You may very well be correct, however, I cannot however fathom how making
snide remarks alieviate the problem
It does not help the OP at all other than drawing attention to the
fact that they have done something very silly which may be a good
lesson to learn, it was for me in my early struggles with Windows. I
don't recall NGs being particularly nice to me in those days I did
stupid things and deserved what I got along with the help which always
turned up from somebody. The sarcasm & abuse I got was very
motivational in its own way and very effective.
I asked in an earlier post, why MSFT did not include a proper
"backout" option which would have made life much easier for all
concerned because this fiasco could not possibly have been unforseen.
Like the revert to 98SP from XP that was included in XP when you
The outcome of that question was technical and other reasons but still
begs the question - whats the windows.old folder for?
Anyway I have taken your advice some time ago and given up answering
the dumb questions so I can concerntrate on figuring Vista out myself,
mostly anyway.
