My god some people are slow.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
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Why don't you email Paul Thurott and ask him if he has a source? Marketing
isn't going to give that kind of data to anyone except the press and maybe
not them.
My observations are from the same standpoint that a million talking heads
make them Jonah--and the best talking head you can listen to now if you get
the chance is Ron Susskind (Wall Street Journal Economics Reporter) "One
Percent Doctrine" author. He is for me as good as it gets now with foreign
policy, terrorist threats, and how they are being handled.
As to Big Brother, Microsoft --heard of them--met for two full days in
Washington D.C. with the Department of Justice who pushed them to turn over
all customer information and save searches for two years. Microsoft has not
been vocal about the outcome of that meeting while spending a ton of time
reassuring you about your privacy. I mention this because in Vista, much is
being made of how UAC protects you. UAC may protect you but when ISPs,
MSFT, Google and the rest are being pushed or compelled to give up your
private information that makes UAC rather ironic.

On my phone calls, I try to preface every other sentence with "Jonah our
Cell Leader"

London tragicallyscrewed the pooch very badly killing an innocent person
over the subway bombings but these are very tough circumstances, and of
course calls without a lot of black and white clarity, and I'm in a country
with a government so quintissentially incomepentent I'm not about to cast
stones. I'll look at the map later and try to see which bridges. My friend
is great with these analyses, and has an encyclopoedic grasp of geography I
only wish I had. His economic analysis went far beyond the bridges though.
He made the point that the shipment of grain of all things is very
important. I think this came out of a group of us talking about ports and
6% inspection ect one night.

Your facility with US Geography is very admirable. It might be my own
weakness, but I love maps and geography and think one of the weakest parts
of my education growing up was to learn geography. I don't think we teach
it well here compared to the UK, Europe, and Asia. I'm drawing this from
the people I know from those areas. I have a very good time with maps of
London and the UK in general and have several great coffee table picture

It's interesting to watch Google Earth and Windows Live Local evolve:

That idea is a very good one. Journalists who are very conversant with
Windows--the ezines like Bink, Mary Jo Foley, ect probably are very good at
marshalling those kinds of resources. People at CNET probably have it. , I
had been using their ezines but I should just ask a few of them. You will
run accross CNET articles and even Microsoft Press articles from time to
time that will give you corners or pieces of what I'm looking for, but not a
straight list.


Smoke286 said:
Microsoft made the decision to open up the Vista Beta Program to the
general public, perhaps because they were interested in seeing what
problems someone with less then proficient technical abilities might
have with Vista in its current form.
1- Because someone is not technically adept does not mean they are stupid
2- Because someone is technically adept does not mean they are smart
3- No one appointed you the arbiter of who is or is not worthy
4- As a rule of thumb, If a post does not warrant a reply, or if you
cannot help, don't bother replying

Who appointed you netkkkop of the group?!?
Actually, you don't have to die, you simply have to make it so you can't
Hey, yer lucky, just to GET to my state capital, I have to go through
another country unless I fly. The big battle here for years now has been to
move the thing to a more centralized location. (Let's see how many of us
americans know their own country's geography enough to guess where I

Why are ya starting so far down the coast? Come on up here and hunt some
We could probably google hard and come up with some ways for that to happen.
Oh yeah, msn has some kind of search and so do many others.

Hey, yer lucky, just to GET to my state capital, I have to go through
another country unless I fly. The big battle here for years now has been to
move the thing to a more centralized location. (Let's see how many of us
americans know their own country's geography enough to guess where I

Why are ya starting so far down the coast? Come on up here and hunt some

Where are you Alaska? Not much up from Washington State but Canada &
Alaska is there apart from the Ruskies? Got plenty of mossies this
side of the pond, hunt yer own bugs. Tell you what I have always
wanted to see Nome and the Klondike, maybe I will detour a little.

No place like Nome so I heard, probably true.

Why Seattle to San Fransisco

Allegedly the best road in the world, and I have ridden a lot so I am
hard to please. Actually I may do the old Oregon trail out to
Independance Rock then back West to California, not decided fully yet
but I have 3 weeks to get from Seattle to San Fransisco. BTW I am
trying to get a proper Yank muscle car out of the hire people to do
it, Trans Am or Dodge Challenger, yer know something all engine and
zero finesse, the wife wont do it on the back of a Honda VFR (selfish
cow) so I have to compromise a little. Any ideas?


My favorite here was the poster who couldn't figure out how to uninstall
Vista because he couldn't find it in his Add/Remove Programs.

I missed that one, that's funny.

I also liked the one with the guy who installed Vista and *then* used it to
backup some of his files and settings...
That's not his point at all, and you know it. His point is that if you
are at this point in your learning curve, you should NOT be installing the
beta of an OS


When I was learning those things, I wasn't trying to install beta OSes on my
only machine.
I used to be an automobile mechanic (circa 1970). I decided that breaking
things was part of learning. Working with computers has not changed my


To further illustrate, would you recommend to someone learning that trade to
take apart the only car they have as their means of transportation?

After all, "we were all there once"...
What was the implication of "premier truck driver"? Stop the trucks and
you ain't seein' no Vista

If truckers decide to go on strike tomorrow morning I'm afraid it won't
affect my ability to download it. I suggest you find a better comparison.
Well in fact I did that. Several times. But when the car didn't work, it
had to be fixed, and not getting it running again was not an option.

When the car was running OK (or in the case of brakes safe to drive) I left
it alone. Even after I knew what I was doing.

If truckers go on strike tomorrrow morning, I know it will screw your
ability to download and a lot more.

