[PL] Program Descriptions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
Susan said:

There are loads of this sort of app about. I always used to use Jack
Creations ScrapPad and changed to Stickies when I found it. I like being
able to click on the title bar and have a note 'roll up'. Notes can be
sent to 'sleep', and so function as a reminder, and can be set 'on top'.
A new note launches instantly by hot key.
I use this all the time; I can't manage without some sort of sticky note
app and this is the one I like best... I use it at a fairly basic level
so never use its email functionality, and, being on 98SE don't use the
transparency option.
A well featured app; fast and reliable.
Susan said:

A very simple, fast, reliable binary downloading workhorse. No install,
if you want multiple servers you create a new instance of the app with a
copy and paste.
Useless for incompletes and a bit quirky, but it chugs along reliably
and gets the job done.
D/L speed can be changed on the fly; D/L queue modified on the fly,
groups can be seperated into categories, built in speed indicator,
really silly sound effects, create D/L folder on the fly - auto or
manual, if a connection is refused it keeps on and on and on trying.
I think this is an absolute 'must try' for any serious binary downloader
with a reliable newsserver. Loads of features missing that some will
moan about, inc no inline viewing/playing of files.
What makes this so appealing to me is the small size and feeling of
efficiency. For small binaries, or browsing new groups I will tend to
use another client, but for very large downloads on dial up it is PG
every time.
Susan said:

This is *the* notepad replacement. My definition of a notepad
replacement is a standalone exe that loads as fast as notepad and has
more features. This is Edxor. I renamed it to notepad and overwrote
notepad and am a happy bunny.
Loads of features including nice, silly ones, like converting text to
'backwards', encoding options, FFS, it even includes an app launcher.
Compared to some of the other 'notepad replacements' I have tried (many
of which could best be described as 'wordpad replacements'), it
astonishes me that so much has been built into such a small and fast
app. The only apps of comparable size and speed I have come across are
nowhere near as feature rich.
This is a wonderful text editor.
REM said:
James, or someone else might help with a better description. Let me
take a shot at it though:

"Description: The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware Windows
utilities used with Bart's PE Builder to create a bootable CD for Win
XP\2000 for disaster recovery. This alleviates the "files locked"
problem when booting from hard drive and allows FAT32\NTFS data
recovery, hardware diagnostics, total partition AV scanning and the
ability to create or restore hard drive images at will."

This is a bit tricky compared to most freeware. As REM indicates it's
important that people 'browsing' Pricelessware don't think that the WinUBCD
is a simple download of Windows utilities. It's really more a process to
build a Windows bootable CD containing those utilities and entails
downloading not just the plugins from WinUBCD but also Barts PE builder AND
using those along with your Windows XP or 2000 bootable CD (not a recovery
CD) to create a new bootable CD. It's only then you have something you can
use. (In fact Bart's PE builder is really the hero here as it's what
enables the creation of the WinUBCD).

So my attempt at a description:

The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware plugin tools which, along with
Bart's freeware PE builder and your Windows XP/2000 bootable CD (not
recovery CD), enables you to create a new bootable Windows CD containing 50+
freeware utilities which can be used if disaster strikes. The resulting
bootable CD is a complete Windows preinstalled environment with network
support and FAT/FAT32/NTFS partition read/write access and includes
essential utilities such as hardware diagnostics, antivirus/spyware
scanning, file management and password & file recovery. Tools are also
available to add your own programs and utilities to the bootable CD making
it the ideal PC disaster recovery environment for almost all situations.
Access to a CD burner is required in order to burn the CD.
James wrote in said:
So my attempt at a description:

The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware plugin tools which, along with
Bart's freeware PE builder and your Windows XP/2000 bootable CD (not

Except you can't build a Win2000 CD with it. The same that applies to
BartPe applies here. See the howto to page
<http://www.windowsubcd.com/howto.htm> under "Here are the
requirements and initial steps to build the WinUBCD", which states -
that you'll need a "Windows XP CD, with SP1" to build the CD.
As with BartPe, you can run the builder under Win2k, but you need to
insert a XP cd during the build so that Bart's PE can grab the
required files from it.

In other words, Susan can use your description if she leaves out the
part about "our Windows 2000 bootable CD". Correct me if I am wrong.

