Thinking of getting a new rig

Right or wrong, that ain't the point. ;)
I agree V_R a recovery/reinstall disc should be provided especially from a reputable retailer. I must admit I would be extremely miffed if a suppler had done that to me, and of course the damage it will do to their reputation especially as many of our readers and members have used them or have thoughts of using them.
Your only access to the OS you've paid for is that activation code.

Without that key the access to any future installations would lie with Novatech, which is wrong.

If you do have an activation code you're ok, albeit without a disk for now.
Yes, there is an activation code. I was a bit fazed when I couldn't see the OEM that was showing on Muck's attachments, so I failed to mention it. Sorry for that, my bad.

Oh and I also failed to comment about the KVM switches... head full of jolly-robins again. :rolleyes: I've got something called a 2-way auto HDMI selector (spotted it in ASDA actually.) Thought it was going to be just the thing..... but when I examined the back of my old Vista doesn't have an HDMI connector... just DVI (I think, plus VGA.)

TBH, I had hoped to be able to run both PCs simultaneously... accessing either as I need to. I thought I'd still let Vista crunch - plus I really like to use WinMail ... that's going to cause a few groans (and okay, I admit it.... I'm still fond of the old beastie. :D)

I may be wrong TC but in the OS control panel you can make a ghost copy of Windows & a boot/repair disc so if the Product Key is on the Microsoft label that should be on the side you should be able to reinstall Windows 7 from the ghost disc, I think.
Thanks Bootneck, yes I believe that was what that salesman was referring to this morning, on the phone.
TC, Hopefully Novatech will get back to you on Monday & sort this out.
I find it hard that a company like this would screw up in such a big way.
Fingers crossed on this for you.:thumb:
Ha ha, yeah dont post the full code! But i'm certain TC wouldn't be that silly. :)
Just thought I'd update you all.

I've just received a phonecall from the Manager of the Cardiff Novatech store, regarding my missing Win 7-Pro 64-Bit disc.

After a civil chat with him, he says that if I would like to return the computer and exchange it for the exact same model which doesn't have Win 7 "pre-loaded"... I can do so, and get my disc separately. That will suit me very nicely.

He asked if I'd activated the current software. But no, the computer has not been touched - it's still sitting in it's box in its virginal state. So no problem about that.

No stock in Cardiff at the moment though, so I have to wait for them to obtain more from another store. The Manager says he'll contact me again to let me know when we can perform the swap.

So far so good. Now if only that original salesman had been more informative, I'd be currently getting used to a nice new rig; would probably not have had a rotten migraine attack over the weekend (got so stressed) and, there would have been no cause for grumbly comments/emails.
Another update: Another call from Novatech... they now have one in stock again. So swapping them this afternoon. :)
I must admit, no idea they changed the "stickers" to save paper & glue ... also thought it a bit strange to see, what seemed to be mal-practice, from someone like Novatech.

I do think, however, they should learn a valuable lesson from this, and, insure they tell the customer what they are getting, and how, especially in terms of the OS being installed. Would have saved a lot of hassle & bother on both sides, not to mention the bad thoughts we all gave them.

Not every customer knows what is the right questions to ask.

Oh, and TC, you don't 'need' the Pro version, Premium will do, altho' nice, you may get miffed again when you don't 'see' solitaire loaded, or the other MS games. :lol: There is a big price difference in retail too.
That's excellent news, I'm glad they are sorting it out for you :thumb:
Thank you Evan, Mucks and birthday-girl Becky :D

We've just got back. The Store Supervisor himself, handled things this time. He inspected the box we were returning and made sure all the bits were in it; drivers CDs/booklets/keyboard/mouse, etc. Then sorted out the new receipt, before bringing out the next computer - with a Windows OEM DVD. Yay!

He reiterated that it was an OEM, therefore it can only be applied to one machine and, "if the computer dies... that's it!" I was hoping for more of an "Enjoy!" than a reminder of computer mortality, lol.

But never mind, he was polite and otherwise helpful. For some reason, £5 was refunded to our account, although I've no idea why there was any discrepancy in price? The OS was billed as being slightly cheaper than the OEMs I've seen on the website... so no clue!

