You're absolutely correct, it doesn't have to be a website.
And yes I can see that we have a forum (site) here. Tell me
though, were on this site (acf) do I find the 2004
PricelessWare List. I do not see it represented here as a
list, but rather a great number of posts. Certainly you
That was the problem, too. We *think* we have a site and no
one actually bothered to make it more searchable in the group.
May be that is something we could work on.
must agree that in order for this list to be of any real
use to anyone, it must be published and represented in a
concise manner. That is in fact what the purpose of is, right?
Yes, but anyone, any participants, should have the right to do
so. No one have the right *vote* someone out, though.
Shouldn't we encourage particaption and constribution rather
than discourage it? Say, if we vote for one site, other who
also want to report the PL list could potientially be
disouraged *expecially* in the current situation.
You must agree that the list
is far better represented on a web site. If not, then you
are certainly free to not use the website, and then also
you should have no further interest in this matter. ACF
should remain for some time, and is not in question.
I do. And different formats in different sites would serve
users and participants of different tests and different needs,
isn't that what we want? Instead of sticking to some old
outdated notion of official this and that?
People are free to put together a list (in fact anyone can).
In addition, we need to find a way to make the archive here
more useful and understandable, too.
I really don't see how a newsgroup can effectively
represent the list as well as a web site can, maybe I'm
missing something here. I'm assuming you've been to Just yesterday I was looking for a file
splitter, found chainsaw on the site. Now if I was looking
we are not talking about no sites, we are talking about to
encourage more sites.
But that's the thing, keeping the "full list of accurate PL
results in here, so people can find it and search for it
and report it" is not really practical in a newsgroup. I
personally prefer to have it represented on a web site.
IMO, we can have a list for us here (not for ordinary
searching, but for an official record), and other sites as our
channel, we should *encourage* more site to report the results
and activities from here, in order to promote freeware.
Anyone trying to claim their site as "official" in order to
make another look "inferier", no offence, it could
potientially be indecent and be used as "power-play" (and it
is not even far to force participants to "voted" for one over
Again, if you do not, then you are certainly free to search
ACF to your hearts content. I personally do not prefer this
No, we are talking about MORE alternatives.
Pricelessware is voted on one per year AFAIK,
and is modified once per year, excepting cercimstances
where malware or bugs are discovered, or the developer
wishes otherwise, so if you're not present for the voting,
then you've already missed the boat. You do not have to be
here regularily to benefit from the process. We are not to
It is a poll, an opinion poll. And it is not life of death if
one missed it either.
True. But the list represents the opinions of those that do
vote, and it therefore should be represented somewhere in
an accurate, unmodified form. The site should be "run" by
all of us. Susan should not speak for the group, rather she
is the tool that should be responsibly used by the
collective group, as it is, to visualize our wishes.
But more than one persons more than one sites can do this even
better, as long as they can work together. Forcing us to vote
mean to force us to conceptually agree that one is more
"legitimate" than the other, how would that be far? We have
an open group here. Anyone should a equal legitimate to
contribute and participate.
It is
true that there are many who visit infrequently, but do
contribute, although they never vote.
If you feel the voting
process is too exclusive, then I suggest you offer a
maintainable alternative. Personally I feel that more than
one list variant per year would be mayhem, but that's just
No, I don't think the "voting process" is exclusive in the
same sense you say. You vote for what is good software, that
is an opinion poll more precisely. That is no problem to make
the result as an recomendation to the public. But to vote for
who got to be the "official site" or who can *move* a site by
simply assuming that there can *always* be just one official
site dispite others who also want to contribute is not
construtive and productive in this situation.
R.L., perhaps you could better explain how hundreds /
thounsands of software programs could be categorized, and
represent complete with download links and homepage links
in a purely text forum like this,
There are of course more knowledgable people whoc an make
suggestion on this. But one way to do (I think we had) is to
have just a simple list and a link "as is", one category per
post (but again this is NOT for the general user, it is for
those who want to host the PL list to have the information.
In addition, people who host the PL list should also be
encourged to give out user-friendly format to other potiential
web-sites hoster (Garrett said he would provide downloadable
text files, I hope he'd really do that).
I just don't see it. I'd
also love to hear alternatives to the voting process
currently employed to compile the list. Your mission,
should you choose to accept it, is to lay out, for those of
us who don't get it, your vision of what the list should
be, and how it should be represented for everyone to use.
Again, I think you misunderstood me. I am all for user-
friendly websites. That is my point, the more the merrier.
Just like you have different version of linux. Every website
has their own design, their own color, their own way to report
Pricelessware list. Wouldn't that be fun? If they want,
Susan can have a relative "plain" list of some kind and Garret
can have a searchable site or vice ver sa or they both can
have differnt features and service in their sites. What's
wrong with that? Why do we have to insist one is more
"official" than the other?
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