[PL] Program Descriptions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
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Dick said:
BackUp programs:

Author: Rob Decker
Home page: http://www.rdcomp.net/ezbackitup/index.php
Download: http://www.rdcomp.net/files/EZBackitup_setup.exe


Windows OS: Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP Windows 95/NT4 requires
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.
Languages: English
Description: EZBack-it-up is a personal file backup utility. It is
designed to be very easy to learn and use. It is not an archival tool
that compresses all your files and folders into one file, but instead,
it copies your data to a destination of your choice where you can
readily access your backed up files any time you need. All directory
structure is preserved and you can optionally choose to delete files
from the target that are not in the source. EZBack-it-up includes a
built-in scheduler, command-line switches, logging functionality, and more.
Company: -- Author: Rob Decker
Home Page:
download page v (2003-08-12) (EZBackitup_setup.exe) (988 KB);
(EZBackitup.zip) (699 KB)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-18)


Bjorn said:
I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)

CATEGORY: Systemutilites
SUBCATEGORY: 2.04 Boot Disk: Builder [new sub-sub,PE goes here too]
AUTHOR'S EMAIL ADDRESS (munged): Ben AT windowsubcd DOT com
01 PROGRAM NAME: AutoStreamer
03 OS-WIN: 2000/2003/XP
04 OS-NOTES: Detects XP SP2
06 LANGUAGES: Should work with ALL languages
"AutoStreamer will slipstream Service Packs into original Windows
setup files. All you need is your Windows CD or a local share, a
Service Pack for that version of Windows, and a CD-Writer to burn the
CD image."
08 AUTHOR: Antonis Kaladis, Ben Burrows
09 COMPANY: none
11 LINK <http://www.windowsubcd.com/downloads.htm>
also at: <http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=188337
also at: <http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/1092632287/1>
12 FILE VERSION: 1.00.0029
13 RELEASE DATE: August 16, 2004
15 FILE NAME: Autostreamer1029.zip (number changes w/new ver.)
16 FILE SIZE: 298kb


Windows OS:
Languages: English
Description: AutoStreamer will slipstream Service Packs into original
Windows setup files. All you need is your Windows CD or a local share, a
Service Pack for that version of Windows, and a CD-Writer to burn the CD
image. AutoStreamer is an application that makes slipstreaming easier,
it is menu driven and includes many features that will help make sure
your CD is created properly.
Company: AutoStreamer Author: Antonis Kaladis; Ben Burrows
Home Page:
program description; download v 1.00.0029 (2004-08-16)
(AutoStreamer1029.zip) (298 KB)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-18)


Bjorn said:
AUTHOR'S EMAIL ADDRESS (munged): (unsupported free software, see web)
02 WARE DESCRIPTION: Free, unsupported,as is, no modifications allowed
etc. formerly shareware.[1]
03 OS-WIN: Windows 95/98/ME,
04 OS-NOTES: 16-bit DOS application for any DOS version 3.0 or higher.
07 DESCRIPTION AND NOTES: Command line shell, supports LFN.
Adapted from old homepage[1]: "Far more powerful than the built-in
Windows or DOS command line, 4DOS make the C:\ prompt flexible and
robust, and give you hundreds of new batch file tools as well!
Familiar standard commands such as COPY and DIR are still fully
supported, so you'll find them easy to use immediately without a long
learning period. A thorough and extensive help system is instantly
accessible to assist you at any time."
08 AUTHOR: Rex Conn
09 COMPANY: jpsoft.com
10 LINK DESCRIPTION JP soft web (and ftp)
11 LINK <http://www.jpsoft.com/download.htm#free>
info: <ftp://jpsoft.com/4dos/files/intro.txt>
12 FILE VERSION: 7.50 (build 130)
13 RELEASE DATE: 26.08.2004
15 FILE NAME: 4dos750.exe
16 FILE SIZE: 1,282,291 bytes

[1] <ftp://jpsoft.com/4dos/files/LICENSE.TXT> (check licence about distribution, for the PL-CD)
[2] <http://web.archive.org/web/20040101153815/http://jpsoft.com/>


