Whoa! Let's back up a bit. Genna's done a great deal for the group. I
appreciate her efforts and I'm sure her plans are intended to benefit the
The problem is *communication* with the group - or rather lack of
communication. . . the Pricelessware web site *is* a group thing and
decisions about is should be made in the group. . .
I think the Pricelssware List *will* have to move from the present site -
IMO as we leave we should thank Genna for providing that site for several
Whoa. Let's not back up a bit. The group evolves. Is all the work you've
done for her? Was it done for yesterday?
It's not what a person has done in the past that counts. It's what a
person does now.
Yes that was nice of her. She's NOT nice now. Maybe tomorrow she'll be
But since no one knows what transpired between you two the rest of the
people are left in the dark.
Is she nice or not? Why does the site have to change venues?
What are you hiding Susan?