Robert Redelmeier
In comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips George Macdonald said:I don't have any numbers on this but I'd figure 80-90%
of Americans live in an area of population density roughly
the same as most Europeans.
Please havea look at some of the fine population denity maps
indexed by Google images.
The fact that there are vast swaths of land in the U.S.
There are similar underpopulated areas of rural France & Spain.
which are unused/unusable doesn't really matter -
major conurbations, where most jobs are concentrated,
seem to reach about the same saturation point.
Not quite. With the exception of Manhattan, European urban
density is higher.
It took them ~20years to catch up with us on exhaust emission
WRT *real* pollutants, like HCs, CO, NOx - the difference
Of course! They use far less gasoline per capita (shorter
distances, higher density and narrow old roads forcing mass
transit). They also don't have smog traps like the LA basin,
and where they _do_ use cars, those cars are spread out (rural).
American cars have become much smaller and
efficient - more on a par with Euro-cars.
On a model-by-model basis, sure. The technology is the same.
But the fleets are vastly different corresponding to different
transportation uses. It would be surprising if they were the
same, with 4x the fuel price, narrower roads and difficult
parking in Europe.
I really don't see a lot of difference in their use of energy
or attitude to energy efficiency, compared with the U.S
Huh? GNP/energy is much lower. They routinely heat houses less.
I don't believe that those people, at the top of extremist
Islam are in any way acting overtly cynically here. They
really do believe it is their destiny to enforce Shariah
upon the world... and that their religion's dogma demands it.
Yes it does, and I didn't say (or believe) the extremists
are cynical at all. They believe. All extremists believe.
What do you do with hoards of home-bred young adults
indoctrinated in the violent overthrow of the regime where
you "happily" pass your days?
Is don't see these hoards in the west, particularly not
in the US. Sure there are some malcontents. But the vast
majority of recent immigrants integrate well. There's a _far_
bigger problem (population bomb) in many Muslim countries.
There will be serious local unrest, and some will get exported.
But as for the Islamic extremists, they are _far_ more threatened by
us than we are by them. And not just militarily. The Disney-esque
western pop culture is very seductive and presents a real challenge
especially when modern technology bypasses censorship. Read Neal
Stephenson's "Cryptonomicon" about McCoy AFB.
-- Robert