As we were about to leave, he gave me a 16 GB flash drive to make up for the inconvenience. Wasn't expecting that. Nice gesture though.

I think I'm going to leave setting things up until tomorrow now... we haven't eaten yet, plus I shall need to move the desk, so that I can get at things properly. Hopefully my energy reserves will re-charge over night lol. It might also be a little cooler. :D
Sounds like its been sorted, hopefully...! :)
He reiterated that it was an OEM, therefore it can only be applied to one machine and, "if the computer dies... that's it!"

They always say that. But if you give the nice folks at MS a call they will activate it again for you. I have done this a number of times
Nice gesture from them giving you the 16gig USB
"leave it till tomorrow" ... wow, that is what I call restraint, you need a doctor? :lol:

We can give Novatech a pat on the back then, and, continue to recommend them to others. :thumb:

If the computer dies, I hope they honour any warranty, dying hardware should have nothing to do with an OEM DVD, unless it's Sony. :)

TC, don't forget, install 64bit Win 7 ... :cool:

Sounds like its been sorted, hopefully...! :)
Yes, to be fair, Novatech's Director of Customer Service dealt with this pretty quickly; she promised that the matter would be resolved today, and so it has, I'm happy to give them a thumbs-up for that. Well done Novatech!!:thumb:

They always say that. But if you give the nice folks at MS a call they will activate it again for you. I have done this a number of times
Nice gesture from them giving you the 16gig USB
Oh thank you Evan - I thought I remembered some of you saying that. Nice to have it confirmed though. :D
"leave it till tomorrow" ... wow, that is what I call restraint, you need a doctor? :lol:

We can give Novatech a pat on the back then, and, continue to recommend them to others. :thumb:

If the computer dies, I hope they honour any warranty, dying hardware should have nothing to do with an OEM DVD, unless it's Sony. :)

TC, don't forget, install 64bit Win 7 ... :cool:
:lol: I got all excited again when we were bringing it home... but by the time I'd cooked and we'd eaten, I felt a bit cream-crackered. (Always happens when I'm getting over a migraine attack...what a lightweight eh...?)

Yes it's deffo 64-Bit!! :D
Forget that tosh about Win 7 OEM being for one computer only. Officially - yes. In practice - no.

I've done many activations for myself and others using several types of MS OS and it's always been ok, sometimes phone activation needed, sometimes not. I recently done a fresh install of Win XP and several components had changed in the machine but it activated online straight away.

The Novatech fella had to stick to the official line though.

So, Novatech came through ok in the end but they still caused you a lot of stress, delayed you using your new machine and you encountered two less than satisfactory Novatech employees - the first lulled you into doing without a disk without explaining the full consequences of your choice and the other, on the phone, sounded like an arrogant numpty.

Therefore in future I won't bad mouth Novatech but I sure as hell am not going to recommend them again. I think over the years I've made them quite a few pennies pointing people their way and not one shiny penny in commission for me ;)

Nope, they blown it far as I concerned.

Anyhoo, 'nuff of that, enjoy your new toy :)
floppybootstomp said:
So, Novatech came through ok in the end but they still caused you a lot of stress, delayed you using your new machine and you encountered two less than satisfactory Novatech employees - the first lulled you into doing without a disk without explaining the full consequences of your choice and the other, on the phone, sounded like an arrogant numpty.
This has been the first morning that I've not woken with a banging head.... bliss! :D You're right, I didn't appreciate the stress.

To clarify, though, it was just one employee who caused all of that. The one who originally made the sale, was the same one who wasn't very helpful on the phone. But that illustrates the importance of maintaining a helpful attitude when things go wrong and not just dismissing a problem as being un-rectifiable.

Full marks though, to their Director of Customer Service, (she's the person who replied to my complaint to HO so quickly) and really got things moving. I've even received a followed-up note from her, checking that all is now well.

I've got the C*******s morning feeling back again now... I can't wait to open the box and have a little drool, to savour the moment before getting it set-up. :D

bootneck02 said:
:thumb: Great stuff so glad it is all sorted out now:thumb:TC:
Thank you Bootneck, feeling very happy now.