Hi shazbat
Welcome to the PC Review Forum shazbat
A forum free from the influence of any computer retailer
And the forum with the best set of emoticons by far
I am sorry to read yet another tale of woe from a Mesh Victim
My nightmare with Mesh Customer Service ended over a year ago and since then I have read hundreds of posts from Mesh Victims, and the only detail of your post that is surprising, is that you have actually spoken to Mr. Amit Patel ....... twice
I always agree with feckit regardless, otherwise he flames me with abusive comments, but he is quite right to cast doubt on you receiving your refund in 5 days
A refund can easily be made in a couple of days, even by the incompetent Mesh Customer Service, and there are three examples of this happening on this thread .......
However, the Law allows a retailer to take up to 30 days to refund a customer, and so it is no surprise at all that a company like Mesh usually takes 20 days or so to make a refund
Mesh Customer Service have been more appalling than usual these past few weeks and even on "another forum", the Forum Editor and Mesh Zealots are hardly bothering to put their usual spin on the complaints posted by Mesh Victims, to make Mesh Customer Service appear less incompetent and disreputable
Please do keep us posted about your refund shazbat and you may wish to help your fellow citizens avoid becoming Mesh Victims by sending details of your tale of woe to Trading Standards and BBC Watchdog
Useful Contact Information for Mesh Customers
You should report Mesh to your local Trading Standards Service first and do it as soon as you have trouble with Mesh. They should advise you how to resolve the problem.
Finally, please try and help to save some of your fellow citizens enduring a similar nightmare to you by contacting :-
BBC Watchdog
Homepage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/consumer/tv_and_radio/watchdog/
Contact: http://www.bbc.co.uk/consumer/tv_an...act_index.shtml
Computer Nightmares: http://www.bbc.co.uk/consumer/tv_an...computers.shtml
Together we can make a difference !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Wishes,