Son Of Spy said:
The domain is paid for, for the next 18 months.
Having had to change MY web address last November, I am more cognizant
than many of the difficulties involved re updating the entire web
to the new address.
I vote Stay.
Aloha from a lurker in Michigan, USA,
I'm a bit confused here.
I was under the impression that a "domain name"
was not hard-linked to a website's host and
could be moved with the website.
There may be a charge for "hosting" the website,
in other words renting the storage space on the
host server(s) for the webpages, and a
corresponding Internet "address", all numbers,
for the server of the main page of the website
(possibly with other addresses for other pages
which may be sitting in/on different servers).
There is a separate registration fee for the
domain name, which actually pays for recording
and publishing the damain name, in this case, _and_ the corresponding
Internet address. Here, "publishing" means
the name-to-numbers information goes into the
network of "name servers" that do the lookup
for the Internet.
(By the way, there appears to be a problem
with people forgetting to pay for the registration
renewal and losing control of their "domain"
and consequently their webpage.)
I don't see any reason why the website couldn't
be moved to a new host and still keep the domain
name, unless there's a problem with changing the
"owner" of the domain.
What am I missing?
By the way, I guess, after trying to read thru the
threads, I vote "Move".
(I would actually be agreeable to splitting off a
new list, and let both lists go their own way,
with suitable names, maybe PricelessWare1
and PricelessWare2. or something like that.
It would be civilized to put hyperlinks in each
list pointing to the other, but that might be
hoping for too much.
I liked the idea of making the list database-
driven, since that should make it easier to
maintain, once the bugs are out and if it's
done well. Unfortunately I don't think I have
the skills and experience to program such
a system.
The situation reminds me of when Consumers
Union split off from [was it] Consumers Report
[?]. )
Apologies for butting in, but I would really like
to be sure I understand what is happening.
And, thank you to Son of Spy, Geena [sp?],
and Susan. I'm sorry about the conflict, but
accept that things happen.