Freeware (unsupported)
Windows OS: DOS (Windows-based installer) 16-bit DOS application for any
DOS version 3.0 or higher (MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/ME, PC-DOS, Novell DOS,
FreeDOS, etc.
Languages: English
Description: Command line shell, supports LFN. "Far more powerful than
the built-in Windows or DOS command line, 4DOS make the C:\ prompt
flexible and robust, and give you hundreds of new batch file tools as
well! Familiar standard commands such as COPY and DIR are still fully
supported, so you'll find them easy to use immediately without a long
learning period. A thorough and extensive help system is instantly
accessible to assist you at any time."
Company: JP Software Inc. Author: Rex Conn
Home Page:
download page v 7.50 build 130 ( freeware release: 2004-08-26)
(4dos750.exe) (1 282 291 bytes)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-18)


Susan Bugher said:
Bjorn Simonsen wrote:
I'm sorry to say I can only take a lap or half a lap if and when time
allows it. I will otherwise be standing next to you - cheering from
the side, offering water for dehydrated. Luckily there are many that
offers input here, if not water, so hopefully Susan will not be doing
all the laps on her own (although she is of course doing all or most
the manual labour anyway). The dedication, stamina, creativity and
effort inputted by people like her is part of what makes this group a
nice "place" to "hang out in" me thinks. :)

Strongly agree! Our twitching opposable thumbs... it's good to feel part
of a project, part of something being built.
Water or *coffee* please

Coffee, bien sur, essential! Shall you always have a freshly brewed supply,
perpetually fresh and hot.
and the usual good advice when and if the mood
strikes you. Just meant to say it's nice to have you both here again. ;)

Thanks! :) Very happy to swing back in. :)

I much appreciate your plugging away so energetically without lapse... And
the PL process this year looks to be taking fine shape.
Bjorn Simonsen said:
I've been kidnapped my self, by the same demanding world. So
currently I am only visiting when time allows it and/or I need a break
from the surrounding demands and frustrations:)

Eh, you know well how it is...

PS:... just noticed Regmagik <http://users.aol.com/bguzner/software/>
have gone shareware....

That one had taken me by surprise! :(
(adding a note about it in the recent LFW thread now.)

I'll follow up with Regmagik comment over there, expect I'll do the reply-to
on message <[email protected]>.
Bjorn Simonsen said:
PS: if 4DOS does not get nominated and voted PL, well then I don't
know what to think - other than there can't be any DOS/WIN9x users
left in this group :)

I've read about 4DOS over the years, with whimsical desire and longing.

Now that it has at last emerged into freeware, I have no excuse not to
spend some time... Er, well, at least to put it in onto by todo list,
in brightly colored font. As to vote: for the principle alone about
this highly-reputed suite becoming freeware, I am going to vote for it.

My vote is decided even in advance of being a user, and straight alone
from the concept. Oops - now that I've written that, I realize that to
keep by vote from being considered illegit, I better download soon, to
at least run a command or two...
Bjorn Simonsen wrote in said:
4.02 RAM Disk: XMS.EMS RAMdisk (for DOS/WIn9x) [...]
4.02 RAM Disk; GUI: Ramdrive.EXE Tools (GUI for the above,Win9x only)

Ouch: D/L URL no longer valid. Did a search and found it mentioned on
<http://www.buzzys.net/ramdrive.html>, page says e-mail him for the file.
Hope someone who keeps a abandon/rarware site can get/upload a copy
(Think I have a copy here, can send) If it surfaces with a valid d/l
link, and you can add it, description (mine):
"GUI interface built for and on the XMS/EMS RAMdisk [add internal
link pointing to XMS.EMS description], which is included in the

The link at
which points to
seems to work now. Just tried it again. Still hope some of
of the LFW-keepers here will grab a copy for their site :)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
_Susan Bugher_, domenica 19/set/2004:
PL2005 nominations page:


Programs that have completed descriptions (IOW - that are eligible for
PL2005 nomination) are shown on the nominations page. (Please check the
list before submitting program descriptions.) The current list is below.

40tude Dialog

Susan, sorry for doubling your work, but since yesterday there is a new
version of Dialog:

40tude Dialog Beta 37 (
d/l size: 3692 KB
release date: 2004/09/18

07 DESCRIPTION AND NOTES: [From homepage]
"Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled
Environment) bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the original
Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very
suitable for PC maintenance tasks."
Maybe add something about multiple pluigns to various utilities one
can include on the cd (out of which some are freeware, others not). I
have not built this one my self (no XP/2003 CD) -, so it would be nice
if anyone who has first hand experience with it could add a word :)

Each plugin that comes with Bart's PE can be installed on the CD, or

Using the "manual build" a list of plugins is displayed and each
plugin can be enabled or disabled. Only those plugins that are enabled
are installed.

Using one WUBCD method, the entire plugin directory is replaced by
another plugin directory of exclusive freeware apps.

