On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 12:52:05 -0500, REM
< snip >
We weren't paying the bills. Genna was/is. She can run her
own site any way she likes/liked.
Susan wanted people here to gang up and tell Genna how to
run the web site that she so kindly provided for ACF
readers. It didn't work so Susan had a tantrum and quit.
Her choice. A more sensible choice would simply have been
to move elsewhere.
I think one thing that is important is that if my memory
serves. Two years ago when Susan, with her much appreciated
passion, volunteered to do the job, she was (and rightfully
should be, as a member of this group) welcomed, although Genna
was already doing the job at that time and she didn't really
indicated that she was going to resigned yet.
By the same token, Genna volunteered to provide the site as
she has been (and we all appreciated this too), she should not
be "kicked out" or "excluded" either (just like Susan wasn't
excluded to help in the first place). I think everyone should
be welcomed to contribute, but part of the deal, IMO, is also
to work with other already existing volunteer(s), for better
or worst. Tolerance is a must.
When one volunteer to do a job for a group, one is also
implicitly agreeing to work with other volunteering
participants who are already being involved, like it or not,
or for better or worse.
I think the bottomline is, if Pricelessware is *really* in
principle belong to everyone here, everyone should be welcomed
to participate and no one should have the right to "kick"
another person out of the game (moving the site is "kicking"
Genna out of the game, taking away the part that she wants to
contrubute - I honestly think that it is unfair, especially
she has been doing it since before Sue is involved).
I think if Sue still wants to be the webmaster, she should
still be welcomed and appreciated, and if Genna wants to
provide the site as she has been, she should also be welcomed,
too. If one really consider PL is a thing for everyone here,
everyone should have the right to contribute (although first
come first serve, as most volunteer works usually are) Genna
does not have the right to kick Sue out and Sue should not try
kick Genna out either. Volunteer works like this is not about
who does the best job, it is about who is willing to do it and
whether one is willing put up the unbearbles and to work
things out with others.
If either of them found that they are not happy about the
situation, they can either beg the other one to leave, work it
out, or sad to say, just leave. The group here should not be
asked to take "side". It is just volunteer work, not a matter
of life and death and should not have that kind of politics
<shoot! finally cannot help to say something on this thread,
have been holding my tongue up for sooo looooog and finally
exploded !>
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