(BartPe can also build from a Win2003 CD, don't know about Winubcd,
didn't look just now - just copied most of the info here from a
previous post of mine :)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
OS-NOTES: Known to be compatible with: MSDOS 3 to 7 (Win9x), DosEmu
GUEST/GUEST95, Stacker 4 (see the documentation for issues relating to
Win9x use).
(this according to
<http://short.stop.home.att.net/freesoft/diskutil.htm#furdram> from
where I snipped the above )


Not added - one "description" link per program please. (Buzzy's reviews
are an exception.)

Bjorn said:
Suggest change comments to: "Lister is very handy for reading html
files offline if you only want the text, it strips the html tags and
leaves only text and URLs without "breaking" the page layout much."

Company: C. Ghisler & Co., Switzerland
Author: Christian Ghisler

Done. Changes won't show till I upload new pages.

Bjorn said:
Change the first "They" to "Htmstrip", thus:

"Htmstrip should work fine under Windows but forget handling
things like long file names under Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2000,
and WinNT."

Drop the above comments, just replace it with:
"Very configurable - via both ini-file and command line switches.
Handles tables very well!"

See also: <http://short.stop.home.att.net/freesoft/htmlutil.htm#d11>

Not done - one "description" link per app please.

Susan said:

Excellent app. Will enhance any limited mail client by giving multiple
pop/smtp functionality. A superb add on for Agent since it can filter on
outgoing headers thereby allowing a different 'from' field for news and
mail in a single instance of Agent.
Multiple smtp can be set manually or filtered on IP range. This is a
superb and very stable app; I switched mail apps to Agent having found
it and I am sure there will be many other apps that will benefit from
A few other options in it have not got round to looking at yet... it
also has a time setting client.
Bjorn Simonsen said:
Except you can't build a Win2000 CD with it. The same that applies to
BartPe applies here. See the howto to page
<http://www.windowsubcd.com/howto.htm> under "Here are the
requirements and initial steps to build the WinUBCD", which states -
that you'll need a "Windows XP CD, with SP1" to build the CD.
As with BartPe, you can run the builder under Win2k, but you need to
insert a XP cd during the build so that Bart's PE can grab the
required files from it.

In other words, Susan can use your description if she leaves out the
part about "our Windows 2000 bootable CD". Correct me if I am wrong.

(BartPe can also build from a Win2003 CD, don't know about Winubcd,
didn't look just now - just copied most of the info here from a
previous post of mine :)

I'm sure you're right Bjorn. I had read that someone had done it with
Windows 2K but no doubt they had also got some files from the XP disk as you
describe so 2000 should be dropped from the description. As you say Bart's
PE website also says it can be used with Windows Server 2003 but Ben's
WinUBCD site does not say if it's been tested with WinServer 2003 and maybe
some of the utilities might not run so until Ben's site mentions it it's
probably best not to reference it.

One thing I also forgot is that it's not good enough to have an XP bootable
CD, it must at least be the SP1 version so that should also be added.

Proposed description revised:

The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware plugin tools which, along with
Bart's freeware PE builder and your Windows XP SP1 bootable CD (not
recovery CD), enables you to create a new bootable Windows CD containing 50+
freeware utilities which can be used if disaster strikes. The resulting
bootable CD is a complete Windows preinstalled environment with network
support and FAT/FAT32/NTFS partition read/write access and includes
essential utilities such as hardware diagnostics, antivirus/spyware
scanning, file management and password & file recovery. Tools are also
available to add your own programs and utilities to the bootable CD making
it the ideal PC disaster recovery environment for almost all situations.
Access to a CD burner is required in order to burn the CD.
Bjorn said:

Windows Ultimate Boot CD

Windows OS: Windows XP (Should work on Win 2000 too) Requires Windows XP
CD with SP1 or SP2 and Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) [...]

