poke their fingers into them, whilst older folk with creaky backs can't reach 'em! And why are there (a) never enough of them...and (b) why are they sited exactly where they're likely to be hidden by pieces of furniture, etc? :lol: It might be different with new build houses, of course, but whoever built our's (about 30+ years ago) certainly didn't have much idea.

Your storage cupboard project sounds good. :thumb: Nice size too. Unless you can custom-build them, it's not easy to find something of a narrow depth to fit a small-ish hallway. We made a storage cupboard for ours - quite a few years back. Similar dimentions, but a bit taller.

I'm with you regarding lbs, ozs, inches and what-not. Don't want to be a dinosaur, but metric weights really won't sink-in. Not that they should have to... Does anyone recall a court case a few years ago, when a greengrocer (barrow boy, if memory serves) went to court and won his case about using lbs instead of kilos? At that time it was stated that it was not illegal to continue to use lbs and ozs. But of course, supermarkets don't care to acknowledge that, so dummies like myself, when ordering groceries online, sometimes have to dash out to the kitchen to check pack sizes.

I can (very) accurately 'guesstimate' lengths of things in ft/ins - same with cooking ingredients, or whatever... so long as I'm using imperial measurements - otherwise, I'm completely flummoxed. :lol:

All the best, toodles for now :D
Thanks for replies folks :)

A dong is one 30 thousandth of a UK £ then eh? In that case then there's a conversion website that's got it's facts wrong ;)

This metric thing. The only reason people above a certain age don't like it is because they were raised with Imperial units ingrained and instantly know how far/how heavy/how long/what volume something is with their mind's eye. Then suddenly a dozen suits at Brussels tell us to change everything and learn the new method.

T'ain't fair :mad:

But, having said that, if you look at the two systems with a logical and unbiased point of view then the metric system does make a lot more sense. It's simpler with most things as everything is in units of ten, just shift the decibel point or add/subtract some 0's for everything, that's all.

Old style Imperial used references such as the average man's foot was 12" hence a one foot measurement, to give but one example.

I can now finally 'see' dimensions in mm, cm and metres but it's been a long time settling in me bonce and I still find myself looking at things in feet and inches sometimes.

Dental impressions are horrible, I'll agree, all I could do to stop gagging. And to make it worse the dental nurse didn't make the mould material thick enough and so the first two went wrong and I had to have them done again. Bugger. I said to the nurse 'Just think of it as if it's Araldite, bung a bit more hardener in it'. Her returning gaze regarded me as if I was insane. She may be right...

So indigestion could be stress related could it? Well I never. It's something I've never suffered from all my life for the most part but for the last year or two it's been giving me gyp, I just assumed it was another symptom of growing old and decrepit. It's like three hours after a meal it feels as if the food hasn't even entered my stomach, feels uncomfortable and sometimes feels as if it's burning. Couple of slugs of Gaviscon usually sorts it out though.

Just about to put final coat of varnish on cupboard surround then tomorrow will assemble.

Gloriously bright sunny day today and fairly cold but not uncomfortably so, my kind of day. Laters :cheers:

PS: Niece confirmed I'll be doing the disco at her 30th on December 1st, guess that'll be my swansong then :)

PPS: Watched Avatar film on Bluray last night, enjoyed it a lot. It did strike me as very anti-American though, the baddies could be seen as the USA's might & power opressing indigenous species and weaker nation's populations in the pursuit of greed. Kinda obvious really, I'm surprised the film was a success in America.
Here's part of a longer paper re the relationship between stress and indigestion:



  • Stress Indigestion.webp
    Stress Indigestion.webp
    47.8 KB · Views: 278
... Then they went metric and went to a Bar (what ever that was!!!bar of chocolate???) Never mind I suppose we will soon be going over to kilometers instead of miles and that will confuse me completely.:confused:

You may be interested to know that the bar and the millibar were introduced by the British meteorologist William Napier Shaw in 1909, while he was the director of the Meteorological Office in London.

The word bar has its origin in the Greek word βάρος (baros), meaning weight.

(Gotta love Wikipedia.)


1 bar ≡ 100 kPa, so bar as a unit is redundant, really. Pressure is the ratio of force to the area over which that force is distributed — newton per square meter in SI system, pound-force per square inch in avoirdupois system.

The "problem" with pascal comes with the fact that a pressure of one pascal is "nothing"; thus, multiple units of the pascal are widely used, i.e. hectopascal (1 hPa ≡ 100 Pa), kilopascal (1 kPa ≡ 1000 Pa), and megapascal (1 MPa ≡ 1,000,000 Pa).

If pounds, ounces, feet, inches & yards was good enough for Newton then it is good enough for me.
Old Isaac was no dummy, so I am willing to bet he had no difficulties with constant multiplying/dividing with three or twelve... or fourteen.

