Arthur Entlich
Or anything else you want traced back to you, or at least your printer.
"The Printer Did It"!
"The Printer Did It"!
rick++ said:All printers have charisteristic quirks which can be used in court
cases. Its similar to the days when metal fonts on each typewriter
was slightly different in shape and angle.
Xerox's identifiers justs makes it easier.
GEO"[email protected] said:Millions? Ok, one million would be 50.000 twenty dollar bills, and
if 'millions' means at leat two, then it would mean printing at least
100.000 twenty dollar bills. That would cost a fortune in yellow
Jeffrey said:Steve wrote:
Or for whistleblowing on any employer who might have a blue light.
"Steve, can you explain why the letter with the details of how my secretary
and I used pension fund money to vacation in Aruba without my wife have the
same dot patterns as every spreadsheet you've printed in the last 2 years?"
How will that help when the serial number is on each page printed? Yeah, it
might slow down the authorities tracking you, but when they find you, they'd
still have proof that YOUR printer was involved. -Dave
Mike T. said:How will that help when the serial number is on each page printed? Yeah, it
might slow down the authorities tracking you, but when they find you, they'd
still have proof that YOUR printer was involved. -Dave
Jeffrey F. Bloss said:That's true, but these markings are more than something that can verify a
copy coming from a given printer, they're indications of which printer they
came from *regardless* of any prior knowledge. IOW, in the first scenario
someone would have to have both the printer and the page to make the
connection. In the latter scenario, the page reveals the machine all by
A *huge* difference.
Arthur Entlich said:The serial number and the date.
Shawn said:If you don't register your printer with the manufacturer, how is the
government going to identify that serial number back to you?
At most,
they can associate that serial number with a physical printer, but if no
one knows where the printer with that serial number is located, your
privacy is preserved.
Jeffrey F. Bloss said:That's true, but these markings are more than something that can
verify a copy coming from a given printer, they're indications of
which printer they came from *regardless* of any prior knowledge.
IOW, in the first scenario someone would have to have both the
printer and the page to make the connection. In the latter scenario,
the page reveals the machine all by itself.
A *huge* difference.
They make possible what was not possible before. Specifically, taking
any printed page and discerning it's origin with no other evidence at
all. Before this "tag" implementation an abusive government or
employer would typically have to sift through hundreds or thousands
of potential dissidents to build a list of potential targets. And
that list would be imperfect because the document might have been
printed at any time. Now, the document itself pinpoints at least the
machine it was printed on, and the exact time. And most likely a very
tiny list of targets as a result.![]()
In essence, any of this sort of identification is
forcing someone to sign every document they print.
It's a direct and indisputable assault against
privacy and anonymity, under the guise of "security".
A punishment of the whole for the actions of the minority.
Akin to fitting each and every citizen with an ankle bracelet because
a few have proved themselves deserving of electronic monitoring.![]()
Steve said:[...]All printers have charisteristic quirks which can be used in court
That's true, but these markings are more than something that can verify a
copy coming from a given printer, they're indications of which printer
they came from *regardless* of any prior knowledge. IOW, in the first
scenario someone would have to have both the printer and the page to make
the connection. In the latter scenario, the page reveals the machine all
by itself.
A *huge* difference.
Yup. And it's pretty astounding that this government-industry
agreement apparently existed for a decade or more without ever
becoming public knowledge.
Rod said:Still not spying on you.
Rod said:Nope, not when a particular printer cant
be associated with a particular individual.
ALL the authoritys know is that all the documents came
from one particular printer and the date it was printed etc.
Just like countless other situations are, like ID for bank
accounts, cameras in ATMs, ID for license plates, etc etc etc.
Bullshit. No 'punishment' at all for those who dont breach the law.
Nothing like. Not even as intrusive as social security numbers.
Shaun said:I suggest that before people say it doesn't matter unless you break the
law, you go find a history book and read about The Federalist Papers,
which were instrumental in our country's foundation.
They were written anonymously by (we now know) Hamilton, Madison and
Had they had a printer which they knew could reveal their identities,
they might not have written.
Shawn said:If you don't register your printer with the manufacturer, how is the
government going to identify that serial number back to you? At most,
they can associate that serial number with a physical printer, but if no
one knows where the printer with that serial number is located, your
privacy is preserved.
Jeffrey F. Bloss said:Rod Speed wrote
So then you'll have no trouble at all using this new operating
system I'm writing, or the new computers I'm building?
The ones that put a little digital serial number and time
stamp in every packet that leaves your machine, and
every block of data that's written to any media?
It's just a record of on what machine and at what time
that information was created. They're just tools to thwart
counterfitters and terrorists after all. I won't do anything
funny with the information I collect... scouts honor. Cross
my heart and everything. Really. No take backs or nothing.
Oh and by the way, I'm going to make you use these things
without your permission anyway, so your answer is irrelevant.
You may now return to the rest of the flock. We've checked for
rectal prolapse, it's not time for your shearing. Have a nice day.![]()
Jeffrey F. Bloss said:Shawn Hirn wrote:
You might get away with not being identified by not sending
in the reg card, but if you believe a printer's serial number
can't be at the very least tracked to a specific retail location
and general date/time of sale you're mistaken. If "they" want
you bad enough it may be as easy as reviewing store
security tapes, or interviewing employees.
And that's just for bottom end printer buyers. The people who
can walk into Wal*Mart or Office Max and leave with a cash
sale "SOHO" or "Entry Level" printer. There's a whole world of
mid range to upper end equipment you can't even touch without
dealing with a company rep, and *usually* signing a service contract.
Your privacy is flatly breached every time you print a document because
you're being forced to essentially put a digital signature on it.
And without people who watch out for such things,
you wouldn't even know about it. It's surreptitious "RFID"
for hard copy documents. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you're OK with that, I'd like you to use this new operating system
i wrote, or this new "security" chip I want to install in your machine.
Don't worry about those little digital "tags" tacked to every packet
of information that leaves your computer, they're harmless... ;-)