Chad Harris
What was the implication of "premier truck driver"? Stop the trucks and you
ain't seein' no Vista or a panopoly of other software and toys you like.
What was the connotation of premier with truck driver. There are six
bridges in the US and if you were to take them out you could instantly
paralyze commerce and much of that commerce would travel by 18 wheeler.
The kid could have grown up to be a thoracic surgeon named Bill Frist on the
floor of your Senate as the Majority Leader pissing away time on "gay
marriage"and "flag burning" when embryonic stem cell funding consideration
could have kept idiots like Frist from opening chests on mediastinal tumors
that they can't fix and embryonic stem cells could.
The lust to run for President and Win will really whore you out.
Just wondered what the connotation was with "premier truck driver", politely
telling people they're stupid and your assessment in the second grade that
the kid was "stupid" whatever the word means.
ain't seein' no Vista or a panopoly of other software and toys you like.
What was the connotation of premier with truck driver. There are six
bridges in the US and if you were to take them out you could instantly
paralyze commerce and much of that commerce would travel by 18 wheeler.
The kid could have grown up to be a thoracic surgeon named Bill Frist on the
floor of your Senate as the Majority Leader pissing away time on "gay
marriage"and "flag burning" when embryonic stem cell funding consideration
could have kept idiots like Frist from opening chests on mediastinal tumors
that they can't fix and embryonic stem cells could.
The lust to run for President and Win will really whore you out.
Just wondered what the connotation was with "premier truck driver", politely
telling people they're stupid and your assessment in the second grade that
the kid was "stupid" whatever the word means.