I was perambulating round the aisles at Sainsburys Greenwich this morning when I spied a display that caught my interest and aroused in me a desire to purchase. Bottles of Spitfire beer at almost half price, £1 a bottle. Feeling very extravagent I placed one bottle in my shopping basket where it nestled comfortably against a solitary leek, three carrots and a box of sesame snaps.
When I reached the checkouts I elected to use the self checkout as they were empty. I scanned my bargain bottle of beer first where it told me aproval was needed. I thought to myself no, not really, I've drunk that stuff before and it's quite nice. Ho ho, what a wag I am eh?
At the end of scanning my goods I pushed the pay now button and it still said aproval was needed. I looked around to attract the attention of a Sainsburys employee and eventually caught the attention of a young chap who didn't look as if he had started shaving yet. He said 'Wassup' (clearly a hip young dude eh?) and I said 'I need your aproval. In fact I am desperate for your aproval, I yearn for your aproval, please give me your aproval!'
He looked at me kinda funny like, as did several of my fellow shoppers and he rapidly poked touch screen buttons and scurried away. People were still looking at me as I made my exit in a slow and dignified manner through the automatic doors.
Every day is an adventure eh?
I'm just about to upgrade my Media machine as I've been having problems playing back Bluray disks, my main machine (<< see spec) plays them back ok but this older machine didn't so I thought I'd update the older machine. All parts arrived today and I shall assemble it tomorrow all being well, thread to follow.
My Mionix mechanical keyboard went wrong about six weeks after purchase, Scan eventually agreed on a refund as no stock expected for eight weeks and I'd already been waiting 4 weeks, haven't received the refund yet, the fun should happen when I request the £11.25 postage it cost me to return the keyboard. Damn shame that Mionix keyboard failing, I really liked it.
Still, got myself a Gigabyte Osmium mechanical keyboard (from E-Buyer) to replace it and it's almost as good as the Mionix, the action's just as good but I preferred the looks and the sparseness of the Mionix.
So, despite me liking the Mionix 60, I wouldn't recommend it as it seems prone to failure and at time of writing nobody's stocking it anyway. But I would thoroughly recommend the Gigabyte keyboard.
I've managed to get stuck on Darksiders 2, boss battle at start of level 6, it's driving me nuts, very difficult, I'll probably give up and there's still 11 levels to go. So, if I do give up I've still had 14 hours gameplay for £12.49 but still disappointing.
Risen 2: Dark waters is ok, enjoyable, nice settings but nothing really original or ground breaking.
I have finished making my patio bike storage shed and now have lots of room in my living room again and all my disco stuff is now in my bedroom, which means I have a coffin at the bottom of my bed. Nice and handy I suppose if I shuffle off this mortal coil in my sleep, they can just bung me in the box at the foot of the bed
Clocks go back over the weekend, here starts the cold dark and nasty season. Where we have two calendar dates, the British tradition of Guy Fawkes Night where kids are now frowned upon for asking for a penny for the guy as it's considered scrounging and Halloween, an American custom where kids are encouraged to ask for money from people door to door where sometimes those people are under threat of intimidation from the little buggers asking 'trick or treat'.
So, Penny For The Guy a no-no, Trick or Treat acceptable. Madness I tell you, What's The World Coming To? It wasn't like that when I were a lad, the whole world's gone to pot, these days, these days (repeat as grumpy individual ad infinitum until you start to feel good or pass out through a temporary cardiac arrest)