George Macdonald
It does, but only at the cost of giving them the power and legitimacy
of elected officals. Notice how US politics changed after the 19th
Amendment (direct election of Senators)
Yes, well it is rather lamentable that some of the worst seem to be so
difficult to err, dislodge. Then again, there have been some remarkable
No. Only in certain predictable situations where the
authorities have probable cause.
Be prepared to spend a night in jail then - probable cause is easy for the
cops when they've a mind to... it's happened.
Easy to put into drivers licences. Lots of antenna space.
So carry yours in a metal cigarette case and get stopped.
There ya go - now you have an I.D. Implants are, I'm sure, on the agenda
in the not too distant future... and apparently we already have

Some alignment, but only the sense of common-enemy.
Seems like your Euro-exposure did not include a brush with the old "class
system." I suppose to people there, growing up with it would result in a
unique mind set anyway.
As for people waking-up, nope. Until people are willing
to abandon the nanny-state protections, they're still dreaming.
It won't happen globally, all at once - it *is* starting to happen. The
Penguins of Brussels have accelerated the process.
Of course not. Nor of those in the US NE.
Yes, mostly because the job market is moribund (due to job
protections) so getting laid off is a much bigger deal than
in the US.
No - not at all. Some of the tax laws they have are an insult to the
general population/employee force... lots of paper companies with near-zero
assets. The job market is in the pan because they have had a steady stream
of recently added EU member coutries with err, very attractive labor
rates... temporary abberations.