Thanks Flopps - you've made me laugh.... that description about the steamy ears was pretty accurate lol.
But first. There was a bit of an odd phone call a while ago... first a long silence.
Me: "Hello" repeated a couple of times. (Normally I just would have hung up, but had a similar type of call from our fish-man yesterday. He was using his mobile and I think he hit a blank area or something...) Anyway, eventually a small, male voice said "Hello?" Not the fish-man.
Me: "Who's speaking please?"
Another pause.
Me: "Well either you're going to speak to me or you're not..."
Seems he chose "not" he quietly hung up.
Naturally, I did a 1471.... it had been the Novatech Plymouth number!
A few minutes later, I received an email from their Director of Customer Service, in reply to my earlier mail. I'm told they are "looking into this matter" and will be in contact again on Monday "to resolve the matter for you."
I acknowledged the email and promptly received another, wishing me a nice weekend.
Will keep you posted if, or when I hear more.
Wow! Thanks for the backup Flopps.... you know, I'm sure these people think that when a customer protests and complains, that we count for very little. After all, they have our money, so why worry about a bit of whinging from Mr and Mrs average Farty! Whatever happened to goodwill and keeping a customer happy?
Mucks... you make a jolly good point, which I confess, I didn't think about. But yes, one expects an install to be made from a disc not a thumb-drive. The thing that troubles me, is what if something - just some element within the system turns out to be corrupted in some way? Lots of if's and maybe's .... but what if it is..? I can't exactly pop in the disc and 'repair' it. And if I make a "clone" of what is on there.... well, any corrupted bits will presumably remain corrupted.(?)
Re the sticker: There is one that I can see. It's a bit smaller than the one you have illustrated. Certificate of authentication and Windows 7 Pro is written on it. It does not mention OEM anywhere (like the ones in your attachment do.)
I honestly cannot tell you how the PC performs.... it is still sitting in its box. Untouched. Not even unwrapped from it's polythene bag. OH was all for returning it to them and asking for what I originally sought to buy. A PC and an OS. But guess what.....? Yes! The live stock check is now showing that there is a 24 hour wait for stock in Cardiff. Amazing! They've obviously had a run on that model since our purchase yesterday!
Flopps, your offer is extremely kind... but after giving it some thought, I decided for the Win 7 Pro 64-bit. (Thoughts of all my fave XP apps and programmes kind of twisted my arm...)
I think I need some dinner.... starving now, felt too mad to eat earlier.
Thanks for listening to my woes