Huh? A model railroad system has some interesting flexible
cranes -- hands! Real cars are slightly more difficult to move.
Tsk, tsk - no hands.
I'm really not sure what you're saying here. The RRs have
been using computer scheduling since the 1950s.
Scheduling has come a long way, especially in the last few years, and from
what I've heard of their computerized methods, it was not that impressive
at the time I heard it.
I haven't heard of any actual termina problems. Some
places have a shortage of contrainer cranes, but that only
to be expected given the fast increase in traffic.
I just think they're saddled with an obsolete methodology. If you look at
modern ports around the world, the old peripheral railroad marshalling
yards are long gone or seriously slimmed down.
There are some very odd reasons "features" of the US electoral
system. From primaries through finals. But if "the people"
are too stupid, who are you going to use? An elite, as at
the founding of the US?
Well the EC is not a good example of how to arrange an elite and certainly
exposes the err, problems therein. I don't have a solution but if you
recall... accounts of "pregnant chafe" make me wonder about voter umm,
You take it as you want. I take it as most likely TV.
Just because it *might* have, it is so... despite the proud claims. I give
I think many are still there. A friends' FIL. But you
cannot arrest people for opinions. I'm not sure you can
even arrest somone for _not_ calling the cops after hearing
"Go to Hoboken tomorrow by 7am. You will see a sight."
At most, they can haul the speaker in for questioning
and maybe get a search warrent.
Well there was another local case among my circle of acquaintances and the
FBI got very interested in a "don't go to New York next week" remark (in
writing). The house was stripped when they arrived. As for the "gas
station family" they're gone. I believe that someone who heard "go to
Hoboken" and acted on it could certainly fall under the emergency terrorist
You wanna wait for the big one?<shrug>
I think we have very little choice. There are some reasonable
and inexpensive precautions we can take. The rest merely do
the terrorists job for them [ruin society].
We could start by identifying those (guests) who are (brazenly) preaching
destruction of our society -- actually civilization -- and ejecting them,
tout de bloody suite! I understand that many are illegal aliens - quite a
slap in the face of people who have gone to all the trouble to follow the
USCIS rules & procedures. How ironic, that the perps in the U.K. arrived
just within the last 10-15years as refugees... guests of a
benefactor.<gulp> Doing nothing, or reactive procedures, is not an option.
Personally I've always thought the Swiss model for citizenship as
quasi-fascist but now I find myself err, re-evaluating.<shrug> I have to
wonder how the recent London perps would feel about forced repatriation to
err, Somalia... apparently not a very nice place!
So you're intolerant of those who are intolerant.
I don't know.
I'm intolerant of people whose declared intention is to subjugate us to a
caliphate or mass-murder us if we don't submit. Having read Paul Berman's
article beginning to end (here it is again philosopher of islamic terror.html )
I see no option but to be intolerant of this kind of fascist Islamic
agenda. Those who want to control what I do, watch, drink, smoke, eat,
etc. I can deal with, within the terms of our legal system as it stands.