The Meshie Davey
huddo said:
This was the first of some 15 telephone calls the organisation during these I have been cut off for no apparent reason passed from one department to another then cut off. I waited 12 minutes for an answer the longest being 35 minutes where I spoke to 6 individuals all of whom were unable to help I did finally get one member of staff to admit the notebooks hadn’t left China this was at least two weeks after the original dispatch date.
At NO time was I offered an alternative product some of which are a very similar spec and price and according to the web site are next day delivery!!!!
Every time I rang I asked to speak to a supervisor and not once was one available.It is also impossible to write or complain to anyone in authority as there are no addresses.
I have read about the nightmares of literally hundreds of Mesh Victims and huddo's experience of Mesh Customer Service is typical, and this has been going on for a number of years. If you are a new Mesh Victim looking for help, having had long waits on the phone to get through to unhelpful Customer Service Assistants and had your emails and letters ignored, you may wish to try the Meshie Davey who can be contacted at .......
(e-mail address removed)
Davey Whyte seems to be an honourable guy who helps some Mesh Victims get the assistance they are entitled to and would have received immediately from a reputable company without any hassle. Of course if Mesh cared about their customers with problems, this begs the question .......
Why not put Davey in charge of Mesh Customer Service
It seems that, once they have paid for their order, Mesh do not care about their customers at all and treat them with contempt, making it as difficult as possible for them to communicate by phone, email and letter. After all it will only cost them a couple of lost orders at most when the Mesh Victim tells his family and friends the truth about Mesh Customer Service. However, there is a problem for Mesh if the Mesh Victim posts his nightmare on a Computer Forum where it may be read by thousands of people. It appears that the Mesh answer to this is, not to rectify their incompetent and disreputable Customer Service, but .......
The Meshie Davey !!!!!!!
In my opinion he is the Mesh D.L.O. (Damage Limitation Officer)
He only operates on Mesh friendly forums where he responds quickly to any posts by Mesh Victims, to a chorus of Mesh Zealots singing his praises and claiming how it proves Mesh are providing wonderful Customer Service
The Meshie Davey may help you if you are a Mesh Victim and that is to be applauded, but is he .......
An Honourable Guy being used in A Thoroughly Dishonourable Way by A Most Disreputable Company ???????

Together we can make a difference !!!!!!!!!!!!!!