[PL] Program Descriptions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
Bjorn said:

or if you use "disk" you can add floppies under the same category


(note, drop XP in name, this leaves room for Linux disks under the
same heading/category. Some of those can be useful for WIN users too,
like for partitioning, formatting, disk/partition imaging etc.)

Perhaps: System Information; Rescue Disk

or System Diagnostics; Rescue Disk

See the apps listed here:


It seems to me this app should be in an adjacent category.

Susan Bugher wrote in said:
Perhaps: System Information; Rescue Disk

or System Diagnostics; Rescue Disk

See the apps listed here:


Neither IMO, since a resuce disk provides more than information or
diagnostics. The info/diag categories should be reserved for utilities
that offers info/diag as their *main* features.

I suggest Rescue disk slahs utility disk. Not all such disks are
rescue disks as such, but utilities disk that can be used for rescue
purposes - thus the suggested slash, Rescue/utility disk.

I also suggest not prefacing the category with "system" - even if it
is on the sysutil page. By not using "system" it will leave more room
to add a more varied selection of such disks to the category in the
future I think ... just a thought, haven't looked over all the other
categories and existing software candidates just now.

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn said:
Neither IMO, since a resuce disk provides more than information or
diagnostics. The info/diag categories should be reserved for utilities
that offers info/diag as their *main* features.

I suggest Rescue disk slahs utility disk. Not all such disks are
rescue disks as such, but utilities disk that can be used for rescue
purposes - thus the suggested slash, Rescue/utility disk.

I also suggest not prefacing the category with "system" - even if it
is on the sysutil page. By not using "system" it will leave more room
to add a more varied selection of such disks to the category in the
future I think ... just a thought, haven't looked over all the other
categories and existing software candidates just now.

I'm trying to ensure that somewhat similar apps are in *adjacent*
categories - whatever they are named.

Here's a list of the apps on the acf prog. info pages that may be
related and the subcategories they are in now. *Please* suggest
revisions as needed. :)

System Information Tool:
Belarc Advisor
Display Partition Information (partinfo)
Emsa FlexInfo Pro
Everest Home Edition
Fresh Diagnose
Karen's Computer Profiler
Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder
MSconfig (msconfig.exe)
OCS Inventory
PC Wizard
Sisoftware Sandra
Ultimate Boot CD
WinSystem98 (v 3.4.7)

much further down the page . . .

Boot Disk:
Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE)
MadBoot Boot disk
Tom's boot disk
Ultimate Boot Disk

Boot In Safe Mode:

Boot Manager:

Boot Manager; Partitioner:
Ranish Partition Manager

CD: Drivers For Dos:
CD-ROM God (v 5.5)

Est. File Space Used If Change From Fat16 To Fat32:
Windows 98 Resource Kit (FAT32WIN.EXE)

Partition Manager:

Partition Tool:
Partition Resizer
Partition Saving (was Savepart)

Susan Bugher wrote in said:
Here's a list of the apps on the acf prog. info pages that may be
related and the subcategories they are in now. *Please* suggest
revisions as needed. :)
Boot Disk:

Change name to "Boot/rescue disks"? Add the one suggested by REM to
this category, problem solved?

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn said:
Change name to "Boot/rescue disks"? Add the one suggested by REM to
this category, problem solved?

Thanks Bjorn. It's nice to have you back and available for consultation. :)

Bjorn said:
Susan Bugher wrote in <[email protected]>:

Question: No need to add a description if it is already available
via <http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acf/P_ProgramIndex.php>, right?

I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)

(FWIW The acf prog info descriptions are mostly from PL2004 nominations
- they will need updating.)

Check the nominations page for apps that have current descriptions:


No need to post any apps that are already on that list.

Susan Bugher wrote in said:
I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)

Thank you! :-)


Descr: <http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acf/programs/0798-n.htm>
changes required: new version out, else current description stands

(for the curios, see my notes about it in previous posts:
<http://google.com/groups?as_q=UUDWIN &as_ugroup=alt.comp.freeware&as_uauthors=Bjorn Simonsen>)


4.02 RAM Disk: AR RAM DISK (for NT,2k,XP)
Descr: <http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acf/programs/0021-n.htm>
Changes required: Non AFAIK

(cf my nomination of this last year
<http://google.com/groups?&[email protected]>


4.02 RAM Disk: XMS.EMS RAMdisk (for DOS/WIn9x)
Descr: <http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acf/programs/0869-n.htm>

(cf my nomination of this last year
<http://google.com/groups?&[email protected]>

4.02 RAM Disk; GUI: Ramdrive.EXE Tools (GUI for the above,Win9x only)

Ouch: D/L URL no longer valid. Did a search and found it mentioned on
<http://www.buzzys.net/ramdrive.html>, page says e-mail him for the file.
Hope someone who keeps a abandon/rarware site can get/upload a copy
(Think I have a copy here, can send) If it surfaces with a valid d/l
link, and you can add it, description (mine):
"GUI interface built for and on the XMS/EMS RAMdisk [add internal
link pointing to XMS.EMS description], which is included in the


2.02 File Manager Tool: Lister

Suggest you move Lister to a different category, for instance
"2.10 File Viewer: Text, html" or say "2.03 Convert: HTML" but
then add "Viewer - strips html tags, nice for copying" or something.