I can see your point, by the way. There is nothing wrong with sticking with units that are familiar. Heck, when I visit the U.K. or the U.S, I go by easy approximations:

mile: 1.5 km (1,61 km, really)
yard: 1 m (0.91 m, really)
pound: 0.5 kg (0.45 kg, really)
pint: 0.5 l (0.57 l, really)
gallon: omigosh... imperial, US, liquid, dry, whaaaaaat? :lol:
Fahrenheit: 100—warm, -40—cold

Urmas' postulate #42: The SI system is more logical, thus easier to learn. Example:
One mile equals... um... 1760 yards.

Three feet to a yard, so one mile equals 5,280 feet.

Twelve inches to a foot... uh... OK, 1 mile ≡ 63,360 inches.

Inches, feet, yards, miles: cutting meat to one-inch cubes, now I feel like ten feet tall, prisoner driven 120 miles to avoid walking 200 yards between courts.

I think (um... OK, let's NOT go thattaway, please! :fool:) in mm, cm, m and km.
1 km ≡ 1,000 m ≡ 100,000 cm ≡ 1,000,000 mm

1 l ≡ 1 dm³ aka 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
'Thank you all ever so much for attending this afternoon's lecture from Professor Urmas who has kindly taken time out from his teaching at Helsinki University to be with us today.

'For those of you familiar with only the Imperial or Metric systems of measurement I'm sure Prof Urmas' speech has had some impact on your thinking. Again, thank you for attending.

'There will be tea, coffee and light refreshments available in the college canteen, just to your left past the hall's exit door'.
My sincere thanks to Sir Flops... and while I am waiting for him to pay my very modest fee, I let my Swedish colleague entertain you... go, Hans!

:DOh coffee white with sugar please, thank you for the talk professor Urmas, most enlightening but it is the visualizing with metric that gets me. An inch I can visulise the distance, but a centimeter no chance and the same goes for all the metric measurements and weights.:(
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Modest fee? Touche mein herr, touche ;)

I do believe I have found a like soul in Hans Rosling, his views match my own and obviously, then, I think he's a very clever man ;)

He combines compassion, reality and concern and speaks sense. Telling how all 'enviromentalists' oppose the spread of energy using devices yet all admitted they used a washing machine. And I also liked the way he inferred to the Greenies 'practice what you preach'.

I watched the video twice to make sure I understood where he was coming from. Mild criticism of greenie hypocrites coupled with a genuine concern for our planet.

More people should listen to this fella, he speaks sense.

And on a lighter note, here's possibly one of the greatest Swedish ambassodors evever :D

@Bootneck: Perfessor Urmas to the rescue:






@Flops: Looky here: http://www.gapminder.org/

It is all about "open data" and how to visualize it. I do find him to be "a like soul" as well — because, rather than "coming from somewhere" he is trying to make sense of this world by using facts.
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Must admit when under pressure through work 4 years a go i have very bad digestion.
Went for all the tests available & yes had something put up my backside to check, not a very nice experience! At the end the consultant, a very nice lady assured me nothing was wrong and we spoke at length about work(what i could tell her) and about my life style etc. And this was all on the NHS!

End result was the gut can get inflamed when your under stress, has does other parts of the body.
Stress is a strange creature as some can be effected in different ways.
I can now eat any colour of peppers & spicy food, but cucumber is still the killer for me!

The end result is see you doctor who prescribe some medication for you.

And please keep us posted.
Not much to write about really, Faye moved in last Wednesday so I've been busy trying to make more storage space, I hadgot used to that spare room and throwing all the junk in there. To that end I bought a bicycle storage shed to go on me patio to store stuff in that I have to put together myself. Haven't made much progress, seems every time I go out there to do a bit it pours with rain. Also took me three days on and off to apply a couple of coats of extra wood preservative. Slow going.


Been loving Darksiders 2, have now spent 14 hours playing it according to Steam, have almost given up several times, some hard bits in this game but I persevered and am still going strong near the end of chapter five, there are seventeen chapters altogether. DS2 is a huge improvement on DS1, which I wasn't too impressed with tbh.

I saw Dark Souls, the Be prepared to die addition, reduced from 40 to 20 in local GAME shop so bought it. My advice - don't buy it, this is possibly the worst game ever! Not only is it ridiculously hard but the controls are awful, they are not positive at all, very jerky and innacurate. Absolutely hated it.

GAME are funny about taking back PC games but luckily for me although the code number was ok to play single player the number supplied wouldn't let me log in to Windows Live and play multiplayer. So I captured a couple of screen shots of this, which made it look as if the game wouldn't load at all, and showed these to shop manager and he agreed to take it back.

So I got Risen 2 special addition (lots of extra DLC included) for same price and have installed that but haven't played it yet.

Still playing Starcraft 2, it's good, and will at some stage buy both Dishonoured and Borderlands 2.

Have now been paid for all work done in schools during summer hols so that's bills taken care of until January. Phew. No big new toys though, wasn't enough spare for that :(

In the abscence of anything earth shattering to type about, last weekend my three stayed here for weekend and on Saturday they went to some nightclub, the name of which escapes me for now, at Covent Garden - ah! Roadhouse, that was it - and here's some pix from their night out, my three and their cousins. I once went to a nightclub named The Roadhouse at Blackgang Chine in 1978 while I was working at the Isle Of Wight, but I digress...

here's some pix of my three plus some of their cousins taken one week ago at a night club in Covent garden.

