No one has made any such claim. You're using the typical troll
technique of setting up a straw man argument. Have you nothing better?
To guys like you anybody that is able to knock you biased opinions for
a loop automatically gets labeled a troll. I'm used to it. <snicker>
How's your research coming for those facts I asked you for?
And the average home PC user knows exactly how to tell which of these
hundreds of suggestions are valid? This statement simply supports my
contention that if one doesn't know enough to safely edit the registry
manually, then one doesn't know enough to use a safely registry cleaner.
You're so desperate to try to paint me as not knowing anything for you
to try to save face it blinds you to reality. I guess I need to
educate you a bit.
Take a typical Registry Clearer and what it finds. I just fired up
one. It lists a whole bunch of International keyboard keys. Things
like Romanian Standard and Serbian Cynllic plus hundreds of others the
typical user will never use because he'll never travel to those
countries with his computer. Removing such keys is harmless.
Unused time zones is another huge space waster that just clutters up
the Registry unless of course you really need to know what time it is
in Namibia or Samoa or hundreds of others remote places. There's much
more junk you can always safely remove I'm not going to bother to
The real use is what's been said before. Cleaning up after
applications that don't uninstall fully. I've heard the lame comments
guys like you always throw out, you know what to look for and know
where in the Registry to look. To that I say bullshit. Anybody that's
used regedit knows that any application may write a dozen or more keys
all over the Registry, some crazy applications write to over a hundred
Registry locations. For ANYBODY to vainly boast they know where they
all are and exactly what each does is obviously not the guy I want to
take advice from because they're just clowns patting themselves on the
That's why Registry Cleaners are useful tools. They can scan the
Registry far faster and far more completely than any human could even
if he devoted a full week to the task non stop.
The point is Registry Cleaners have their place. They are just another
tool. Use it wisely and it can be useful and make a difference. Misuse
it... like anything else and all bets off. What annoys me is every
time this topic comes up we have the anti Registry Cleaner crowd leap
to two wrong assumptions. First everybody that uses them obviously
couldn't possibly know as much as you do (sic) that's self-serving and
lame, then of course you guys always pretend everybody will mindlessly
push some auto button that could cause some damage in rare cases. Try
being more objective next time.