For the curios, see my notes about Lister in previous posts:
or use the full url:
<http://google.com/groups?as_epq=Lis...uthors=Bjorn Simonsen&as_scoring=d&lr=&num=25>



2.03 Convert: HTML To Text And Tables: HTMSTRIP
Home page: <http://users.erols.com/waynesof/bruce.htm>
Author: Bruce Guthrie <[email protected]>
Version: Current release: 0208 (August 2002)

Ware status: "..free for use provided relevant documentation is kept
with the programs, no changes are made to the programs or
documentation, and they are not bundled with commercial programs or
charged for separately."

Description from homepage:
"Processes and removes embedded HTML commands from Web pages
downloaded from the Web. Reflows paragraphs, processes tables,
etc as straight ASCII text. Can function on individually-saved
pages or else process your entire disk cache. Ideal tool for
resending via e-mail or dozens of different uses. Awarded a
"Best" rating by "PC Computing" in their July 1996 issue."

add (adapted from homepage):
"Written and compiled in DOS, not Windows. Should work
fine under Windows but forget handling things like long file
names under Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2000, and WinNT."

(my comment, I use this CLI (command line interface:) app, quite often
under Win2k. Very configurable!! via both ini-file and command line
switches. Handles tables very well. It does not handle LFNs - so
output files from LFN files will give short names only, but I can live
with that given the nice plain text output.)

No need to post any apps that are already on that list.

But last years PL apps will be nominated automagically like before,

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Susan said:
I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)


*gets off bum*

Clipboard enhancement utility

Magic Mail Monitor
On server mail monitor with filters

System Safety Monitor
App firewalling tool

Effective Desktop
Desktop/taskbar enhancement utility

Twin pane file manager with tree view

Post it notes for the puter
Susan Bugher wrote in <[email protected]>:


PDF Toolkit
Version: (1.0) released on August 14, 2004
URL: <http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/>
OS: "Pdftk runs on a variety of platforms, including: Windows, Linux,
FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris"
Licence: free software made available under the GPL.
Author: GPL/Sid Steward([email protected]) maintains pdftk.

Description from hompeage: "If PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is
an electronic staple-remover, hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring,
and X-Ray-glasses. Pdftk is a simple tool for doing everyday things
with PDF documents. Keep one in the top drawer of your desktop
and use it to: Merge PDF Documents, Split PDF Pages into a New
Document, Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required), Encrypt
Output as Desired Fill PDF Forms with FDF Data and/or Flatten Forms,
Apply a Background Watermark, Report on PDF Metrics, including
Metadata and Bookmarks, Update PDF Metadata, Attach Files to PDF Pages
or the PDF Document, Unpack PDF Attachments, Burst a PDF Document into
Single Pages, Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams, Repair
Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)"

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Susan Bugher wrote in <[email protected]>:


The Font Thing
URL: <http://members.ozemail.com.au/~scef/tft.html>
Author: Sue Fisher (e-mail address removed)
OS: Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0.
Licence: freeware
version: 0.80 (beta 2), released 22 Dec 1999
Install: Install and no-install version

Description (from homepage):
"The Font Thing is a freeware program for managing TrueType fonts in
Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0.With The Font Thing you can:
Browse installed and uninstalled fonts, Browse fonts in subfolders as
a single combined list, View sample text and individual characters in
your choice of colours, Change sample text "on the fly" or easily
switch between your own standard text samples, View detailed font
information, Print font samples, Associate notes with fonts,
Install or uninstall any number of fonts at once, Load (and unload)
any number of fonts for temporary use, Copy or delete any number of
font files at once, Rename font files to avoid file name conflicts,
Filter fonts according to their type, Group fonts into collections for
easier management, Use multiple font windows simultaneously for easy
font comparison and management."

Comment: X-fonter
has many of the same features (more? have not counted).
In fact the two programs looks very much alike...

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Susan Bugher wrote in said:
I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)

Make PDF (Ghostscript front-end)
Descr: <http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acf/programs/0444-PW.htm>
No update needed.

adding by same author (you can copy author info, hompage link and
status from above existing descripton) :

Search PDF:
(Current versions SearchPDF v1.1 - 90Kb).

Descritpion from homepage: "SearchPDF will scan a selected directory
branch for PDF files and search each PDF for a given text string. it
display all matching and non matching PDF files found in two list
boxes. You can then open any selected matching PDF file from within
the program. Like MakePDF, it uses AFPL Ghostscript to do all the hard
work. In order to use the program, you must have Ghostscript
installed. This program also uses the PSTOTXT package, written by Paul
McJones and Andrew Birrell of Digital Equipment Corporation's Systems
Research Center (see the file pstotext.txt which is included in the
downlaod zip file for licencing details)."