Looks good to me. Now that the WUBCD is open for nomination,
then why not also Bart's PE Builder
which should fit nicely alongside "Autostreamer" in the subcategory
"Boot Disk Creator"
<http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/2005/PL2005SYSTEMUTILITIES.php#3478> :)

Thus adding:

AUTHOR'S EMAIL ADDRESS (munged): bart at nu2 dot nu

01 PROGRAM NAME: Bart's PE Builder
02 WARE DESCRIPTION: Freeware (c)
03 OS-WIN: Windows 2000/XP/2003 (runs on but...)
04 OS-NOTES: The PE Builder program (pebuilder.exe) *runs* on Windows
2000/XP/2003 (not NT4/ME/9x), but to *build* a CD - a original
Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD is
07 DESCRIPTION AND NOTES: [From homepage]
"Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled
Environment) bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the original
Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very
suitable for PC maintenance tasks."
08 AUTHOR: Bart Lagerweij
10 LINK DESCRIPTION: "Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE)
bootable live windows CD/DVD"
11 LINK http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/
12 FILE VERSION: Version 3.0.32
13 RELEASE DATE: Aug 23, 2004
15 FILE NAME: pebuilder3032.zip
16 FILE SIZE: 2.99MB

ps: should be OK to include on PL CD, see


Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE)
Windows OS: Windows 2000/XP; Windows Server 2003 The PE Builder program
(pebuilder.exe) runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003 but aa original Windows XP
or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD is required to *build* a CD.
Languages: English
Description: Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart
Preinstalled Environment) bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the
original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very
suitable for PC maintenance tasks.
Company: Nu2 Productions Author: Bart Lagerweij
Home Page; download v 3.0.32 (2004-08-23) (pebuilder3032.zip) (2.99 MB)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-19)

Bjorn said:
4.02 RAM Disk: XMS.EMS RAMdisk (for DOS/WIn9x)

4.02 RAM Disk; GUI: Ramdrive.EXE Tools (GUI for the above,Win9x only)

Ouch: D/L URL no longer valid. Did a search and found it mentioned on
<http://www.buzzys.net/ramdrive.html>, page says e-mail him for the file.
Hope someone who keeps a abandon/rarware site can get/upload a copy
(Think I have a copy here, can send) If it surfaces with a valid d/l
link, and you can add it, description (mine):
"GUI interface built for and on the XMS/EMS RAMdisk [add internal
link pointing to XMS.EMS description], which is included in the

The link at
which points to
seems to work now. Just tried it again. Still hope some of
of the LFW-keepers here will grab a copy for their site :)

That's a small file - if another host is needed it shouldn't be a
problem (I grabbed a copy too).


Ramdrive.EXE Tools
Windows OS: Windows 95/98
Languages: English
Description: GUI interface built for and on the XMS/EMS RAMdisk
Company: -- Author: Norm Steadman; Franck Uberto
download (ramdrive.exe) (113 KB)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-19)

Susan Bugher wrote in said:

Ramdrive.EXE Tools
Windows OS: Windows 95/98
Languages: English
Description: GUI interface built for and on the XMS/EMS RAMdisk
Company: -- Author: Norm Steadman; Franck Uberto
download (ramdrive.exe) (113 KB)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-19)

Maybe add:

"The ramdisk drivers from the XMS/EMS RAMdisk utility
<A HREF="http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/2005/PL2005SYSTEMUTILITIES.php#0869-n">
is included, so no need to download both if you only want this
Graphical User Interface (GUI) version."

Info for the curios (not asking you to include Susan):

Guide by author, Norm Steadman at former SpeedCorp,
found in the internet web-archive:

Guide/review by Buzzy J: <http://www.buzzys.net/ramdrive.html>
(nice guide and review, minor issue; fails to mention it is a
GUI built on the CLI XMS/EMS Ramdisk utility by Franck Umberto.)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Susan said:
I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)

Category: Desktop
Sub Cat : App launcher

Name: RunFast

URL http://www.idiogensoftware.com/runfast/index.htm
D/L URL http://www.idiogensoftware.com/files/runfast.exe


RunFast is a free program launcher/command tool that allows you to
quickly launch programs, files, folders, websites and more. It supports
aliases, which allows you to create custom commands and it also supports
execution of multiple commands at one time. RunFast is a great tool for
anyone who uses the Run command a lot or for anyone who just wants to
open things faster.

