Da Vote: Move the Pricelessware site

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
My thoughts:
1: Keep Susan
2: Move the site.
3: Name it Pricelessware
4: I've been here for two years: "Genna-who?"
5: Vollunteers would help defray the costs of the site move. Also,
can't Genna et. al. sell the domain to Susan et. al? I've purchased
domains before. You buy out the pro-rata cost of the license fee that
remains, plus 20% to the seller.


John H.
Susan Bugher said:
This is my unresignation. Apologies for the previous over-reaction.

I'm glad to see your unresignation.
Now I hope the vote doesn't make you have to un-unresign. :)
Marines sent me a
recruitment letter - do I get any points for that?

nope, sorry ! But dont worry, your points bucket is full with
PL qudos :)
I was highly tempted
to show up - with hubbie and the kids in tow. :)

Yep, and why not ? :-)
I did Electrical Engineering -> electronics and spacecraft telecomms,
some of my stuff visited Comet Halley(Giotto) and some is still
monitoring the sun (Ulysses), that didn't stop me later staying at
home to raise child whilst sending wife (microbiologist and botanist)
out to work !
Olaf Janson said:
*ProteanThread* said:
Susan Bugher said:
This is my unresignation. Apologies for the previous over-reaction.

Please mark your scorn and abuse responses [OT] out of consideration
for others. TIA

It was hard to *find* the votes in the 200* posts in "Irreconcilable
Differences" thread.

Any additions/corrections?


I'm sorry Susan, but this is really really starting to get lame now.

You're certainly the expert on what's lame. So I guess you're qualified
to make that statement.

What goes around certainly *CUMS* around, eh, olaf ? Nice to see you again.



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Chats scheduled every Thursday @ 7PM MDT (0100 GMT) and
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Olaf Janson said:
Add my vote to move. Genna had no business to unilaterally decide to
change how the site is maintained.

Wrong. Its all become she said / she said.



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Wrong. Its all become she said / she said.

Ummm, do you think so ?
I see it more like she is doing / she used to do

Seems to me that so long as we want (and she is willing) Susan to do
the job it behoves us all, including Genna, to bend over backwards to
make it as _pleasurable_ as possible for Susan to continue to have fun
doing it.
Or am I missing something ? (Like another volunteer ? )


I vote for the third option. As I have all along.

The third option is much better than both of the other two. :-)

Regards, John.

'tis difficult keeping tracks of who said what where, but if I
understand you correctly you are advocating that Susan can take her
bag of marbles and toys and go play elsewhere ? fair enough and so
she can, of course. But do we wish her to do so ?
If we do, and if you do, who then does the pricelessware.org version
of PL ? You ?? Genna? SoS?
Nelson-> Trafalgar-> I see no flags :-((
John Fitzsimons said:
I suggest you read my posts. Nowhere did I suggest anything of the
sort. I repeatedly have said that she should move elsewhere if she
isn't happy with Genna's site.

No, you said Genna should delete all of the files for the site.
That would render the site useless wouldn't it?
Guess you have the best interests of the group in mind.
These threads are a total waste of everyone's time. If Susan wants to
move then she can. Her choice. Nothing has changed since post
number one on this issue.

This discussion is not a waste of time. If you truly feel that it's a
waste of time, why do you continue to participate?
Why should we care about the opinion of someone who continues to waste
their time?
She could move then. She can move now. :-)

Or, Genna could back off and let Susan manage the site the way she has

Since that's not going to happen, Genna should release the ownership of
the Pricelessware.org domain name to Susan.

Susan has represented this group better than Genna ever did.
John Fitzsimons said:
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 15:46:52 +0100, Semolina Pilchard

If Pricelessware is to remain where it
is, can Susan continue to do things the way she wants to?

< snip >

Unless Genna, and/or SOS, have changed access rights then the
answer is obviously "no".

We all knew that over 200 posts ago. So why ask people to vote
for an option that isn't available ? Rather dopey IMO.

Looks like another attempt to put pressure on Genna to "mend her

Why don't we just find Genna and tar and feather her ? Sounds like
an appropriate "punishment" for anyone who dares dictate how people
use their own web space.

Let's take a vote on this. Should we punish Genna for daring to say
how people can access her site ?

Please mark your scorn and abuse responses [OT] out of consideration
for others. TIA

Here are the vote results:



Vote as needed. Be sure to keep things in this thread and DON'T start
a "tar and feathers" thread. This thread is already far to short.
Another few hundred useless posts should do us all a lot of good.

After all, if we didn't waste time with this rubbish what would we
talk about ? Freeware ?


It would be a beautiful world if we could get rid of both of you.

None of this would have happened if GENNA would have left things alone.
I can't believe I've gotten this far thru the thread, but looking ahead
and seeing how much more there is to it I gotta bud in now with my
thoughts. Pricelessware would flounder without Susan at the helm. No ifs
ands or buts about it.
Until Genna comes back saying it is her intention to take over the
coding, I have to stick with Susan as much as I would like to see
Pricelessware live on.
So - I suggest you all back off and see what Genna has to say about
this. All these threads starting up are just bogging down what acf is
supposed to be doing.
and I hope any Canadians among you are going out to vote Monday. a vote
against Paul Martin is a good vote! damn crook.....