(ps: the licence for the includes PSTOTXT seems liberal, copyrighted
Digital Equipment Corporation , free to use given such and such, no
problem for PL I think)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Susan Bugher wrote in said:
Thanks Bjorn. It's nice to have you back and available for consultation. :)

:) ...where did Karen (omega) go?

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Thanks Susan...

Photo Editor

PhotoFiltre 6

email Client

FoxMail (currently 5.0.800)
Description: http://fox.foxmail.com.cn/english.htm
Download: http://fox.foxmail.com.cn/english2.htm

email client add-on:

Author: Raphael Fetzer
Home page: http://www.jakewalk.de/foxmail/foxtool_e.html
Download: (see links at the bottom of the above page)

eMail Anti-Spam

Frontgate MX
info and download: http://www.presorium.com

Info page: http://www.filesforfree.com/download/printkey_2000_v5.10.php
Download: http://www.filesforfree.com/dl.php?id=45

calendars / Reminders

Ulrich Krebs' Kalender (UK Kalendar)
Home page: http://www.8ung.at/ukrebs/
Download: http://www.8ung.at/ukrebs/download/Setup.exe

Memory Defragmentation

FreeRAM XP Pro 1.40
Home page: http://www.yourwaresolutions.com/
Download 1: http://download.com.com/3000-2086-10070530.html
Download 2: http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/61995.html
Download 3: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=1670

System Security:


Home Page: http://www.winpatrol.com

Internet Time Synchronization:

Dimension 4
Home page: http://www.thinkman.com
Download: http://www.thinkman.com/dimension4/d4time50.exe

Misc Utilities:
Author: Bernie Madigan
Home page: www.testrun.cjb.net
Download: http://www.dogkennels.net/fastfolder/ffbb_330.zip

BackUp programs:

Author: Rob Decker
Home page: http://www.rdcomp.net/ezbackitup/index.php
Download: http://www.rdcomp.net/files/EZBackitup_setup.exe

Susan Bugher wrote in said:
I will do the descriptions if you send the names and URLs *now* - this
special offer ends soon. . . :)

CATEGORY: Systemutilites
SUBCATEGORY: 2.04 Boot Disk: Builder [new sub-sub,PE goes here too]
AUTHOR'S EMAIL ADDRESS (munged): Ben AT windowsubcd DOT com
01 PROGRAM NAME: AutoStreamer
03 OS-WIN: 2000/2003/XP
04 OS-NOTES: Detects XP SP2
06 LANGUAGES: Should work with ALL languages
"AutoStreamer will slipstream Service Packs into original Windows
setup files. All you need is your Windows CD or a local share, a
Service Pack for that version of Windows, and a CD-Writer to burn the
CD image."
08 AUTHOR: Antonis Kaladis, Ben Burrows
09 COMPANY: none
11 LINK <http://www.windowsubcd.com/downloads.htm>
also at: <http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=188337
also at: <http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/1092632287/1>
12 FILE VERSION: 1.00.0029
13 RELEASE DATE: August 16, 2004
15 FILE NAME: Autostreamer1029.zip (number changes w/new ver.)
16 FILE SIZE: 298kb

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
AUTHOR'S EMAIL ADDRESS (munged): (unsupported free software, see web)
02 WARE DESCRIPTION: Free, unsupported,as is, no modifications allowed
etc. formerly shareware.[1]
03 OS-WIN: Windows 95/98/ME,
04 OS-NOTES: 16-bit DOS application for any DOS version 3.0 or higher.
07 DESCRIPTION AND NOTES: Command line shell, supports LFN.
Adapted from old homepage[1]: "Far more powerful than the built-in
Windows or DOS command line, 4DOS make the C:\ prompt flexible and
robust, and give you hundreds of new batch file tools as well!
Familiar standard commands such as COPY and DIR are still fully
supported, so you'll find them easy to use immediately without a long
learning period. A thorough and extensive help system is instantly
accessible to assist you at any time."
08 AUTHOR: Rex Conn
09 COMPANY: jpsoft.com
10 LINK DESCRIPTION JP soft web (and ftp)
11 LINK <http://www.jpsoft.com/download.htm#free>
info: <ftp://jpsoft.com/4dos/files/intro.txt>
12 FILE VERSION: 7.50 (build 130)
13 RELEASE DATE: 26.08.2004
15 FILE NAME: 4dos750.exe
16 FILE SIZE: 1,282,291 bytes

[1] <ftp://jpsoft.com/4dos/files/LICENSE.TXT> (check licence about distribution, for the PL-CD)
[2] <http://web.archive.org/web/20040101153815/http://jpsoft.com/>

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen wrote in said:

Sorry, already included in PL 2004
.....and 2003...and2002...and 2001...blush
Forgot to look at the current PL, only looked at the nominations/prog
info pages when looking for existing descriptions 8-/

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen