Windows 10 Windows 10 Upgrade Notice

I wouldn't worry if you have, or have no icon ... I'm sure you'll get your Free OS, eventually. :)

I do not see any icon either, but then I don't bloody care.
My updates don't even work no idea why. they are all set so a bit worrying BITS is turned on and other stuff so at a loss. Until I get that sorted I may never get option
Nope Updates still not working. No notifications, nowt hmmmm

Once again I'll say, don't worry about it ... Basically, it simply lets Windows Update bug you about Windows 10’s impending arrival and will notify you when it is finally ready to download and install. I wonder when that will be? :)

This update doesn’t resolve any “issues” other than Microsoft’s own issue with getting the word out about Windows 10. Again, I'm sure we don't need help with this, and I'm pretty sure that on July 29th, or shortly thereafter, we'll get the upgrade.

I don't have this magical KB3035583 optional update. To me, it seems to me to be a Win 8 thing, despite what MS say.

Oh, and may I just add that, many people are more concerned with the GWX.exe application and how to remove it, than bothered that they don't have it in the first place. :D

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The link in the above post takes you to a site named who are in the business of selling software and IT management.

The link is to a news story telling about the free Win 10 offer and one person has commented at the end of the story saying it's only free for a year. This person spells the word 'catch' as 'cache' just to verify their integrity.

This screen will also pop up after a short while:


As far as I know Win 10 is free for good, I haven't seen anything by MS to say otherwise. Rumours are bound to circulate when MS give something away cos it's just not in their nature. Not unless they have ulterior motives, I hear you say.

I think their real aim in offering a freebie is to get people away from Win 7 so they can try and sell you more apps and spy on you, not to collect an annual fee. However, who knows what the future holds?

If MS do ask me for money in 12 months time I shall tell them to go whistle and reinstall Win 7/Linux Mint.

Problem solved :)


  • spam.webp
    19.7 KB · Views: 268
If you go to Microsoft own website you will find it is free for EVER no annual fees. I thought that they would do that but I was wrong so for all the doubting Thomas's out there refer your selves to Microsoft web site:thumb:from what I understand it will not be free for the commercial companies etc but only for personal use.
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Maybe that user is geeky that’s why he used the word “cache” and not catch :user:
that source(toolbox) is owned by PCMag, i don't think there is any reason for suspicion.

And like me i guess there are many other who have this suspicion. One more post regarding this.

...and if you search there are more stories stating the same.

Nothing's carved in stone of course but I'd say general consensus says Win 10 is free for good. It will cost nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nowt.

Oh, and PC Mag itself is reason for suspicion ;)
On reflection, all I have to confirm/deny this rumour are reports from third party websites.

I can't find anywhere on Microsoft's site flatly denying they will charge fees in any form after July 29th 2016. They do deny planning to charge annual subscription fees for their OS but on the subject of any other fees, such as money for maintenance (updates) they appear (to me) to stay tight lipped.

So, does anybody have any links to Microsoft that would give a clearer picture on this issue? I can't find any but that may well be me being a dufus.

I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to let everybody have a twelve month settling in period with Win 10, hoping they get used to it and end up liking it, then tell users they'll have to pay for updates or pay a fee for a fixed period to receive updates.

At which point, if it happens, I will revert back to Win 7, updates available for it or no. And, of course, for most non-gaming tasks and applications - a Linux distro, currently Mint.

In the past Microsoft have carried out some really rotten and underhand business practices, they've got away with some, have been fined for others, but their true colours are the same colours a scoundrel wears. And before all you Apple folk get smug and exclaim 'That's right' the people Jobs left behind who inherited his business practices are probably worse.

Win 10? I'll go with the flow but I'll be keeping a very cynical eye on proceedings.
What does lifetime of the device mean?

"This is still being debated, but the logical conclusion is as long as the machine is operable, it will continue to support it with updates. So, if the machine still works 5 or 10 years from now, revisions and updates to Windows 10 will be made available to it. Please note that Windows 10 uses the same life cycle policy of 5 years mainstream support and 5 years extended support."


basically, you update for free to Win 10 on an applicable PC ... as long as that PC remains as is, no hardware, hard drive update or whatever, then you not pay for any updates.

Win 10 free update is NOT available to ALL versions of current Windows.

best I could find :)
To build on what has been said, this is what I want to know first and foremost.....

Reinstalling Windows 10 after upgrade
We understand that you may have some questions regarding what to do if you have to reinstall Windows 10 at some point after you take advantage of the free upgrade. Here are some basic questions and answers regarding the free upgrade offer:

Q: After doing a free upgrade to Windows 10, how do I clean install Windows 10 subsequently?

A: Once your device upgrades to Windows 10 using the free upgrade offer and activates online automatically, you will be able to clean install (i.e. boot from media and install Windows 10) the same edition of Windows 10 that you upgraded to on the same device during and after the free upgrade offer. You will not be required to purchase Windows 10 or go back to your prior down-level version of Windows.

Windows 10 FAQ covers which edition of Windows you'll get upgraded to depending on the edition of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 that you start from (Refer to the question "What edition of Windows will I get as part of this free upgrade?"). More information onWindows 10 editions was published last month.

To enable clean installation of Windows 10 on devices that upgraded and activated online using the free upgrade offer

  1. You will be able to download and create installation media on a USB drive or DVD for the appropriate Windows 10 Edition
  2. You will be able to skip entering the product key during Windows 10 Setup. Windows 10 will activate online automatically on such devices. The skip option is only available when booting from media and launching setup
The automatic online activation will occur seamlessly after clean installing Windows 10 if the device had previously upgraded and activated online the same Edition of Windows 10. No product keys are required.

Q: What happens if I change the hardware configuration of my Windows 10 device?

A: If the hardware configuration of your Windows 10 device changes significantly (e.g. motherboard change) Windows may require re-activation on the device. This is the same experience as prior versions of Windows (e.g. Windows 7 and Windows 8.1). The free upgrade offer will not apply to activation of Windows 10 in such scenarios where hardware changes reset Activation.

The bottom bit worries me a little, both my old Win 7 (ultimate) and current 8.1 (home) licences are retail not OEM. So the way I read it if I upgrade my retail licence then change my MB, CPU etc, I effectively 'waste' my retail licence. :(

An interesting point V_R. As one person commented after that link
I have been in the Computer Repair Business for 27 yrs and I haven't seen Microsoft give away anything
. As I've commented earlier and elsewhere I think the prime reason Microsoft are letting some Windows users 'upgrade' without charge is to get them away from older OS's, particularly Win 7.

What I intend to do is back up my hard disk with Win 7 on and go back to that if I don't like Win 10 or if in a year MS ask me for cash.

However, if my activation code has been noted by MS during the 'upgrade' from Win 7 to Win 10 then it's likely my old Win 7 install will be seen as a 'pirate' copy by MS as my code may have been transferred to Win 10 exclusively.

So to recap - it may be that once somebody changes from Win 7 to Win 10 their copy of Win 7 becomes worthless and non-existent.

That's not so good is it?

We really do need MS to give more clarity.
I think they have said you'll be able to go back to your previous OS if you want, but don't quote me on that.

I haven't seen it in writing anywhere though..
I toyed with one of the pre-release versions of Win10 but when it's available I'll wait till things quieten down and then, probably, update the laptop first and see how it goes. I'm on 8.1 with Classic Shell at the moment.

A little over two weeks to go now....