If those 6 crucial bridges go out and Homer is in the US there is a top 50
plus list of things Homer won't be able to do. Homer might not realize it
but when Jim Allchin held up old Vister the first time, he later admitted in
interviews that one of the components besides the little elves at Redmond
not getting the bugs fixed fast enough or at all with 5-7000 bugs per build
and major components still very broken like a system file checker that
cannot replace files without trashing the registry, was that they could not
get boats in on time to bring parts for those boxes that were going to
pre-install Vista--those parts come by a number of transportation modes and
that includes turcks.

Without Trucks Homer is quickly screwed:

Homer would stop eating soon unless Homer goes out and kills his food or
Homer is like Haniible Lector

If Homer wanted to do any hdw upgrading, he would have a tough time finding
parts on or off line.

If there were problems with the routers and cable and fiberoptics and other
parts of the backbone that brings Homer's little downloads to Homer, there
would need to be parts shipped via truck to fix said backbone.

Without trucks, all those items Homer whips into a grocery or drug store to
get would stop showing up.

Without trucks, medications would stop flowing. Many of the basic materials
that are used to inject medications parenterally in hospital and office
settings would stop flowing.

Ole Homer is oblivious to the fact that on his planet there is now human to
human incipient pandemic for Avian flu and there is no vaccine for it, nor
can be until more mutations take off, nor is there any oral medication that
adeuqately treats it. Homer is oblivious to the fact that his country has
avidly stock-piled Tamiflu, but his country's medical literature has been
replete with studies that show Tamiflu has no efficacy against any H5N1
strains, but it does have one certain impact. It spreads resistance
exponentially and that result is it kills people faster and more

If Homer lives in any US state, Homer will quickly discover that there is no
adequate plan for the hospitals in that state and that the governor of said
state has said next to nothing about preparedness because there isn't
any--particularly in states where the governor happens to be a vet and is
silent. A study last week showed all states to have a score of "F" in
preparedness. Something tells me that isn't the letter grade Homer went for
in school.

Such a scenario would stop Vista and MSFT's current contingency plans to
keep washing their hands and have their workforce telecommute from home
would quickly break down because those VPN lines still need infrastructure
and human personnel to keep them up and running.

Seattle also scored terribly in a secret disaster study last year that cost
a few million dollars.

Chad Harris said:
What was the implication of "premier truck driver"? Stop the trucks and you
ain't seein' no Vista or a panopoly of other software and toys you like.
What was the connotation of premier with truck driver. There are six
bridges in the US and if you were to take them out you could instantly
paralyze commerce and much of that commerce would travel by 18 wheeler.

The kid could have grown up to be a thoracic surgeon named Bill Frist on the
floor of your Senate as the Majority Leader pissing away time on "gay
marriage"and "flag burning" when embryonic stem cell funding consideration
could have kept idiots like Frist from opening chests on mediastinal tumors
that they can't fix and embryonic stem cells could.

The lust to run for President and Win will really whore you out.

Just wondered what the connotation was with "premier truck driver", politely
telling people they're stupid and your assessment in the second grade that
the kid was "stupid" whatever the word means.

Damn- is there not *any* place that a person can go on the net
without encountering some Democratic or Republican shrill shill?!
Take the political blathering to the appropriate group and STFU already.

People like you Michael who are apathetic but university educated and
affiliated are why things are so fooked. You get the government you deserve
and do something about. Read Ron Suskind's 1% Solution. "Damn" is damn
right. You're in trouble butcha don't realize it.

Damn! There ain't no gun in yo mouth forcin you ta read none of this heah
or even turn on your box.

I've read it. Excellent book. However, just about wherever you go
on the net, especially newsgroups (even non-political ones), there
are always Bush butt-snorkelers, Cheney crack kissers, Michael Moore
morons, and DailyKos crack heads. The amount of hate that is spewed
is disgusting and obscene.

This is a Windows Vista newsgroup. Not a political barfing contest.

I'm done with this discussion.

Carry on.

Ron Suskind is talking about the apathy that has terrible government and in
particular about your two Senators from NC.

Nothing I've said has to do with political affiliation. I have a problem
when a thoracic surgeon who wants to be President is dumb enough to argue
who marries whom and burning a flag over embroynic stem sells that would
stop him from opening chests on inoperable mediastinal masses.

These cutsy phrases you invoke Micheal--you been shackin' up with Anne
Coulter? Has she taught you the fine art of BBSnorkling? You sent Senator
Richard Burr and Eliz Dole. They're doing such an excellent job;
insightful, cerebral, and quintissentially effective. Liddy wlll show you
some real snorkling.

What's Windows Vista Michael? Just don't read anyone's posts who you think
is a "Dail Kos" crack head or a Michael Moore moron.

Pssst--I'd put the Daily Kos's leader or Michael Moore in that North
Carolina Senate Seat every day of the year before I'd stick the vegetables
Liddy Dole and Richard Burr in there. Things are going well in the states
are they?

I like your lables; they are well crafted and nuanced. Lol.


Chad Harris said:
People like you Michael who are apathetic but university educated and
affiliated are why things are so fooked. You get the government you deserve
and do something about. Read Ron Suskind's 1% Solution. "Damn" is damn
right. You're in trouble butcha don't realize it.

I would like to invite you to come by these


You'll find, 4 groups.

"The Table" is for political and news topics.

"Securcomp" is for all sorts of technology topics.

Those are the two groups I frequent and post to the
most. I don't post nearly as much as I use to- I just
get tired of it.

Nevertheless, there are some good discussions held there.

Take care,
