They can indeed.
It's very interesting to hear the contrasting views on DVD reliability.
It seems that taking all information into account, the end conclusion that
can be reached from all this is that while there is no reason not to
switch to DVD at this stage, caution is indicated on a rather grand scale.
It seems the best approach is to make multiple copies of everything burned
and to replace them with new copies every two or three years to ensure
nothing goes wrong. From time to time, all media should be checked
to ensure nothing untoward is happening to the data. None of the tasks
should really be too difficult since technology would of moved on to newer
format DVD drives by then and the media cost at the moment isn't too
significant. In addition, backup discs are used to restore data, so most
will get automatic checks by default when you are doing that.
My thanks to everybody who replied in this thread. Your help has been