There are other plugins created by various people for various
utilities. I haven't used these, but many are for commercial programs,
like Norton Ghost, that are very useful if the user already owns the
commercial program.

This gives the project the ability to accommodate most everyone,
freeware only, free and shareware, freeware, shareware and commercial
apps, etc.

This fellow has build a "plugin builder" that works with Bart's PE. It
makes it possible to build your own plugins, in the event that one
does not exist and you really want it:


I've ran it a couple of times and it locked up. I probably haven't
read enough about it yet.

This is a great project by many people on many fronts!
Windows Ultimate Boot CD

Windows Ultimate Boot CD
Windows OS: Windows XP (Should work on Win 2000 too) Requires Windows XP
CD with SP1 or SP2 and Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE)
Languages: English
Description: The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware Windows utilities.
The CD includes many different types of utilities so you will be
prepared when disaster strikes. The WinUBCD uses Bart's PE which allows
you to create a custom CD that will boot into a Windows environment with
network support. Perfect for recovering deleted files on your harddrive
without accidentally overwriting them or scanning a virus infected system.

James, or someone else might help with a better description. Let me
take a shot at it though:

"Description: The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware Windows
utilities used with Bart's PE Builder to create a bootable CD for Win
XP\2000 for disaster recovery. This alleviates the "files locked"
problem when booting from hard drive and allows FAT32\NTFS data
recovery, hardware diagnostics, total partition AV scanning and the
ability to create or restore hard drive images at will."

I think I need another cup of coffee or two :)

That doesn't cover everything and is concise, perhaps too much to make
full sense? Still thinking about it. Let's see if anyone else wants to
take a shot at it.

Company: -- Author: Benjamin Burrows
Home Page; download v 2.1 (2004-09-12) (WinUBCDv21.exe) (58,529,000 bytes)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-16)


We might include Win 2000 above? I dunno about 2000 myself though.

Everything else looks good to me.
MLC said:
_Susan Bugher_, domenica 19/set/2004:

Susan, sorry for doubling your work, but since yesterday there is a new
version of Dialog:

40tude Dialog Beta 37 (
d/l size: 3692 KB
release date: 2004/09/18

Thank you Maria. I am grateful to you and everybody else that posts
program updates here. Doubly grateful when you note it's a PL program
(saves my having to look at the list). :)

Susan said:

I've tried loads of clipboard enhancers and this is by far the best for
me. It is very fast, simple and stable. Loads of additional options,
including a very good app launcher. It uses hardly any resources.
It *really* needs a help file, and it gets bogged down quickly after a
few image files are sent to the clipboard, but I don't think there is
anything better available that can match it for what it does.
Susan said:

A wonderful, lightweight app for checking pop accounts on the server.
Excellent filtering abilities, inc regexp, friends list, blacklist.
Filtering can be acc specific or global and is idiot proof. Fast to set
up, fast to load, uses few resources.
I never got on with Webwasher or POP3Scan Mailbox, but this is superb.
I don't know how it can be the case, but I feel it to be much faster at
deleting messages on the server than other apps.
No bells, no whistles, highly stable.
Susan said:

There has been a lot of discussion here recently about app firewalling
and FW leaktests. This is the app that addresses those issues. And, as
far as I can see, is the only app that works on W98. I tested it for a
while with quite a few leak tests and it got them all. i managed to
crash it on a 233 with 32 MB RAM, but it is solid on the 800mhz machine
with 256 MB RAM. I'm very impressed with it; no one who is serious about
security software should be running without something like this.
Susan said:

I find this to be the best tray utility i have tried. Click to collapse
the tray to all but needed icons, click to expand again. And more. I use
it for flat taskbar icons, and to get rid of the start button text and
replace its icon. You can also make transparent desktop icon text and
change the colour of the text. On my other machine I also use the lovely
little analog taskbar clock and date indicator. I have yet to use its
multiple desktop function. Loads of good functions in one app yet it
remains fast efficient and reliable.
Susan said:

I forget how many File Managers I have tried. My preference is for
double pane with tree view which is why I didn't stay with Pablo
Commander. Xplorer2_Lite is by far the best of the ones I have tried,
including some good looking buyware apps. It is very fast and reliable
with loads of useful options.
Twin panes can be toggled on/off and the panes can be hoizontal or
vertical... my preference is for horizontal but on this tiny screen,
they have to be vertical.
I think this is the benchmark against which all other file managers
should be judged.