I'm not convinced with those circles. FAR too regular diameter wise.
Well, I don't have the discs in my possession anymore. But I would agree
that the diameter does look very similar on all the circles given the way
the camera would skew them slightly in the image.
Yeah, thats a real possibility, thats the head hitting the surface.
No, if it is mechanical, it's the *only* possibility

somebody could do that accidentally anyway

That fits the head possibility, its only on one side.
Well, no, it's on most of the disc, but not all of it. There are clear
patches which I don't think fits something actually hitting the disc.
Since it's clear that certain sections have been marked several times and
must of sustained several hits, it seems a little odd to me....
But if the disc didnt get grabbed by the grabber properly...
I'm suppose it's possible. I really have no idea. But given the
information I gave at the start of this particular topic, it seems
unlikely that all of that could of been a coincidence....
I'll print one person's response to this photo when I previously posted
about this problem.
"let me guess - it's the Lethal Weapon collection you're referring to ? Or
at least another fine product from Warner Home Video ;-) ? "
That ain't no coincidence....

In addition:
"Warner used some weird materials to produce parts of this DVD set.
A weird solvent has been used in either the bond between the layers of the
DVDs or the printing inks used for the packaging. Over a long period of
time this solvent accumulates on the disc surface in strange patterns. So
don't worry about your DVD drives, they're perfectly fine. "
Not necessarily.
How can it cause marking on a disc like that and be silent?
If you had been at the PC when it happened, anyway.
Actually, both discs were DVD films. So I think I probably was there at
the time.
On the other had its very hard to see how those identical diameter
circles could be produced other than mechanically.
I have to say that this point is quite valid. Let's assume your right for
a moment. No other discs have been affected apart from these two from the
same collection were affected. So what's going on?
This issue brings new meaning to the point about making multiple copies of
things anyway. Look carefully at the photos. That could be your backups
