I suggest you read my posts. Nowhere did I suggest anything of the
sort. I repeatedly have said that she should move elsewhere if she
isn't happy with Genna's site.
I sure didn't get that from what I've read John.
It's actually complicated by the fact there is a Pricelessware web
site, which is controlled by the active members of ACF, and a
Pricelessware.org domain, which is owned by an individual who has
generously paid the expenses for the web site (18 months prepaid it
The group was asked to decide whether the _Pricelessware web site_ is
moved from the current domain, _pricelessware.org_.
This is where the friction is and the proposed solution. This is a
physical separation of the two parties involved; the domain owner and
the web site maintainer.
If the move is elected I suggest we try to reimburse Geena for the
months paid in advance.
These threads are a total waste of everyone's time. If Susan wants to
move then she can. Her choice. Nothing has changed since post
number one on this issue.
This is not a decision a single person makes John. The group, ACF, was
asked to vote on the fate of the PL web site. That's why the
discussion is here.
She could move then. She can move now.![]()
I don't think we're on the same page.
She can move the pricelessware web site without a vote? No.
That's not how it works. You know this.
She can quit and create an alternate site? Yes, she could. That is not
at all the question posed here though.
Is your vote that the _Pricelessware web site_ move to another domain?
Or, is your vote that the _Pricelessware web site_ remain at the
current domain?
You have a vote as an active member. It is somewhat confusing in that
there are two entities that seemingly are tied together. They are not.
ACF holds the copyright on the Pricelessware web site if I'm not
mistaken. The domain is not owned by the group.
Do you understand what is being asked here now?