Hi RL,
We did vote on *moving* the Pricelessware List.
I would like to move the Pricelessware List to a new
The Pricelessware List has been hosted on other sites in
the past (IIRC the last move was about two years ago).
I understand this, Susan, and I also understand your concern.
But my point is, yes one can *move* the existing files that
have the Pricelessware List on them (and it was very nice of
you to ask because those files are indeed, primarily your
creations, with your designs, your thoughts, your efforts, and
your personal touches). Yet, who has the right to say that it
is "official" and represent all of us? In addition, one
cannot *move* the list per se because the list come out from
this group and here is its true home. The website is just its
channel. The more websites the better if one truely love
If one want the/a site to represent him/her as a member here,
one is free to do so and think of it so. And you also can
have a *poll* (not really "vote", though) to see how many
people would perfer to think of it as an official site, but it
doesn't mean that people won't or can't change their mind, and
it also doesn't mean that those who do not agree with the poll
result need to be restricted by it at all.
In fact, more precisely speaking, a lot of so call "votes" in
the groups are "polls". Someone has an idea (or have
something to contribute), that person has perfect right and
power to do something even without asking, but are nice enough
to be devoted to this group and conduct a "poll" and ask for
opinions. And this is an extremely nice spirit. However,
this is *far* from a binding voting process. Firstly, we are
not a real collective as a "voting process" would truely
imply. Second, everyone who come in with different identities
could vote. Granted, the whole thing is all in good faith.
But at the very least, that particular voting about *moving*
did not have a "call and discussion for the validity of the
motion" did not have "a discussion period", did not have a
pre-announced open and close date, people who were asked to
voted were not *really* given enough details as to what was
going on, either. Many questions were still hanging there
even after the vote was so called "closed". How could this be
far to *every* member even if one think it could be called a
Of course, as I said it is all in good faith, but it is indeed
truely an "opinion poll". And the opinion at that time was
that there were no objection to have the current list be
hosted in a place so that you would find it to be easy to work
with. In addition, some voters might perhaps think that they
are having little choices (no one seem to want to do it) and
you have been so lovely in doing it and why not make things
easier for you. And indeed this can easily be achieved even
you have not conducted that poll (if you want opinions, can
just by by asking and proper discussions).
Whatever the result of that poll was, we might agree/disagree
to have that particlar list (I mean the files) to be put in a
different site, but no one did disagree for it to continue to
exist on Genna's site either (and in fact, it sounds like many
would love that, too). And no one can say that which one is
an "official site", either. The bottomline is, given the
current situation, do we even *need* an official site? I
think it will only make matter worst.
The vote ended June 28. 37 votes in favor of a move, 14
Garrett's first post to ACF this year was on June 23.
Garrett could have offered his services as webmaster of the
pricelessware.org site then or any time in the next several
days while voting on the proposed move was still open.
What's wrong with him offering now? It should have no
conflicts or whatever with what you are doing. In fact,
anyone are encourged to offering help to this group ANYTIME.
This is the spirit of freeware, being open, non-exclusive,
don't you think so? You offered to help two years ago and you
did a great job for two years. Not to mention he is just
offer *additional* help.
Today - without warning, without any discussion in the
newsgroup an announcement is made that the
pricelessware.org site "endures".
Susan, having being here long enough, you know that some
members in this group sometimes post with negative tones just
out of fustration, using not the best choice of words (and I
am sure everyone does that from time to time). So please
don't be too upset with that. Sometimes, they are who they
are and that is in a way what bring favor to this group; and
you grow to love that after you have been here for long
enough, right?
Doesn't look much like democracy in action to me. . .
Yes, democracy is important, but sometimes it is not

Susan, I am really eagar to see both you and
Garrett's new sites; and also to see the good old nice Susan
come back. Don't let all this get into you, please ?
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