James Egan
I am now MINISOFT, whiich is needed to get to the King's people on the
killfiles as he is chasing me again and I reply to him.
Incidentally, D
This is a good example of how NOT to do what you are attempting
(morphing to avoid killfiles)
You are using a newsreader which is both uncommon and old enough that
almost no-one else will be using it.
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)
This in conjunction with the first 16 bits of your posting host ip
address will almost certainly zap you without zapping anyone else
eg. in nfilter (newsproxy)
* FLAG:KILL-FILE NNTP-Posting-Host:4.252* User-Agent:*20050923*
I'm not going to do it, btw. You're far too entertaining.
