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  • Thread starter Thread starter Mikie
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You hear that James? Duane wants you to jump out of his killfile.
What a strange concept!

It is indeed. I'm sure Rhonda can do a better analysis than me, but I
think he is under the delusion that it bothers me being in his k-file.
If he thinks I'm going to morph around it he's worse than I thought.

I am now MINISOFT, whiich is needed to get to the King's people on the
killfiles as he is chasing me again and I reply to him.

The boy has he head swollen big time by them. If I post into a thread
where he is posting to someone and it's about MS, then the chase is on ;-)
I am now MINISOFT, whiich is needed to get to the King's people on the
killfiles as he is chasing me again and I reply to him.

The boy has he head swollen big time by them. If I post into a thread
where he is posting to someone and it's about MS, then the chase is on ;-)
I am now MINISOFT, whiich is needed to get to the King's people on the
killfiles as he is chasing me again and I reply to him.

Looks like he's finally flipped.

Don't worry, D. I'm sure the white coats will be along soon. :)

I am now MINISOFT, whiich is needed to get to the King's people on the
killfiles as he is chasing me again and I reply to him.

Looks like he's finally flipped.

Don't worry, D. I'm sure the white coats will be along soon. :)

James Egan said:
I'll bet that's made his day. :)

I'm reminded of that Dick Emery saying: "Ooh you are awful, but I like

My "time of the month" quip seems to have fallen on stony ground.
James Egan said:
I'll bet that's made his day. :)

I'm reminded of that Dick Emery saying: "Ooh you are awful, but I like

My "time of the month" quip seems to have fallen on stony ground.
My "time of the month" quip seems to have fallen on stony ground.

Duane wouldn't understand humour like that if you slapped him across
the face with a wet tampon. lol

My "time of the month" quip seems to have fallen on stony ground.

Duane wouldn't understand humour like that if you slapped him across
the face with a wet tampon. lol

Ant said:

I'm reminded of that Dick Emery saying: "Ooh you are awful, but I like

My "time of the month" quip seems to have fallen on stony ground.
You know men are not on the rag. Have you ever seen *Here come the
Judge* played by Sammy Davis jr.? That may be way before your time.
Ant said:

I'm reminded of that Dick Emery saying: "Ooh you are awful, but I like

My "time of the month" quip seems to have fallen on stony ground.
You know men are not on the rag. Have you ever seen *Here come the
Judge* played by Sammy Davis jr.? That may be way before your time.
Ant said:

But you play something called a "rag game".

That means in street terms one talks badly in jest, for the most part,
about the person, the person's family, dog, cat, car, etc nothing is
off-limits. And in return, the other one does the same. Each one trying
to out trash talk the other on the game, until one submits with no come

This is the origins of street RAP or RAP, as Master MC(s) went back and
forth with each other with the game. Most recent example of this that I
can think of was the duel between Tupac and Biggie Smalls, with it
ending in both their death as the trash talk went out of control.
No. Is it TV or film?

It was on TV for the most part as he played the part on LaughIn as few
times. I think he may have even played the part in a movie.
Unlikely if it was a TV prog.
Maybe, you get some LaughIn DVD(s) and catch it or maybe on the Comedy
channel on cable.

Ant said:

But you play something called a "rag game".

That means in street terms one talks badly in jest, for the most part,
about the person, the person's family, dog, cat, car, etc nothing is
off-limits. And in return, the other one does the same. Each one trying
to out trash talk the other on the game, until one submits with no come

This is the origins of street RAP or RAP, as Master MC(s) went back and
forth with each other with the game. Most recent example of this that I
can think of was the duel between Tupac and Biggie Smalls, with it
ending in both their death as the trash talk went out of control.
No. Is it TV or film?

It was on TV for the most part as he played the part on LaughIn as few
times. I think he may have even played the part in a movie.
Unlikely if it was a TV prog.
Maybe, you get some LaughIn DVD(s) and catch it or maybe on the Comedy
channel on cable.

I am now MINISOFT, whiich is needed to get to the King's people on the
killfiles as he is chasing me again and I reply to him.

Incidentally, D

This is a good example of how NOT to do what you are attempting
(morphing to avoid killfiles)

You are using a newsreader which is both uncommon and old enough that
almost no-one else will be using it.
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

This in conjunction with the first 16 bits of your posting host ip
address will almost certainly zap you without zapping anyone else

eg. in nfilter (newsproxy)

* FLAG:KILL-FILE NNTP-Posting-Host:4.252* User-Agent:*20050923*

I'm not going to do it, btw. You're far too entertaining. :)
