Susan said:
That's certainly a valid reason for not allowing full access. A new
site would not have that problem.
On the other hand, with a database system, there would be no need to have
access, because everything would be done through the input system.
It was corrected when you sent me a new password - but several days
and several emails is not efficient - I believe your stated goal *is*
more efficiency?
Susan, you are again misrepresenting the facts.
It took 2 emails from you, one in which you first alerted me to the problem
and another in which you responded to me that you still could not log in,
and 2 from me, one indicating that I didn't know what the problem was and
asking you to verify whether there was still a problem and another after I
reset the password. This all transpired between 7:30 one evening to 11:30
the next, a mere 28 hours. Hardly days and hardly several emails.
And again, this is the only time that anything like this has transpired. I
don't know why it did, but it is not an endemic problem.
Lack of access *is* a problem. Can *I* create the PL2005 directory?
You have got to be kidding me. Is this what this whole brouhaha is about?
I mentioned that it would not be necessary to create one if we move to a
database system as all subdomains would disappear once that happened.
If your objection was to the fact that I dismissed your need for a 2005
directory at this time since it is both premature and potentially redundant,
then you should have said as much. While I think it is wasted time and
effort to duplicate the work, if that is what you want to do, that's your
call. You have your directory.