Genna Reeney
Ceg said:One point...look at your license regarding the CD project.
Would you please stop calling it MY anything? As I have written before, I
had nothing whatsoever to do with the CD project. Either call it the license
that the group drafted or attribute it to the person(s) who wrote it, but
don't make it mine. It just is NOT my work.
percentage of preparation of that was conducted publicly...if this is
a public project?
I think that the people directly involved with this project are better
qualified to answer this question. I have absolutely ZERO knowledge of this.
Your license is literally a piece of crap and has
more holes than swiss cheese. It reeks of someone taking maybe 3
minutes to rip some half-read license out of some half-baked program
written by some 4th grader in his first week of VB.
Again, *I* did not do anything. Please address your concerns to those
directly involved with the project.
As much as I
followed the threads when it was being generated, I didn't see a
whole lot on that matter. Another point...was it put to some kind of
open discussion about what permissions would be requested from the
various authors and distribution houses? Not that I saw. I read this
group on a daily basis.
Again, you should address this question to those that were directly involved
in the project.
Quite frankly, I don't think this was the best way to go about it. But
that's a different discussion for a different time.