EvanDavis said:
Perzaklee. That crossed my mind too.
Very easily explained my dear Holmes

... I hadn't broken the seal on the outer pack, (which doesn't look very interesting, covered in labels, etc. on one side of the box, and masses of tiny small-print, legal stuff on the other...) when I took the pics. (Still haven't opened it actually... because I spent most of the day rummaging around for cables (I thought I had, but didn't! Plus researching KVM options...

Then, I discovered that the power cable is a bit short and won't reach either of the surge-protection blocks (where other two PCs plus peripherals are plugged-in.) These are awkwardly situated, so I'll need to crawl around behind the desk and re-arrange the layout a bit.....
I'm somewhat phobic about spiders. What have they got to do with anything, I hear you ask? Well, I suspect there might be one lurking in that corner, despite having previously evicted it, plus its leggy-relatives by judicious use of the Dyson!
This season, we've had an influx of them. They just keep appearing everywhere. No matter how many times I vaccum, they materialise again overnight! .............The Sainsbury's delivery man rescued me from one of them recently. When I answered the door to him, I suddenly noticed I had "company" on the wall above the door

just waiting the chance to bungee-web down my neck or whatever!
But I think I've digressed just a bit. Please excuse me.
Anyway, those awfully nice DPD chappies are going to deliver an ethernet cable and a DVI to HDMI adapter. The latter, is for the old Vista PC. You might recall, many posts above, I mentioned buying an HDMI selector from Asda in order to share the monitor between the two PCs(?) So until I can properly sort out a good KVM switch, I thought I'd use the selector as a temporary solution.
It won't allow me to use both PCs simultaneously apparently - one will have to be powered off, before I can switch the display.

Not ideal at all, but possibly better than having to keep switching cables and what not.
When I open the disc, I shall be sure to take another piccie