Thinking of getting a new rig

.. but I feel a bit like a little kid waiting to open prezzies on Christmas morning!

Postie delivered my 8gigs of RAM for my laptop this morning. I think I had opened the package before the door was even shut. I just have no patience :D
Shiny new toys are always good! It looks very nice TC. Some pics of the internals would be a nice bonus. :)

Glad your happy. :thumb:
Shiny new toys are always good! It looks very nice TC. Some pics of the internals would be a nice bonus. :)

Glad your happy. :thumb:
I'll see what I can do when I get it set up...The Novatech guy said it would be okay to open it, if I needed to, (it won't void the warranty or anything.) :D
The Novatech guy said it would be okay to open it, if I needed to, (it won't void the warranty or anything.) :D

I would hope not! :lol:

Out of interest, why have you not set it up yet?
Very nice specs :)

Just wondering, did Novatech supply you with a Win 7 disk or just install it?

I also notice there's an offer there to buy Win 8 for fifteen quid.

Well, what can I say? Looks to me like Microsoft have realised they've created a complete turkey and are doing their damndest to get people to install.

Me? I wouldn't buy it even for fifteen quid.

I am considering buying another copy of Win 7 OEM for my media machine though, Vista is really cheesing me off with it's tortoise-like tendencies. Probs not worth it though just to play music and fillums, money perhaps best squandered elsewhere.

Please let us know what you think of your new machine TC, especially the games' performance.
That's a beast of a PC, Taffcat :D. You're going to enjoy gaming on that! :thumb:

Knocks the spots off my new PC :lol::o
Hmmm, reading this thread is making me want to upgrade......
Haha, i know! :o

Thing is my CPU just isn't struggling with anything yet, even though its 3 years old now....

I think its just a mental thing, i haven't done a major upgrade in so long (though i have had a few new GPU's!) it must be time now. Truth is i just dont need to!

Infact, i just checked, i built my current PC when Win 7 was released, which was October '09 and its still chewing though anything i throw at it.... :)

If i was to upgrade now it would have to be something along the lines (similar to TC's new build) of this, and the price v's performance gain wouldn't really be worthwhile..

Why You Should Buy This Bundle?
- A solid, optimised 4.50GHz overclock profile provides outstanding processing performance
- Prebuilt, overclocked and configured. Just "plug and play"
- 8 Hours stressed tested and quality controlled
- Quad Core overclocked CPU with Hyper threading
- 16GB of Dual Channel DDR3 memory delivers unsurpassed bandwidth
- USB3, SATA 6GB/s and Intel Ethernet for next gen computing

Bundle Specification
- CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K 3.50GHz @ 4.50GHz Ivybridge CPU
- Motherboard: Gigabyte Z77X-D3H Intel Z77 (Socket 1155) DDR3 Motherboard
- RAM: Corsair Dominator 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 PC3-12800C10 1600MHz Dual Channel
- Cooler: Prolimatech Megahalem CPU Cooler w/ x2 Tech Labs Zaward 2000RPM 120mm Fan
- Artic Silver 5 Thermal Compound

I'll wait and see what the next gen brings... (Haswell or Ivybridge-E) :drool:
That's pretty much what I have now, one year down the line, so things haven't changed much.

<<< My specs are to the left here. I have 8Gb RAM, can't add two more sticks cos the CPU cooler overhangs one of the slots and 2 x 8Gb works out more costly. But I'm thinking I don't really need 16Gb memory anyway.

A new grafix card would be good but my 560GTX is coping admirably so - why bother? I am tempted though, V_R's link to the £290 670 looked good :)
I'm feeling pretty hacked-off. Black mark for Novatech as far as I'm concerned... why? Because when I was unpacking the PC, there was no Windows disc! :mad:

We phoned the salesman this morning, thinking the missing disc was just an oversight.... but no. It turns out that the salesman wasn't in fact just "being helpful" when he said he'd install Windows. (Note: I did not ask him to do it. He told me he was going to do it. What he failed to tell me, is that it would then be considered a "pre-install.")

