I suggest you pop down to trading standards and tell them your story they may well help you as well as your credit card company, also contact bbc watchdog, they can often get results very quickly. Remember you are in the right and mesh are just using bully tactics in not helping you.nottsfedup said:Hi
I already posted a thread complaint about my computer that didnt meet the spcification i ordered or paid for. Mesh refuse to refund me ( comp was 4 days old) now waiting for credit card company to sort out.
Mesh are crap to say the least.
Hi thanks for that. I have e mailed brent trading standards and watchdog.. Mesh are bloody con merchants advertising goods and charging for them then sending out inferiorsystems thatdont comply with the adverts or invoices.llcoolg said:Yeah Murdoch is absolutly right,
Mesh play on the fact that ppl feel guilty when they complain, and the tactics they are or will use will amount to nothin short of bullying. I said to the infamous Davey Whyte that dealing with his company was very much like being mugged, and i still think it is, just remember its your hard earned cash and they couldnt be bothered to keep their end of the deal, what do u think they would have dont if you only gave them half of the money?! If u cause enough comotion online Davey will try and get involved to keep you quiet, but he may just have to sort out your troubles for u in the process.
Following Murdochs advice would be a very wise thing to do, i read an interview with Tony Riccardi the mesh MD, who cliams to put a lot of stock into the online sales and support, so bear that in mind when u wreakin havoc online! Bad publicity is a nightmare for any company so keep that up and follow the legal route too. Trading standards will get ****ed off with them sooner rather than later, but im im sad to say that mesh will try and mess u around as much as the law allows.
so be patient
and all the best
murdoch said:Oh yes, Davey always seems to make an appearance when mesh are about to have a punter take action against them, he will of course try to stop you from doing so with a wide range of false promises, i would suggest you ignore them all.
Stick to the fact you want a full refund & good that your credit card company are looking in to it. Keep us all posted, you are not alone in being shafted by Mesh, hopefully one day mesh will get a knock from the BBC.
Good to hear you have gone for a Dell, they make pc's that work.
Have a good weekend![]()
murdoch said:llcoolg, sadly as it has been stated here before Davey is just a puppet of the Muppets! Mesh don’t care and the way the company is being run more and more customers & future customers will soon realise this to.
If you really want to get help I suggest you down load the mesh company info from www.companieshouse.gov.uk it will cost you up to £3 if you get all the info. In the company accounts it lists the 2 directors & contact details, just in case you want to take your case above "Davey".
No worries about talking geek, anyway talking geek is good fun, especially when it throws a mesh technical monkey. Stand your ground and demand the correct graphics card.
And remember together we can make a difference.