Window is stealing my HD size

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fatso
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Rod Speed said:
It has no meaning, its just another variation on a name,
like Bobby is for Robert and Jimmy is for James.
And HorseShit for Horst.

That's Mr. Horstshit to you. Have a little respect, will you.
Because you are just plain wrong, as always.

Completely useless, as always.

Pity it isnt something the OP is aware of.
The OP clearly doesnt.

Neither does Horstshit himself as he clearly said that
"128 GB IS a limit". It isn't. 128GiB is. Or 137GB.
That is the ONLY problem he actually has, that Disk Management is
reporting the drive in GBs when they are actually GiBs

As is clearly whitnessed by the fact that the byte numbers -that
are *also* included to the left of the "GB" numbers- reflect GiB.

OP as so often did not even have a question, he obviously is in need
of glasses, like a lot of the respondents here do need them too.
and he was whining about where the purported missing space had
gone when the manufacture says its a 200GB drive.

And if he had used the byte numbers that were also clearly included in
BOTH displays he would have noticed that he actually got more than 200GB.
Timothy Daniels said:
"Roddles" ist eine kinder name, wie "Hänschen" oder "Wolfie".

You are being kind. I'll bet no child in Oz is actually called Roddles.
Unless it is acting profoundly dumb, much like Horstshit does here.
But then it is probably called Woddles.