When asked if he could please send us a disc, in light of the above, his answer was...."No!" Why not? "None in stock - I installed Windows from a thumb-drive!" He went on to say that I could burn my own back up discs, etc. Oh cheers - yeah I really wanted to do that...not! I want the damn disc so that I don't have to! (...Other than normal back-ups of course.)

Also, liar liar pants on fire! I checked and found Cardiff actually had 5 OS in stock! So tried ringing Novatech back......... guess what, they wouldn't pick-up!

This is all a bit surprising, going from previous dealings with them. Anyway, I've now contacted Trading Standards and been advised to write to Novatech, asking that they send me a disc, within 14 days. Done that. I'll be very surprised to hear anything, but we shall see.

It has made me very angry tbh. This was so misleading...If only the blighter (that's not what I'm privately calling him....) had ASKED me, about the install, and TOLD me that it would deprive me of the disc... I would have elected to install it myself. Stupidly, I thought the guy was just being helpful! Hah! I'm such an idiot! Moral.... don't be so blasted trusting!

Black mark number 2: I asked about how I might go about connecting two PCs to one monitor (this was when we were at the store yesterday.) Answer: "Don't know... never done that...." Bit surprised again, but thought, oh well, no one can be expected to know everything. But thinking about it, they pride themselves on being knowledgeable and all that.... so why didn't he make some inquiries of his techie colleagues?

It started off as such a good experience too....
Sorry to hear that TC but that's why I asked as mostly suppliers who pre-install OS's don't give a disk.

Not sure if you can download Win 7 from MS but worth having a look. If not I'll send you a copy, mine's Home Premium 64 Bit which I think is the one you went for. You DO have the activation code from Novatech I assume?

Damn disappointing about Novatech :( That's the last time I recommend them then, they be getting too big for their boots :mad:

The way to use two PC's with one Monitor is if the computer has VGA and HDMI or DVI, connect one computer to each socket but only use one computer at a time and the monitor will detect which input is being used. The Monitor will have to be switched off and on when changing over as well. Not sure if that will work if you only have HDMI & DVI sockets but worth a try.

Better solution though is a KVM switch where with one push of a button, keyboard command or mouse click you can swap Keyboard; Monitor; Mouse & Audio between two machines, there are lots of models on the market, you'll probably want one that switches between 2 x usb (mouse & keyboard) DVI monitor and 3.5mm stereo jack for audio.

As for Novatech, either you encountered a rogue sales/tech person or the company has joined the dark side.

Now then Madam, if you can just simmer down a bit and stop the steam coming out your ears, perhaps you could tell us what the new machine performs like? :)
Sorry to hearyour problem with Novatech, TC.
You could try ringing Novatech HQ and speaking to them directly?
Will watch this thread with interest as was planning on getting a new Laptop from them.
Any buying it soon!
Could they become buyer-beware!!!
Thought I'd have a chat, for all the good it done me:

<Hugh Janus>: I've been recommending your company for years but it seems you're now just as bad as some of the other suppliers out there. You won't supply a Win 7 disk with a system you just sold to a friend of mine after you offered to install the OS and she agreed. You didn't mention that counted as what you call a 'pre-install' and thus your customer, by your 'rules' would forfiet their disk. I'll no longer be recommending you on our Forum, you've blown it. What say you? Oh, and now nobody's answering the phone at your Cardiff branch. Your thoughts?

[16:40:29] <Hugh Janus>: Ominous silence prevails...

[16:40:29] <Scott>: Unfortunately we do not supply any Windows operating system disks when it is pre installed. If you create the recovery disk this will act as the Windows disk.
[16:41:33] <Scott>: Our Cardiff Branch doesn't have their phones manned constantly, if you would like to speak with one of our customer services representatives you can contact us on 02392 322 500.

[16:41:45] <Hugh Janus>: Oh no it doesn't. Why did your sales/tech person not inform the customer agreeing to a pre-install that she'd forfeit her disk?

[16:42:50] <Hugh Janus>: Forget it, you're now on my sjhit list which is a damn shame as I've always thought you had some integrity. Not so, it seems.

[16:43:53] <Hugh Janus>: Here you go, here's a link to the thread where I recommended you and no, I'm not on a back-hander, just honesty here. Read the whole thread and you'll see what I mean

[16:45:05] <Hugh Janus>:

[16:45:58] <Hugh Janus>: Wassup Scott? Cat got your tongue? Is that your stock reply then?

