Son Of Spy wrote on 26-6-2004 :
Welcome back, Susan. And apologies accepted

The domain is paid for, for the next 18 months.
Having had to change MY web address last November, I am more cognizant
than many of the difficulties involved re updating the entire web
to the new address.
The money that already has been paid for the domain is just one issue.
There are more:
Who will be responsible for the contents of the new site? As far as I
know now the contents of the site is copyrighted by ACF. How will this
be arranged in the future?
Who will have access to the (new) site? Depending this only on 1 (one)
webmaster seems to dangerous to me. There must be at least two members
of ACF have access to the (new) site. Having said this, who will have
the over-all responsibilty of this site?
How will Genna and/or SOS be refunded for the money they already paid
for the PL-site? They paid the money voluntarily for this site and I
think it would be fair when they are refunded for the time we don't use
that PL-domain anymore.
Moving the site to a place of Susan's choice, would that also give us
the gurarantee that Susan will manage this site for, let's say, the
next five years?
Who will pay for the new site?
Besides this, is there really no other way possible that we stay at the
current domain, use the domain that is already paid for, a domain that
is already known by a lot of (not only freeware-) folks all over the
world? I think there is. There must be ways possible that we can sort
out responsibilities regarding the owners and webmaster(s) of the
With kind regards,
Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
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