File size 70kb


This is a superb app launcher and replaces all tedious things like menus
and hot keys with a simple 'run' box.
Launch RunFast by hotkey (I use F4) and type the file name into the
box... RunFast auto completes the file name and pressing Enter launches
it. Here, F4 O currently launches Opera, F4 age launches Agent. No need
to try to remember hot keys or wander round menus trying to find an app.
Setting up is as simple as navigating to an exe file and dragging it
into the RunFast window and giving it a name.
Having found this, I am starting to use apps that I've only used rarely
before because I have had difficulty finding them. :-)
Now all I have to do is remember the app name and type till the
autocomplete kicks in. I doubt i will ever use another app launcher.
Proposed description revised:
The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware plugin tools which, along with
Bart's freeware PE builder and your Windows XP SP1 bootable CD (not
recovery CD), enables you to create a new bootable Windows CD containing 50+
freeware utilities which can be used if disaster strikes. The resulting
bootable CD is a complete Windows preinstalled environment with network
support and FAT/FAT32/NTFS partition read/write access and includes
essential utilities such as hardware diagnostics, antivirus/spyware
scanning, file management and password & file recovery. Tools are also
available to add your own programs and utilities to the bootable CD making
it the ideal PC disaster recovery environment for almost all situations.
Access to a CD burner is required in order to burn the CD.

That's pretty darned good!
James said:
Proposed description revised:

The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware plugin tools which, along with
Bart's freeware PE builder and your Windows XP SP1 bootable CD (not
recovery CD), enables you to create a new bootable Windows CD containing 50+
freeware utilities which can be used if disaster strikes. The resulting
bootable CD is a complete Windows preinstalled environment with network
support and FAT/FAT32/NTFS partition read/write access and includes
essential utilities such as hardware diagnostics, antivirus/spyware
scanning, file management and password & file recovery. Tools are also
available to add your own programs and utilities to the bootable CD making
it the ideal PC disaster recovery environment for almost all situations.
Access to a CD burner is required in order to burn the CD.



Windows Ultimate Boot CD

Windows OS: Windows XP (Should work on Win 2000 too) Requires Windows XP
CD with SP1 or SP2 and Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE)
Languages: English
Description: The WinUBCD is a collection of freeware plugin tools which,
along with Bart's freeware PE builder and your Windows XP SP1 bootable
CD (not recovery CD), enables you to create a new bootable Windows CD
containing 50+ freeware utilities which can be used if disaster strikes.
The resulting bootable CD is a complete Windows preinstalled environment
with network support and FAT/FAT32/NTFS partition read/write access and
includes essential utilities such as hardware diagnostics,
antivirus/spyware scanning, file management and password & file
recovery. Tools are also available to add your own programs and
utilities to the bootable CD making it the ideal PC disaster recovery
environment for almost all situations. Access to a CD burner is required
in order to burn the CD.
Company: -- Author: Benjamin Burrows
Home Page; download v 2.1 (2004-09-12) (WinUBCDv21.exe) (58,529,000 bytes)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-20)

jo said:
Susan Bugher wrote:

Category: Desktop
Sub Cat : App launcher

Name: RunFast

URL http://www.idiogensoftware.com/runfast/index.htm
D/L URL http://www.idiogensoftware.com/files/runfast.exe

Done. I see I forgot Language: English - will revise.


Windows OS: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Description: RunFast is a free program launcher/command tool that allows
you to quickly launch programs, files, folders, websites and more. It
supports aliases, which allows you to create custom commands and it also
supports execution of multiple commands at one time. RunFast is a great
tool for anyone who uses the Run command a lot or for anyone who just
wants to open things faster.
Company: Ashkar Systems Author: --
Home Page:
program description:
download page v 1.25 (runfast.exe) (70 KB)
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-20)

Maybe add:

"The ramdisk drivers from the XMS/EMS RAMdisk utility
<A HREF="http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/2005/PL2005SYSTEMUTILITIES.php#0869-n">
is included, so no need to download both if you only want this
Graphical User Interface (GUI) version."

I added a note.
Info for the curios (not asking you to include Susan):

Guide by author, Norm Steadman at former SpeedCorp,
found in the internet web-archive:

Guide/review by Buzzy J: <http://www.buzzys.net/ramdrive.html>
(nice guide and review, minor issue; fails to mention it is a
GUI built on the CLI XMS/EMS Ramdisk utility by Franck Umberto.)

I added a link to Buzzy's Review. Changes not uploaded yet.