[16:46:26] <Scott>: It's not at all Hugh we don't use scripts.

[16:47:38] <Hugh Janus>: So, no Win 7 disk for my friend as she trusted you? She feels conned, you know that? trouble is I now think Novatech have been too successful, starting to treat customers like vermin

[16:48:28] <Hugh Janus>: I'm going now but expect a letter from Trading Standards. Have a nice day.
So, you have an illegitimate copy of Win 7 pre-installed on your PC by the builders ... wow. :confused:

Do you have a 'proper' authenticity sticker anywhere on your PC?


Wonder if my mate Bill knows they do this?
Wow, i was not expecting that! Bastids.

Hopefully you get it all sorted out TC. :)
Thanks Flopps - you've made me laugh.... that description about the steamy ears was pretty accurate lol.


But first. There was a bit of an odd phone call a while ago... first a long silence.
Me: "Hello" repeated a couple of times. (Normally I just would have hung up, but had a similar type of call from our fish-man yesterday. He was using his mobile and I think he hit a blank area or something...) Anyway, eventually a small, male voice said "Hello?" Not the fish-man.
Me: "Who's speaking please?"
Another pause.
Me: "Well either you're going to speak to me or you're not..."
Seems he chose "not" he quietly hung up.

Naturally, I did a 1471.... it had been the Novatech Plymouth number!

A few minutes later, I received an email from their Director of Customer Service, in reply to my earlier mail. I'm told they are "looking into this matter" and will be in contact again on Monday "to resolve the matter for you."

I acknowledged the email and promptly received another, wishing me a nice weekend.

Will keep you posted if, or when I hear more.


Wow! Thanks for the backup Flopps.... you know, I'm sure these people think that when a customer protests and complains, that we count for very little. After all, they have our money, so why worry about a bit of whinging from Mr and Mrs average Farty! Whatever happened to goodwill and keeping a customer happy?

Mucks... you make a jolly good point, which I confess, I didn't think about. But yes, one expects an install to be made from a disc not a thumb-drive. The thing that troubles me, is what if something - just some element within the system turns out to be corrupted in some way? Lots of if's and maybe's .... but what if it is..? I can't exactly pop in the disc and 'repair' it. And if I make a "clone" of what is on there.... well, any corrupted bits will presumably remain corrupted.(?)

Re the sticker: There is one that I can see. It's a bit smaller than the one you have illustrated. Certificate of authentication and Windows 7 Pro is written on it. It does not mention OEM anywhere (like the ones in your attachment do.) :mad:

I honestly cannot tell you how the PC performs.... it is still sitting in its box. Untouched. Not even unwrapped from it's polythene bag. OH was all for returning it to them and asking for what I originally sought to buy. A PC and an OS. But guess what.....? Yes! The live stock check is now showing that there is a 24 hour wait for stock in Cardiff. Amazing! They've obviously had a run on that model since our purchase yesterday!

Flopps, your offer is extremely kind... but after giving it some thought, I decided for the Win 7 Pro 64-bit. (Thoughts of all my fave XP apps and programmes kind of twisted my arm...)

I think I need some dinner.... starving now, felt too mad to eat earlier.

Thanks for listening to my woes :D
Re the sticker: There is one that I can see. It's a bit smaller than the one you have illustrated. Certificate of authentication and Windows 7 Pro is written on it. It does not mention OEM anywhere (like the ones in your attachment do.) :mad:

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) label isn't really important, that just denotes it's an OS supplied by manufacturer when they sell a machine, (all the OS's I've paid for are OEM versions) but an activation code IS important. You pay Microsoft (via Novatech) for a licence to use their software, which doesn't necessarily include a physical hard disk (though imo it should do). Your only access to the OS you've paid for is that activation code.

Without that key the access to any future installations would lie with Novatech, which is wrong.

If you do have an activation code you're ok, albeit without a disk for now.
I may be wrong TC but in the OS control panel you can make a ghost copy of Windows & a boot/repair disc so if the Product Key is on the Microsoft label that should be on the side you should be able to reinstall Windows 7 from the ghost disc, I think.