P. Keenan - Webmaster
Web Page Design
Manitoulin Island, Canada
(e-mail address removed)
Son Of Spy said:
The domain Pricelssware.org is paid for, for the next 18 months.

Having had to change MY web address last November, I am more cognizant
than many of the difficulties involved re updating the entire web
to the new address.

I vote Stay.


Aloha from a lurker in Michigan, USA,

I'm a bit confused here.

I was under the impression that a "domain name"
was not hard-linked to a website's host and
could be moved with the website.

There may be a charge for "hosting" the website,
in other words renting the storage space on the
host server(s) for the webpages, and a
corresponding Internet "address", all numbers,
for the server of the main page of the website
(possibly with other addresses for other pages
which may be sitting in/on different servers).

There is a separate registration fee for the
domain name, which actually pays for recording
and publishing the damain name, in this case
pricelessware.org, _and_ the corresponding
Internet address. Here, "publishing" means
the name-to-numbers information goes into the
network of "name servers" that do the lookup
for the Internet.

(By the way, there appears to be a problem
with people forgetting to pay for the registration
renewal and losing control of their "domain"
and consequently their webpage.)

I don't see any reason why the website couldn't
be moved to a new host and still keep the domain
name, unless there's a problem with changing the
"owner" of the domain.

What am I missing?

By the way, I guess, after trying to read thru the
threads, I vote "Move".

(I would actually be agreeable to splitting off a
new list, and let both lists go their own way,
with suitable names, maybe PricelessWare1
and PricelessWare2. or something like that.

It would be civilized to put hyperlinks in each
list pointing to the other, but that might be
hoping for too much.

I liked the idea of making the list database-
driven, since that should make it easier to
maintain, once the bugs are out and if it's
done well. Unfortunately I don't think I have
the skills and experience to program such
a system.

The situation reminds me of when Consumers
Union split off from [was it] Consumers Report
[?]. )

Apologies for butting in, but I would really like
to be sure I understand what is happening.

And, thank you to Son of Spy, Geena [sp?],
and Susan. I'm sorry about the conflict, but
accept that things happen.

This is my unresignation. Apologies for the previous over-reaction.

Please mark your scorn and abuse responses [OT] out of consideration for
others. TIA

Here are the vote results:

Why, Susan, is this "vote" even necessary??
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 20:45:27 +0800, ranrad wrote...
I didn't actually vote, but from the gist of the post I made I would say
that my vote was Leave the Pricelessware site where it is, and you do your
own mirror site (if that's the correct term) wherever turns you on.

Best suggestion of the lot and could mean that everyone is happy(ish)?
On 26 Jun 2004 13:33:59 GMT, Bubba Yarfkowitz wrote...
If I had my druthers, I say keep the domain. "Pricelessware.org" - very
easy to remember...

I see that .info, .net and .com were snatched up at around the same time
that .org was by Genna. Must be other possibilities though if another
domain is needed.
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 14:26:19 GMT, Son Of Spy wrote...
The domain Pricelssware.org is paid for, for the next 18 months.

Having had to change MY web address last November, I am more cognizant
than many of the difficulties involved re updating the entire web
to the new address.

The index.html file on the pricelessware.org site could just be
a re-director to another site until the other site was established with
the search engines.
Dewey said:
Why, Susan, is this "vote" even necessary??


The alt.comp.freeware newsgroup is a democracy - somewhat like one of
the old Greek city states

The group has delegated "limited" decision making power to the
webmaster/point person - aka the city manager

Moving/not moving the Pricelessware web site is a *major* change.
Therefore it is a *group* decision.

I am a volunteer worker for ACF. Whether or not I am willing to
volunteer my time is *my* decision.

Two decisions - one that is a group decision - one that is a personal
decision. *IMO*. . .

Begin I alt.comp.freeware, sa Olaf Janson utan att tänka först:


It would be a beautiful world if we could get rid of both of you.

(And you don't have to feather me, I'm full of it already...)

Arne Anka

Men det värsta är inte själva baksmällan,
den verkliga pärsen börjar när gårdagens
oundvikliga sanningar börjar rullas upp för en...

Begin I alt.comp.freeware, sa jason utan att tänka först:
I also vote for there to be a mediation via Henk.


Arne Anka

Men det värsta är inte själva baksmällan,
den verkliga pärsen börjar när gårdagens
oundvikliga sanningar börjar rullas upp för en...

Mark said:
I will stand corrected, but I believe you've got it backwards. I believe
it was Genna that was advocating that the site format be changed,

That's correct.
that it was Susan who considered that proposal one of the
"irreconcilable differences."

That's incorrect. Please reread the start of the "PL issues" thread. I
thought the proposal should be discussed in ACF.