Faye with her new boyfriend Michael:


Faye, Lucy & Michael:


Lucy & her cousin Clare:


Faye & Michael:


Cousin Rebecca, Sophie, cousin Joe, Cousin Leila, Lucy:


A couple of Lucy & Sophie, the twins:



Cousins Joe & Rebecca:

Aww, it's really a bit annoying the way the weather keeps changing, particularly when you want to do out-doorsy things. We get a brilliant, sunny day, which fools us into thinking it might actually remain settled for a day or two... but bang! (Or should that be 'plop' ...?) We wake to puddles everywhere... and it's almost as bad outside! Boom-boom... :o

Great photos, it looks as if the girls, cousins and boyfriend all enjoyed a good evening. You have a very good looking family Sir Floppington, bet they make you feel proud. Justifiably so.

You probably get fed-up of the question I'm about to ask... but I'll risk it... were there ever mix-ups over which twin was which, when they were growing up? Or, as their Dad, could you always tell them apart?

Glad you were able to change your game for something more enjoyable. :thumb:
I was perambulating round the aisles at Sainsburys Greenwich this morning when I spied a display that caught my interest and aroused in me a desire to purchase. Bottles of Spitfire beer at almost half price, £1 a bottle. Feeling very extravagent I placed one bottle in my shopping basket where it nestled comfortably against a solitary leek, three carrots and a box of sesame snaps.

When I reached the checkouts I elected to use the self checkout as they were empty. I scanned my bargain bottle of beer first where it told me aproval was needed. I thought to myself no, not really, I've drunk that stuff before and it's quite nice. Ho ho, what a wag I am eh?

At the end of scanning my goods I pushed the pay now button and it still said aproval was needed. I looked around to attract the attention of a Sainsburys employee and eventually caught the attention of a young chap who didn't look as if he had started shaving yet. He said 'Wassup' (clearly a hip young dude eh?) and I said 'I need your aproval. In fact I am desperate for your aproval, I yearn for your aproval, please give me your aproval!'

He looked at me kinda funny like, as did several of my fellow shoppers and he rapidly poked touch screen buttons and scurried away. People were still looking at me as I made my exit in a slow and dignified manner through the automatic doors.

Every day is an adventure eh?

I'm just about to upgrade my Media machine as I've been having problems playing back Bluray disks, my main machine (<< see spec) plays them back ok but this older machine didn't so I thought I'd update the older machine. All parts arrived today and I shall assemble it tomorrow all being well, thread to follow.

My Mionix mechanical keyboard went wrong about six weeks after purchase, Scan eventually agreed on a refund as no stock expected for eight weeks and I'd already been waiting 4 weeks, haven't received the refund yet, the fun should happen when I request the £11.25 postage it cost me to return the keyboard. Damn shame that Mionix keyboard failing, I really liked it.

Still, got myself a Gigabyte Osmium mechanical keyboard (from E-Buyer) to replace it and it's almost as good as the Mionix, the action's just as good but I preferred the looks and the sparseness of the Mionix.

So, despite me liking the Mionix 60, I wouldn't recommend it as it seems prone to failure and at time of writing nobody's stocking it anyway. But I would thoroughly recommend the Gigabyte keyboard.

I've managed to get stuck on Darksiders 2, boss battle at start of level 6, it's driving me nuts, very difficult, I'll probably give up and there's still 11 levels to go. So, if I do give up I've still had 14 hours gameplay for £12.49 but still disappointing.

Risen 2: Dark waters is ok, enjoyable, nice settings but nothing really original or ground breaking.

I have finished making my patio bike storage shed and now have lots of room in my living room again and all my disco stuff is now in my bedroom, which means I have a coffin at the bottom of my bed. Nice and handy I suppose if I shuffle off this mortal coil in my sleep, they can just bung me in the box at the foot of the bed :D

Clocks go back over the weekend, here starts the cold dark and nasty season. Where we have two calendar dates, the British tradition of Guy Fawkes Night where kids are now frowned upon for asking for a penny for the guy as it's considered scrounging and Halloween, an American custom where kids are encouraged to ask for money from people door to door where sometimes those people are under threat of intimidation from the little buggers asking 'trick or treat'.

So, Penny For The Guy a no-no, Trick or Treat acceptable. Madness I tell you, What's The World Coming To? It wasn't like that when I were a lad, the whole world's gone to pot, these days, these days (repeat as grumpy individual ad infinitum until you start to feel good or pass out through a temporary cardiac arrest) :)
Not much to say sorry as my brain is full of post siezure migraine just thought that I'd mention that my son says dishonoured is a brilliant game and he tends to be sparing with his praise unless the game earns it so hopefully you'll get your money's worth from it :) And, of course, that your family look brilliant as usual. I have to ask though... does the boyfriend look so perpetually surprised in real life? Or is it just a side effect of having a camera in his face? Either way it looks like a good time was definitely had by all :)
In the meantime I shall head to bed, but first I shall request permission to use your approval request format in future interactions with officials of all walks :bow:
nite nite :sleep: