Although the cost of the ip1500 carts may appear cheap to you, they are
really expensive when you figure how little ink is in them (just repeating
what Zakezuke said).
That may be true, but it doesn't seem so bad spending small amounts of
money at a time. If you buy a more expensive printer, you pay more for
the carts. they may last longer, but seems you lay out more money at a
time. I've enjoyed having the ip1500 and its too bad its got something
wrong with it now. I thought it would last longer. The BJC 2100 lasted 3
years and would still have lasted except the printhead was going to cost
more than the printer was worth. It was a better built printer than the
ip1500 but I liked the ip1500 OK.
The rule of thumb is - the cheaper the printer, the
more expensive the ink.
I found the ip1500 had cheaper ink carts than printers you pay more for
and cheaper than other brands of printers, but as you say maybe the
carts don't last as long. I really don't know about that.
With the purchase of G&G or Procolor aftermarket
carts online from Alotofthings the extra cost of the ip4000 would come back
to you many times over. I'm sorry to see that you've made up your mind
about the separate cart issue.
I might think about the ip4000. Is it separate color carts?
I can also tell you that, with a little
advanced preparation, refilling isn't any harder or more messy than most of
the cooking I've done!
Haha, is your cooking that messy? I would hope that refilling ink carts
would be much more messy. I've heard people try them and complain it was
too messy. Lets say I would rather not do it. I don't think I have the
right kind of patience. I have patience for some things but not others.
I just want to get a tri color cart, so would like a printer that will
take one. There must be some. I have found the ip1500 to print ok for my
purposes and the Epson I had for a year and a half put me off separate
Do you know anyone who belongs to costco and would
buy you some of the Kirkland glossy photo paper? With that paper and cheap
aftermarket ink you will beat any of the retail photo costs. With refilling
and Costco paper My 4x6 prints probably don't cost more than seven or eight
cents US. 8x10 or 8.5x11 prints probably cost me about twenty-five or
thirty cents. That's for paper (Costco) and ink (MIS bulk ink for refills)
Actually, I don't know anyone who belongs to Costco though there is one
not far from where I live, but not that many in Toronto area. Costco is
not big here like in the States. Only a certain niche of the population
go there. And they may not have the same photo paper you mention above
even though its an American Co. People with children get more benefit
from Costco since they sell a lot of stuff in bulk. I had a membership
in it years ago, but found I never used it.
The bottom line, however, is that you have to be comfortable doing things
the way you want to. No matter what your decision, I think it's great that
you have put together the whole digital camera/computer/printer process and
are enjoying it!
I've had a computer for 16 years so its not new to me. I do all my own
upgrading. I got tired phoning my son in law

camera, it took me about 5 or 6 months to get one I liked. In the
meantime I was doing a lot of research on them. Prices are higher here
than the US, escept for HP which is a reasonable price. One good thing
though, digital cameras here are often on sale and quite a few camera
stores who price match each other. Staples used to give you 150%
difference between their price and competitors, but that ended just
before I bought my camera. Now they just give 10%. I still have a lot to
learn about my camera.I got the Sony W5 and it seems fine.
I am not in a rush, since I have the extended warranty and can take the
ip1500 back, so
will go to the 4 Staples stores around me this week if I can, and see
what model printers and prices they have. It was online I saw the ip4000
but I like to see things for myself and rarely buy anything online
unless I've seen it. Their online products are not always in their
stores though, and vice versa.. So its a bit of a nuisance to go to
different Staples but the best way.