Hi feckit
I have noticed you have read some of my posts, so you know that I am not some sad old git who is always moaning, whinging or complaining and posting over and over and over again about for example a certain disreputable computer retailer based in the Oxgate Centre, Brent
So I hope you will forgive me having a big moan now, because I had a bloody awful day last tuesday ..... and I choose the adjective appropriately
Woke up, blood all over my sheets and pillow, reckoned I must have had a massive nose bleed during the night. Then I noticed it, in the bed beside me ..... the severed head of a horse
Thought, "Bloody hell !!! How unlucky can you get ???". The only other person I have ever heard of this happening to, was way back in the 1970s, and that was some guy in a film. Then I realised it was not just simply bad luck !!! Pinned to the horse's head with a dagger was a note
Written in blood was this .......
"Stop Telling The Truth About Mesh Computers In The PC Review Forum."
Yeah, it was exactly like that, a capital letter at the beginning of every word ..... weird
Now I have a chance to catch up on this thread, there seems to have been a post removed, references to "CodFather" and a "public response from Mesh" ..... and a "Godfather" listed among the Forum Members
I am beginning to piece all this together, but I wonder feckit if you could give me the complete picture of what has happened on this thread please ???